Sunday Ways To Treat Yourself

Hi my friends,

Thanks for all the love and messages from last week! It’s been rainy and cold in Sydney, and it feels so strangely wintery. I’m ready for swimming season, summer dresses and relaxing into Christmas, but the weather is definitely not co-operating.

But last night we had dinner with friends, and their house was so lovely and inviting. I’m a big believer in having people over, and here’s why. I love the day of a dinner party — the early morning clean that makes me appreciate the home we have, the choosing of a menu that I hope people will love, making the dessert, and my favourite part: setting the table, putting out the ‘good china’ and too many tea lights, using the crystal, making everything beautiful.

Of course nobody cares how clean the floor is, or whether our homes are lovely. It’s about being invited in. And last night reminded me of another truth. I believe this one with my whole heart.

Last night, the lesson was to be more fun.

I have been so bogged down and busy with the demands of my new job that I haven’t even remembered who I am or why I’m here.

But being in my friend’s home truly reminded me of FUN. Because she’s a person who embodies joy and celebration and interest and curiousity.

She’s unafraid to reinvent herself. Last night, I watched her shine and I listened to her speak. She was a lesson for me.

Every person is a lesson just for you.

The fabulous lesson. The frustrating lesson. The ‘I Wish I Didn’t Have to Learn This’ lesson. The lesson that says, “Oh, I want more of what she embodies.”

I love this about life: I love the learning.

And on we go—whether we intend to or not—inspiring each other along this path, until we walk each other home.

I hope you have a beautiful day!

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

  • This shirt is a great basic. Flowy and easy and perfect for work. (Sorry, the photo is not that great, but go try it on and see what you think.)

  • Want to walk a million miles in a pair of heels? Try these classic ones. Seriously, you can stand and walk for 10 hours, no problems.Also perfect for outdoor events if you’re on grass.

  • Christmas is coming — I’ve been listening the new Stella Cole album called SNOW!

  • One of my favourite poems of all time. Oh, the last line! Do you remember this one? America is many things right now, but she has also always been her poets. Published in 1923. Still gives us a shivers of recognition a hundred years later.

  • My friend’s lemon ricotta cake from last night’s dinner party. Yum!

We Are Not Invisible Women

Hello, my friends from around the world. This morning, I wish all of us were in my kitchen together (but we wouldn’t fit, we’d need a huge hall!) I have something to say to you, to my own brain, and it’s this.

We’re growing older, and we are not invisible women.

All the parts of ourselves that are changing are not meant to be criticised and judged.

The arms.

The neck.

The tummy.

We’re not meat packages laid side by side in a grocery store for comment and choosing. I like this bit. This one looks too fatty. Yes to her. No to me.

And we are not invisible.

Our arms are made for holding. Our older teeth and mouth wrinkles are for laughing. Our throats are there to swallow down the disappointments of life and then buck up to help the people we’ve been given to love.

You know this. I know this.

We are not invisible. Not to ourselves, and not to our friends. Certainly not to the people we love.

I am tired of society telling older women we don’t matter, and that we have to look young to look good. I’m tired of women our age who swallow and believe the lie.

I don’t want to pick myself apart, piece by piece. (I don’t want you to do that, either.) I want us to love, fully and deeply, and matter and work and create and build and hope and hold tight to the sails while our people learn to whoosh across oceans…and grow older and wiser themselves.

So today, please take a moment to appreciate you.

  • What have you learned? That everything is survivable.

  • What have you done? Tried — no matter the obstacle.

  • What will you do now? Love and love and love.

People are starting to ask me what my new book is about. And it’s about this: a woman who is sick and tired of people acting like she’s invisible. So she stands up and fights back with humour and joy and love…and baking.

Hugs to all of you, all over the world. Australia. Canada. Sweden. Germany. England, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Mexico, Taiwan, Singapore, Portugal, Japan, Barbados, India, Italy, the Channel Islands and America. This is what’s coming for you in 2025 (in some places, via Kindle only). The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe. And I hope you love it. But even if people don’t, I love it. And I’ve worked so hard to bring it into the world.

And on I go, like you do.

Growing older, falling down and standing again.

Because we are not invisible.

Love, Catherine xx

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

  • Do you see the size of this proofread? My Reading Team has been helping me fill out a survey so I understand where and how you buy books. Thank you to my beautiful team!

  • These slides are the best. You know how slides always flop around and slap the back of your feet, even Nike and Adidas ones? These don’t. So good! And you’re getting them half off. Run! Great for Aussie Christmas gifts for the girlsssssss. M=size 8/9 and S=6-7

  • This amazing Aussie female athlete is my son’s girlfriend. She’s an Aussie-Mexican boxer (and Dental Assistant) and is trying to build her Instagram audience to gain sponsorship for her sport. Can you help with a follow? She’s asked for my help, so I’m asking for yours. Thank you!

  • This spot in downtown Sydney is the most beautiful. Take a peek!

