Life in Sydney Lately...

Hello from beautiful downtown Sydney! It’s been a whirlwind week for me of working in the city, with a little job searching thrown into the mix. Like I mentioned last week, time is always moving on and nothing stays the same forever. I took this snapshot when I was rushing between buildings earlier this week.

Just when I need a rest and I’d love to pack my swimmers for a holiday, Life has a way of telling me to get back into the armour and head into battle. Ooof. Times like this are exhausting.

That’s why I’m loving this gentle Sunday morning. Everyone else is sleeping in, and I’m up with a hot coffee, writing to you.

How are you today? (How are you really?)

I’m in a season where I need to gear up and grow. This spectacular shot of a cockatoo in the city absolutely captures my mood. I need to stand up and stretch my wings into the next version of myself.

So hard.

So rewarding.

Taking the first step into any unknown feels kind of terrible—not gonna lie. But also, there’s an energy that comes with change that makes us all bigger people.

More interesting.

More capable.

(Even if we feel a bit ragged, like a cockatoo pretending to be a peacock - ha!).

If you’re heading in a new direction, too—or even just thinking about it—or if you’re being forced into it, then let me say this: we can do it together, one small step at a time.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!