Uniqlo wide leg pants

Heartbreak Hotel

Hi friends, and hello to the new people this week! I’m Catherine Greer, writer of books, lover of little dogs, mama to grown sons, compulsive baker of Sunday desserts. You’re so welcome here every Sunday in my little corner of the internet garden. I do my best to give you something encouraging and upbeat every week.

But today I want to talk about heartbreak.

You know—all the stuff that drags below the water in our iceberg lives.

If we were in a room together (okay, a huge hall), and we stood up one by one telling our truth, our hearts would be so full of grace and understanding for each other. All the things we never say, the thoughts that give us sharp pains, the secret worries, the wonderings. Can you imagine what that would feel like?

I know it’s the oldest cliche around, but it bears repeating.

Every one of us.

When I wrote Small Steps are Perfect, I said it another way: “Nobody rides for free.”

My week has been a little hard. I’ve been working long hours, and I’m incredibly lucky and grateful to say that my copyedit is almost due on my upcoming novel, The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe. (The title of that book was almost WHEN EVERYTHING IS BITTERSWEET — because everything always is, right?) And yesterday, during edits, my beloved very old, well worn laptop had the neverending beachball pop up and I had a stone in my stomach because gahhhhhhh and I knew it was time to get a new computer. Later that day, I had an upsetting conversation, then another one, and all the while my worries about everything lapped against my ankles like winter ocean waves.

Be kind, Catherine—everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.

So what do we do with our heartbreak? (Asking for a friend…ha.)

I think it’s this:

  • Long walks in nature. Look up at anything that is older than you—the sky, the stars, a tree, rocks or hills.

  • Breathe. Out with worry, in with peace.

  • Love whatever is in front of us. Love the work. The person in the coffee queue. The dog that needs walking. The grubby fridge. The bed you’ve got and the new morning that comes with 24 hours of fresh chances to give life another go.

If you’re in a space of pain or sorrow today, I am so sorry that you’re there…and you really aren’t alone. We all carry our burdens like stones in our hearts.

But let’s keep going.

Let’s dust off, and continue to shine.

I’m hoping that something amazing, unexpected and beautiful happens to you today. And if nobody’s said it to you, Thank you for keeping on keeping on.

Love Catherine x

P. S. The Fun Stuff!

  • In Aussie movie theatres, we have choc tops. I’ve lived here for 26 years, so I don’t know if North American theatres also serve ice cream now? We went to see Iris and the Men…a French film, so it was racy and funny and I’m not gonna link to the trailer because not sure how that will land. So French! On now at Roseville Cinema if you live in Sydney ❤️.

  • I need an eyeshadow tutorial for beginners. I’m so bad at it!

  • This looks so yum. And healthy!

  • I finally bought the viral wide leg trousers from Uniqlo and they’re as good as everyone says. On sale in Sydney now. (I know the photos are kind of average, but the trousers are fantastic.)

  • Elvis, of course. But the best song I know about heartbreak is by Fleetwood Mac.