  • If my message today has resonated with you, please share this newsletter with a woman who needs to hear it. Thank you. I appreciate you.

Easy Tips for Quick Entertaining!

Hi my friends. I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend!

We’re in the middle of jackhammering — literally — while a couple of builders are replacing pool tiles this morning, so I will make this short and sweet. (And send apologies to our neighbours…so gracious when I texted them with a heads up about today! Thank you!)

After making an impromptu breakfast for six, I thought it would be fun to talk about my quick and easy entertaining tips.

I love welcoming people into our home, and the trick is to keep it easy. Here are my top tips:

  • Always keep a few staples on hand in the freezer or pantry. My list includes:

    • Cannellini beans, a jar of sundried tomatoes, frozen spinach — for this quick dish for lunch. Recipe is linked for you below.

    • These croissants (again, linked below) — you will be so grateful I told you about them and the link is below. The pain au chocolat are also incredible.

    • Hummus and carrots, for an easy snack or roasted and displayed beautifully as a side for dinner.

    • Nuts - I love the mixed nuts from Aldi in the green foil package.

  • Cut greenery from the back garden. Sometimes I use rosemary and often the leaves from a camellia bush. In Australia we’re lucky that there’s always something blooming if you search around. But bare branches are also beautiful. See below.

  • Quick clean — for me, this is guest bathroom, vacuum the kitchen and set the table.

  • A tablecloth and napkins always makes your home look special.

  • Light some candles, even in the daytime. I love it when our home smells inviting.

That’s it. People care far, far more about us than about our homes anyway. It’s never about how perfect things look, or what you’re serving. It’s about inviting people in with an open heart.

Even if you are stressed and tired and it would feel easier to cancel altogether or go to a cafe, it’s lovely to BE the love you need in the world.

While the jackhammering carries on here, I’m going to hop off and tidy a few things. Thanks for joining me this morning, and I hope you have a beautiful Sunday.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

A Pause is Also Rest

Hello, friends. Are you ready for some Sunday inspiration? I’m here with a beautiful sunset photo of Luna Park in Sydney…you can read about the history below. I don’t know about you, but when I need a little rest, I try to look at my surroundings with fresh eyes.

A pause is also a rest.

A pause and noticing lets me fall in love with my life again.

I used to believe that it took a holiday or a new experience to let go and relax, but now I know all it takes is noticing what’s right in front of me.

I breathe in and look for something beautiful.

Sometimes I capture it with my phone, and other times I don’t. But it gives me peace and a feeling of wellbeing to know that wherever I am, I can seek out and find something worth looking at and appreciating.

It’s such a simple trick, but I hope you try it. Even now, look out and up—what’s around you that is beautiful?

A pause is also rest.

I hope you have a relaxing Sunday. I’m off to play pit crew for my family…they’re in the Tough Mudder today, which is a race that will have them all covered with mud and water and obstacles and hard, hard, hard. I’ll be the one with the bag of towels and hoodies at the finish line. ♥️

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

Things lately

Hello, beautiful!

(And yes, you are. How do I know? You’re a woman, which means that today you’ve already helped someone, listened even if you were busy or tired, probably made at least one meal, tidied up some area of your home, and took the time to make someone else feel like everything is going to be okay.)

That, my friend, is being beautiful.

Your effort is beautiful. So is your intention, and how you love all the people you’ve been given to love.

Lately I’ve been learning so much, and thinking quite a lot about the next twelve months. For me, here’s what’s on the list:

  • I’m settling in to a new full time job that I absolutely love. (Did you know I’m a copywriter like the author who wrote Lessons in Chemistry? Yep!)

  • Be present for our young adult sons while they finish uni, get launched into careers, and make their way into the adult world of relationships, careers, uni debts and setting themselves up for the future.

  • Launch The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe into the world in March 2025. If you’re on the Reading Team you know — there are a few key decisions coming up, and you’ve been SO HELPFUL.

If you were here, I’d make you a coffee or a tea and listen to your list.

There’s a lot to do, right? People to love, things to get done. And on top of it, the worries can easily creep in.

I saw something this week that really helped me, so I’ll drop it in here in case it helps you.

It’s so much better to spend all that energy and brain power thinking about the solution to the problem.

But how?

I ask myself questions like this:

  • Where do I want this situation to land?

  • How can I take one step forward?

  • What would an ideal future look like?

For me, that’s the best place to begin.

Happy Sunday, everyone. I hope you have a beautiful, future-focused and worry-free day.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

  • I’m making strawberry shortcake for Sunday dessert. Will share the recipe with you next week!

  • Perfect dupe for the DISSH dress, and it’s $25.

  • Salsa class…we walked up to one in our neighborhood. We’ve been too busy to dance lately but this was easy. I just love the sparkly shoes!

  • My son is coming home from the army today! He’s playing cello in a classical concert next weekend. If you’d like to meet up, you can get tickets here. It’s a charity concert — if you can’t attend, the link offers a spot to donate to Too Good Co, a women’s domestic violence charity. 🩷

Good morning, sunshine!

