Have you overlooked this? I have...

Hi friends, and hello to all the new people this week! (Hi Zoe, who I met on the beach yesterday. I loved your vibe!) If you’re new, I’m Catherine Greer, mum of two adult sons, lover of wild shih tzu pups, believer in starting now and never missing a chance to dance in your own kitchen. I’m also a writer of books and a compulsive baker!

Today I want to talk about something simple that most people overlook. This isn’t deep, but it’s important so hang with me, please. Are you ready?

It’s your own legs and feet. I know — not so inspiring. But there’s this:

Our feet and legs carry everything.

They literally carry us through our lives…but let’s be honest: it’s so easy to ignore them or criticise. So today, from me to you as a friend, will you take a second to consider yours?

If we’re walking, we’re so, so lucky. If we can get outside…lucky. If we’re pain-free when we do this—lucky. And on the most basic level, if we have functioning legs and feet at all…lucky. (I’m thinking of paralympians, diabetics, veterans, wheelchair users.)

I know this is basic, but you all know me by now…and if you’re here, you believe that it matters to notice the simple, beautiful things in life.

So today…take just one minute to think about trying a few things:

  1. Lotion up. My absolute new favourite is below. You’re gonna LOVE IT.

  2. Foot stretches. Yep, it’s a thing and if we’re over 35, we should be doing this.

  3. Calf raises, standing or seated. (GREAT to do at work…did you know there’s research out now that you can reduce a glucose spike after eating if you do ten minutes of simple calf raises while seated?)

That’s all. Three simple tips to take better care of you. Are you with me? We can start right now.

I hope something unexpected and lovely happens to you today.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!