Happy Sunday, everyone. It’s a chilly day in Sydney, Australia, and I’m writing to you from the living room where furniture is stacked everywhere. I painted another room yesterday and promptly caught whatever bug my youngest son had…so I’m a bit tired and feeling unwell.

But. But! I wanted to take a sec to share my blueberry muffins with you.

These are the best. And you know what — you can also make them as a morning tea cake! This recipe will be in my new novel, THE BITTERSWEET BAKERY CAFE, coming in March 2025.

Yes — recipes! All my favourite baking recipes will be in the book. I can’t wait.

This one comes together so quickly, but it tastes divine. (Emergency tip: I always keep a package of frozen blueberries on hand, and the ones from Aldi are the absolute best.) You can whip up these muffins and bake in under 30 minutes.

Let’s go!

‘Billie’s Blueberry Muffins from The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe


  • 195 grams (1 1⁄2 cups) plain flour, spooned and levelled

  • 150 grams (3⁄4 cup) sugar, plus more for muffin tops

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

  • 1⁄4 teaspoon seal salt

  • 80ml (1⁄3 cup) vegetable oil

  • 1 large egg

  • 80ml (1⁄3 cup) milk

  • 1 1⁄2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • Generous 1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C / 350F fan forced

  2. Line muffin cups with paper lines. You will need around 10.

  3. Whisk the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in a bowl.

  4. Choose a glass measuring jug that holds more than one cup.

  5. Add the oil, then crack in the egg, and pour in enough milk to reach the 1 cup line on the jug. And the vanilla extract and whisk together.

  6. Add the wet ingredients into the bowl with the dry, and stir until the batter comes together. It will be thick. Try not to overmix.

  7. Gently fold in the blueberries.

  8. Divide the batter between the muffin cups. Sprinkle the tops with additional sugar.

  9. Depending on your oven, bake for around 15 minutes.

My favourite way to make this recipe is as a morning tea cake when a friend comes over. Pour the batter into a lined cake tin (20cm round, or a small rectangular tin) and bake.

Let me know if you decide to give this one a try.

Sending you best wishes for a fabulous, relaxing Sunday!

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

Hey, hello Sunday!

Hey, hello my friends! Happy Sunday. To all the new people, a special welcome: I’m Catherine Greer, author of books, mum of a shih tzu puppy and two young adult sons, Canadian living in Sydney, full time copywriter in the corporate world…and lover of baking!

Every Sunday I get up super early (before my family) and sit in my favourite chair with my favourite pink coffee mug and write to you guys.

I love this!

I love it so much!

I’m good at being reliable, and I love this newsletter where I get to send out a positive message to so many women around the world. I imagine all of you pausing at some time during your weekend, knowing that you’re going to get a little hit of good news or encouragement when you hear from me.

For the new people, here’s an example. I heard a phrase this week that was so helpful. When we need to ask someone for help, either in work or in our personal lives, an interesting, easy way to do it is this:

What’s the chance that you could…walk the dog? Throw on a load of laundry? Make dinner tonight? Read my report before tomorrow? Such a beautiful way to ask! These are the little things I learn that I love to share with you every week. 🩷

But here’s the thing. Now I need YOUR help…because I’m struggling with social media. Let me tell you why. I have a new book coming out in March 2025. Look! The pages have now been typeset and I am SO EXCITED.

Gulp! I’ve been asked to “build my social media following.” You guys…I’m an ordinary person and I don’t know how interesting my life is!

I want to share what’s valuable for other women. And I don’t want to jump up and down and pretend that I’m a big deal.

So here’s my ask:

  1. If you have ANY tips for me (some of you are amazing at social media), please let me know.

  2. What’s the chance that you could…follow me on Instagram? 😉 Thank you!

  3. Either now or if you have a favourite Sunday message, could you please share / forward this newsletter to a friend or sister who might like it?

Thank you so much for your advice!

I appreciate you helping me…and I am so glad we’re here, in this life together, figuring out how to enjoy it despite the ups and downs.

Love Catherine

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

Want to be on my Reading Team? 🧁🩷

Hey, hello! And happy Sunday! I’m dropping in this morning with a quick update. How are you doing? And if no one has asked you yet today, how are you really?

I’m gearing up to get painting again. Not the fun kind, the home improvement kind! And I’m nearing the final copyedits on THE BITTERSWEET BAKERY CAFE. Yay! I make myself laugh every time I read it, but also if I’m honest, I am SO HOPING all of you will love this one as much as I do.

The book opens here—at the Sydney Opera House at dawn.

Publication date is 4 March 2025. You can expect laughs and fun and recipes, too…and a smart and sassy story set in Sydney, Australia and the South Coast of New South Wales. 🩷

Here’s an invitation for you all

So here it is: a beautiful invitation for those of you who are interested…soon I’ll be setting up my Reading Team, and I’d love to invite you to join.

What is a Reading Team?

  • Amazing people who are interested in receiving a package of goodies related to an author’s book, including an ARC (an Advance Reader Copy).

What do people on your Reading Team do?

As part of a Reading Team, you’ll do three things.

  1. Read the book early — that means before launch date on 4 March.

  2. Write a review — easiest place is Amazon and I can help with the tech, if this feels tricky for you.

  3. Post a photo on social media — and / OR tell your friends about the book, or gift a copy to a friend. (I know that not all of you are on social media, and that’s totally okay.)

That’s it. You can be from any country at all, but note the packages will differ a little bit because I’m not sure yet about the budget and postage.

Are you interested?

Email me here if you’d like to be on my Reading Team! There’s no commitment at this point, but I’d like to cap my Reading Team at around 25 spots.

Happy Sunday, everyone. And here’s a big huge hug and thanks for your ongoing support.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

Hey, sparkly person!

Hello and happy Sunday! How has your week been? And how are you really?

I AM BUSY. Things are mostly okay, but I can feel my habits sliding into ‘not great’ territory and I have a lot to do. This weekend while waiting for the final copyedit on my new book, THE BITTERSWEET BAKERY CAFE, I finished painting the trim in the kitchen.

Painting trim was a big, exhausting job but it looks fantastic. (And embarrassingly, it has taken me months to get the trim painted, even though I’d painted the kitchen Dulux Classic White months ago.) That’s the way things have been rolling around here. But two days later, the trim is done, and today’s my day to delve back into THE BITTERSWEET BAKERY CAFE.

I mean, come on, look at this beauty!

Writing a book is a lot like raising a child. Work, work, work, fun, pure joy, work, work, work, disappointment, more work, insecurity, fun, laughing at yourself by yourself because the dream world in your head is now real on the page in human form, work, work, work.

Can you see why a positive book review from a reader makes us feel so good and sparkly?

A book we read in six hours is years of a writer’s life.

It’s an absolute privilege and joy to be able to do this. And I promised myself a long time ago that if I ever got the chance to be an author — I think I was around eight years old on the farm, and I’d read a Byron poem in a book at my great Aunt’s home — that I would take care of my writing. (It didn’t have to take care of me. It wouldn’t have to owe me anything.)

I’ve kept that promise for fifty years.

That’s the kind of dream writers hand to the world when we raise up a book, and put it out there.

So today, I’m back at my desk in my comfiest jeans and sparkly shoes. And I would highly recommend this to you: I wear something sparkly when there’s a metaphorical hill to climb. Besides, I can sit at my desk and I’m not walking anywhere, right?

Maybe it’s something you want to try?

We can put on the good earrings, the shiny ones. Wear the sparkly shoes at Sunday dinner. Use the nice napkins, spray on the perfume.

It’s a beautiful day to be alive, right? Right.

Wish you were here today for Sunday dinner because I’m making Chocolate Dipped Strawberries. Recipe below!

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

How to love our age

Hi friends, current and new. I’m Catherine Greer, author and copywriter, and I’m up early with a coffee writing to you before anyone else gets out of bed—including the dog. I feel like I’m having a mini-holiday and I’m trying to be extra quiet so I glean a few peaceful minutes alone. (I love my own company. Do you?)

I’ve been working on my new novel, and copyedits are due this week. In THE BITTERSWEET BAKERY CAFE, the main character grapples with the fallout from her own ageing. It’s a funny book, but also true. And yesterday I was writing about why the world expects that we’ll wither away in the second half of our lives.

We’re no longer young and beautiful. We’re experienced and beautiful.

Some things are harder, but a whole lot of things are actually easier. Things like this:

  • Knowing what really matters to us.

  • Being patient.

  • Understanding how and when to forgive — especially when to forgive ourselves.

Growing older makes me think of the past. It is far too easy to mull over our mistakes. And then I realised this.

Whatever we did or failed to do, whatever happened then, and how it happened…it might as well have been 800 years ago.

We can’t go back.

We can’t choose differently.

So why not just let it go? Let it drift down like a piece of white paper we’ve dropped from our hand…because that was then, and this is now.

We grow older. We grow smarter, too. And through it all we balance the hopes and disappointments that come with a life fully lived.

This is loving our age, right? Loving the fact that we’ve lived and are living—that we have today, and now, and the opportunity to enjoy what life is offering us: fresh air, fresh chances.

We can let things go, and move on.

I hope you have the most beautiful Sunday, filled with tiny moments of appreciation, love from unexpected places, and a whole day of rest and peace.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

  • Happy Father’s Day in Australia! This guy’s the best.

  • School’s starting back in North America—and have you seen this beautiful idea? Wow.

  • Reporting back on Moo Goo from last week. I tried and love the face moisturiser. My favourite products are the face cleanser and body cream. Has anyone tried the hair care?

  • I made these blueberry muffins for my son’s early morning drive to the snow for his snowboarding trip and they were so good.

  • Driving back from the beach last week, I found this 70s Road Trip playlist that I loved. I was young in the 70s, but I had so many older siblings so I remember all the music. What about this one? Time to kitchen dance…

Have you overlooked this? I have...

Hi friends, and hello to all the new people this week! (Hi Zoe, who I met on the beach yesterday. I loved your vibe!) If you’re new, I’m Catherine Greer, mum of two adult sons, lover of wild shih tzu pups, believer in starting now and never missing a chance to dance in your own kitchen. I’m also a writer of books and a compulsive baker!

Today I want to talk about something simple that most people overlook. This isn’t deep, but it’s important so hang with me, please. Are you ready?

It’s your own legs and feet. I know — not so inspiring. But there’s this:

Our feet and legs carry everything.

They literally carry us through our lives…but let’s be honest: it’s so easy to ignore them or criticise. So today, from me to you as a friend, will you take a second to consider yours?

If we’re walking, we’re so, so lucky. If we can get outside…lucky. If we’re pain-free when we do this—lucky. And on the most basic level, if we have functioning legs and feet at all…lucky. (I’m thinking of paralympians, diabetics, veterans, wheelchair users.)

I know this is basic, but you all know me by now…and if you’re here, you believe that it matters to notice the simple, beautiful things in life.

So today…take just one minute to think about trying a few things:

  1. Lotion up. My absolute new favourite is below. You’re gonna LOVE IT.

  2. Foot stretches. Yep, it’s a thing and if we’re over 35, we should be doing this.

  3. Calf raises, standing or seated. (GREAT to do at work…did you know there’s research out now that you can reduce a glucose spike after eating if you do ten minutes of simple calf raises while seated?)

That’s all. Three simple tips to take better care of you. Are you with me? We can start right now.

I hope something unexpected and lovely happens to you today.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

Heartbreak Hotel

Hi friends, and hello to the new people this week! I’m Catherine Greer, writer of books, lover of little dogs, mama to grown sons, compulsive baker of Sunday desserts. You’re so welcome here every Sunday in my little corner of the internet garden. I do my best to give you something encouraging and upbeat every week.

But today I want to talk about heartbreak.

You know—all the stuff that drags below the water in our iceberg lives.

If we were in a room together (okay, a huge hall), and we stood up one by one telling our truth, our hearts would be so full of grace and understanding for each other. All the things we never say, the thoughts that give us sharp pains, the secret worries, the wonderings. Can you imagine what that would feel like?

I know it’s the oldest cliche around, but it bears repeating.

Every one of us.

When I wrote Small Steps are Perfect, I said it another way: “Nobody rides for free.”

My week has been a little hard. I’ve been working long hours, and I’m incredibly lucky and grateful to say that my copyedit is almost due on my upcoming novel, The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe. (The title of that book was almost WHEN EVERYTHING IS BITTERSWEET — because everything always is, right?) And yesterday, during edits, my beloved very old, well worn laptop had the neverending beachball pop up and I had a stone in my stomach because gahhhhhhh and I knew it was time to get a new computer. Later that day, I had an upsetting conversation, then another one, and all the while my worries about everything lapped against my ankles like winter ocean waves.

Be kind, Catherine—everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.

So what do we do with our heartbreak? (Asking for a friend…ha.)

I think it’s this:

  • Long walks in nature. Look up at anything that is older than you—the sky, the stars, a tree, rocks or hills.

  • Breathe. Out with worry, in with peace.

  • Love whatever is in front of us. Love the work. The person in the coffee queue. The dog that needs walking. The grubby fridge. The bed you’ve got and the new morning that comes with 24 hours of fresh chances to give life another go.

If you’re in a space of pain or sorrow today, I am so sorry that you’re there…and you really aren’t alone. We all carry our burdens like stones in our hearts.

But let’s keep going.

Let’s dust off, and continue to shine.

I’m hoping that something amazing, unexpected and beautiful happens to you today. And if nobody’s said it to you, Thank you for keeping on keeping on.

Love Catherine x

P. S. The Fun Stuff!

  • In Aussie movie theatres, we have choc tops. I’ve lived here for 26 years, so I don’t know if North American theatres also serve ice cream now? We went to see Iris and the Men…a French film, so it was racy and funny and I’m not gonna link to the trailer because not sure how that will land. So French! On now at Roseville Cinema if you live in Sydney ❤️.

  • I need an eyeshadow tutorial for beginners. I’m so bad at it!

  • This looks so yum. And healthy!

  • I finally bought the viral wide leg trousers from Uniqlo and they’re as good as everyone says. On sale in Sydney now. (I know the photos are kind of average, but the trousers are fantastic.)

  • Elvis, of course. But the best song I know about heartbreak is by Fleetwood Mac.

I Received Some Great Advice This Week

Hi everyone. I had a quick trip down to Melbourne again this week, and I took this photo of a rower on the Yarra River.

Doesn’t it look like a Monet painting?

So beautiful!

While I was there, I received some great advice and I’m excited to share it with you. Here’s the context: life has been a little busy for me lately. You know what this is like, right? Too much to do and too little time, and loads and loads of meetings.

As I was floundering around trying to figure out where to begin, a friend said this:

So simple, right?

To much to do? Feeling overwhelmed and unable to figure out a plan?

Just start by starting, CATHERINE!!!

So here’s what I’m diving into this weekend.

  • Copy edits on my new novel, The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe! Coming to you in March 2025.

  • Finding concrete pavers for some outside renovations that we have to do.

  • Family Dinner tonight, with a delicious dessert. I’m thinking of Sticky Date pudding.

  • And all the things: bathrooms need cleaning, there’s shopping to do, I need to organise my work clothes…

Whew! I don’t know about you, but I’m going to just start by STARTING.

Sending you good vibes for tackling some of the items on your never-ending To Do List. (And asking you as a friend…How are you, really? Hope all is well.)

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

  • Love classical music? My son’s charity concert with Seraphim Strings is on Friday 11 October from 6:30pm at Trackdown Studios in Moore Park, Sydney. All proceeds will be donated to TOO GOOD, a women’s shelter and charity. Are you in America or the UK or Canada? Would you like to make a donation to the concert but can’t attend? You can buy tickets or donate here. Thank you, thank you.

  • I’m finally reading Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites. Reminds me so much of Atwood’s Alias Grace, and I’m loving reading about Iceland. (Note: it’s literary fiction, beautifully nuanced and themes are upsetting. But worth it!)

  • Dancing around my kitchen to this. So fun.

  • Making Sticky Date Pudding for dessert. Yum.

A Curious Thing Happened.

Hello, my friends. Thank you for letting me share your weekend! I love to drop by with a little bit of joy, and a reminder that we get a whole day in front of us. We’re the oldest and smartest we’ve ever been! We’re the youngest we’re ever going to be again!

It’s a lovely day to have a lovely day, in the words of Ella Fitzgerald…

I had a beautiful getaway last weekend filled with chilly air, delicious food, the laughter of women who have been through a lot and have survived it, a chance to dress up, a fireplace, warm matching slippers and love.

While I was away, a curious thing happened. Our beautiful hostess made some pre-dinner drinks, and when she did, she whipped out these icecubes she’d made for us in advance. Can you see them in the photo?


How fun is that? She could’ve done the usual—ice from the tray or even from her fridge dispenser—but she thought of us in advance and froze ice in the laughter-inducing ice cube trays.

She reminded me of something I’ve written about before, but it’s been a while.

It is so easy to forget about BEING fun.

It’s the first thing that drops off our radar as soon as stress hits, but it’s exactly what we need. I believe that pretty much anything can be done with love—and pretty much anything can be done with fun.

Maybe give that a whirl today and see how you feel?

Add a dollop of fun to your Sunday wherever you can. It’s the best way I know to be magnetic and loving to others.

Thinking of you this morning, and I’m hoping you have a beautiful day.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

Moonlight, Starlight

Hello, my friends! Giving you a quick wave from my back garden at twilight—and if you’ve read The 10 Minute Fix, you’ll know that’s my favourite time of day. This week I’m saying hello to lots of new people, so that’s why you’re getting a photo of me. Here I am, tired in Sydney.

In case no one has asked you today, how are you? (How are you really?)

Can you tell that I’m wiped out, and ready for some good times? Luckily, I’m heading away for a girls’ weekend and I can’t wait. I’ve scheduled this newsletter for you so you’ll receive it while I’m gone.

It feels like the perfect time to talk about rest.

  • Earlier bedtimes.

  • A routine if you tend to wake up in the middle of the night. (Hello, any 3am people out there? Come over for tea and cake…I’m up.)

  • A willingness to stop and let things be.

I’m talking to myself here, but maybe also to you. If you need a rest, please take one. If you have people around you who will help, ask them. Resting is about ourselves but it’s also about the people who love us.

Even if I don’t know you in person, I am absolutely certain that this is true: it’s critical to take a break when it’s time.

We need you here, shining.

We need you here, feeling good and being free.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

How Beautiful is Melbourne?

Hello, friends (and hi to all the new people this week)! I’m Catherine Greer, author and copywriter, lover of hot coffee in the morning, books that make me laugh, and long in-person chats with girlfriends…especially when the chats involve cake.

This week I travelled to Melbourne for work, and it’s a beautiful city. Cold in the winter—for us in Australia, cold is somewhere around 5-10 degrees C—but oh, so lovely.

The cafes!

The hot coffee!

The bookshops!

The people!

My trip made me think of a superpower we can all have, no matter where we live or what we do. We can choose to love things.

It’s true: I like to love things. It makes me so much happier than criticising something.

And the best news? We can choose to like most things.

  • Business trips that start at 4am and finish at 9pm two days later? I can choose to love Melbourne.

  • A sink full of dishes that somebody left in the kitchen? I can choose to love that I have a kitchen, hot running water, time to wash up (and the ability to stand and wash up).

  • Exercise that needs to be done? I can choose to love that I’m well enough to have exercise on my To Do List.

I was up and heading to the airport at 4:45am this week. And you know what I kept telling myself? I LOVE AIRPORTS. PEOPLE ARE SO EXCITED AT AIRPORTS. I decided to choose to love it.

Yes, I know it’s all a bit irritating….and I’m not telling anyone to just smileeeeeee and get on with it when things are truly terrible. But I do find that criticising always makes me feel worse. Loving things makes me feel better. And choosing to love something? That’s a superpower all of us have.

Enjoy your Sunday. I hope you can give this idea a whirl today and see how it goes for you.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

Solo Joy

Hello, friends. And hello if you’re new this week!

A beautiful reader sent me an email last week that gently suggested, “Recommendations on how to have joy solo would be appreciated.” Sarah, you’re absolutely right — and this one is for you.

Solo joy. It’s so possible.

Here’s how I would approach it.

  1. Learn what is fun for you. Hint: it’s not necessarily the same as what other people find fun. We need to think about finding our flow: what lights us up? What makes us lose track of time? For me, that’s writing and revising books. It’s baking cakes. Doing a puzzle. (It’s not going to new restaurants or travelling…but that might be fun for you.)

  2. Plan a joyful treat for yourself just so that you can look forward to it. Spend some time in pleasant anticipation, and set the scene beautifully for what you want to do. If you love to cook and enjoy a special meal, plan it for a few days from now. Anticipate it, and remind yourself you’ve planned a treat just for you. Choose music you love, set the table the way you like it, light the candles, cook (comfort food or something new or takeaway). Savour it. The planning and anticipation make it special.

  3. Be where your feet are. Feel the experience and appreciate it. Talk out loud if you’re at home. Speak words of encouragement and joy over your own life. Say what you love about the experience you’ve created for yourself with so much care. (“I love this! I love treating myself to a brand new novel and a hot cup of tea.”)

  4. Revel in the peace of being with yourself. So few people have peace and it’s completely under-rated. Our nervous systems need it: the calm nest we can create, the beautiful music, the deep breaths, the feeling that everything is okay.

  5. Top and tail your day with joy. For me, that’s hot coffee first thing in the morning and reading in bed at night (especially if I heat the bed up first with an electric throw in this chilly Aussie winter!). I love to create tiny sparks of joy for myself: the ritual of finding the next good book in the library or the bookshop, discovering my favourite coffee pod for the little Nespresso machine, using my favourite coffee mug, sitting in my favourite chair.

  6. All of us are solo in our own brains. Take a moment to ask yourself this: how am I talking to myself? Am I encouraging and kind? Do I love my own company? Here’s an important question: are you spending too much time being the mean version of yourself to yourself—Mean Catherine, Mean Juliana, Mean Helen? Or are you kind and grace-filled towards yourself, like you would be to a friend? (I need to work on this!)

It was good to be reminded about our solo friends that join us here every Sunday, so thank you for giving me the loving nudge to write about other ways of living.

It’s fair to say I write most things about my own lived experience, but that doesn’t mean I should forget about the experiences of others. If my life seems happy and full of family and moving parts, it is—but it is also hard and uphill, too. So uphill sometimes! If only you knew! On the internet, we tend to share a tiny sliver of what’s going on, and I like to be encouraging and upbeat. But I know sadness and pain, and so do you, my friends.

Solo: life can be hard. In a family: life can be hard.

My mother likes to tell me the story of everyone wearing a backpack filled with their problems. They’re able to walk into a huge room, lay the backpack down, pick up someone else’s backpack without knowing what’s inside and walk out. Whose backpack would you take? Probably your own.

This is what I know for sure: living solo is a full life. Carrying a family is a full life. All of us have people we’ve been given to love, even if it’s the neighbour next door who adores our carrot cake, commuters on the train, or the stranger who looks like they need a kind word in the fruit and veg market. We’re all connected. We find our joy where we plant it. We do the best we can with what we have in our own two hands.

No matter what you’re currently carrying, I hope today is beautiful for you. I hope you fill yourself to the brim with deliberate joy. I’m thinking of all of us around the world, flying solo and together.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

  • Sitting at my desk writing to you this morning, no makeup, freezing cold. Hiiiiii - it’s perfectly imperfect me.

  • The most beautiful way to do a simple task with love.

  • Aussie friends…I love this cable knit jumper so much. Sharing it again! The beige is even softer than the grey. Sold out in so many stores. A total winner.

  • Twice I saw a lyrebird when I was on a bushwalk one morning. Amazing.

  • You will laugh (especially if you read the caption…). I cried laughing.

Watermelon Sugar

Hello, beautiful friends! Hello, new friends! (You’re receiving this email because you signed up for my weekly newsletter — I’m Catherine Greer, author and BAKER OF SUNDAY DESSERTS).

But now our youngest son is on a journey of bodybuilding while he completes his Bachelor of Science in Sport and Exercise Fitness at uni. His girlfriend is a Latina boxer (always trying to ‘make weight’ for fights) and a Dental Assistant. So, last weekend: no dessert.

And I was so sad!

There is nothing better for me than baking up the love. 🩷

I know it’s not social media beautiful, but I restrained myself and made a quick watermelon cake with what I had on hand. Fresh watermelon and a few navel oranges and mint from the garden.

Was it delicious? Sure. But I’d much rather have had….

I don’t know how you approach your weekends, but I try to make ours a bit of a celebration: a Sunday dinner with the extended family, a tablecloth and lots of candles to light, a special dessert, fun music blasting through the kitchen, a jive on the kitchen dance floor with my husband. Chasing the dog around the house (yep, you’ll see we’ve still got her baby gates up but Evie is one year old now, so time to take them out! Hooray!)

My quick list for bringing joy is this:

  • Turn up the music

  • Set the table with everything you love — the good dishes, the napkins, flowers from your back garden

  • Light the candles (be excessive and generous — more is always better)

  • Make a cake

  • Gather some people you’ve been given to love: good friends or neighbours, family or partners, all ages is even more fun

  • BE the joy yourself

I am so far from perfect. I’ve been tired and stressed, the floor needs to be scrubbed, my watermelon cake last week was ho-hum, some people were in a bad mood BUT we can choose to be the joy in any room, no matter what is going on in our worlds.

We can turn on a dime.

We can set aside the worries.

For just one meal, or one hour, we can appreciate all we have and shine our light for people who need to catch the glow and feel a little happier.

I hope you have a beautiful weekend — and that something surprising and delightful happens to you unexpectedly! You deserve it.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

Come Over for Coffee...

Hi my friends, and hello to all the new faces around here. Wish you could come over for a coffee at my house in wintery Sydney! It’s time for a quick intro and a photo, so all the new people see who’s writing to them.

You’ve signed up for this Sunday newsletter from me, Catherine Greer, Canadian-Australian, author and mother, wife and small dog lover. I let my hair go grey at 49, which was a bit radical at the time. I love shiny stuff (fun rings, pretty dishes, crystal glassware) and I’m so glad YOU are here today.

How has your week been? How are you really?

I’ve been uneven.

That’s to say: my workout and weights routine has gone haywire, I haven’t been as consistent with walking, and I’m feeling a bit like I’m on the downward slide.

When my life gets like this, three crazy things help me. So simple that they’re embarrassing. Are you ready?

  1. I take a sec to do my hair — wash and blow dry.

  2. I make everything smell beautiful (scented candles, perfume, the nice body lotion on my hands, legs and feet).

  3. I get outside in nature (a bushwalk, not the city streets).

And I remind myself of this. Take a breather, Catherine. Consider what really matters. Because as soon as I get stressed, my stress is what flows out of me. I get short with my family. I think too much about myself, my own worries and concerns. I ruminate. I worry until I tire myself out. And then…I speak unkindly to the people who matter most—to the people I’ve been given to love.

Because this is true:

Just for today, I’m going to be full of LOVE.

I have a Sunday to enjoy, and people all around me in this house and suburb and city who could use a little lightheartedness. It’s time to speak some FUN. To speak some joy. To be more encouraging to myself and everyone else.

I’m going to give that a whirl and see where takes me. I hope you have a beautiful Sunday, too.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

  • The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe is coming in March 2025. If you love to read for joy, and if you want a book that makes you feel good and have a laugh and see what it’s like to live in Australia, this one’s for you.

  • Breathtaking! Do you also love white sand beaches?

  • If you can’t sleep, here’s my favourite free meditation. This one works for me! 14 minutes.

  • Love this cute travel outfit.

  • The most wonderful Aussie cookbook. Easy, practical recipes. Everything is good. So worth it!

Life in Sydney Lately...

Hello from beautiful downtown Sydney! It’s been a whirlwind week for me of working in the city, with a little job searching thrown into the mix. Like I mentioned last week, time is always moving on and nothing stays the same forever. I took this snapshot when I was rushing between buildings earlier this week.

Just when I need a rest and I’d love to pack my swimmers for a holiday, Life has a way of telling me to get back into the armour and head into battle. Ooof. Times like this are exhausting.

That’s why I’m loving this gentle Sunday morning. Everyone else is sleeping in, and I’m up with a hot coffee, writing to you.

How are you today? (How are you really?)

I’m in a season where I need to gear up and grow. This spectacular shot of a cockatoo in the city absolutely captures my mood. I need to stand up and stretch my wings into the next version of myself.

So hard.

So rewarding.

Taking the first step into any unknown feels kind of terrible—not gonna lie. But also, there’s an energy that comes with change that makes us all bigger people.

More interesting.

More capable.

(Even if we feel a bit ragged, like a cockatoo pretending to be a peacock - ha!).

If you’re heading in a new direction, too—or even just thinking about it—or if you’re being forced into it, then let me say this: we can do it together, one small step at a time.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!