Moonlight, Starlight

Hello, my friends! Giving you a quick wave from my back garden at twilight—and if you’ve read The 10 Minute Fix, you’ll know that’s my favourite time of day. This week I’m saying hello to lots of new people, so that’s why you’re getting a photo of me. Here I am, tired in Sydney.

In case no one has asked you today, how are you? (How are you really?)

Can you tell that I’m wiped out, and ready for some good times? Luckily, I’m heading away for a girls’ weekend and I can’t wait. I’ve scheduled this newsletter for you so you’ll receive it while I’m gone.

It feels like the perfect time to talk about rest.

  • Earlier bedtimes.

  • A routine if you tend to wake up in the middle of the night. (Hello, any 3am people out there? Come over for tea and cake…I’m up.)

  • A willingness to stop and let things be.

I’m talking to myself here, but maybe also to you. If you need a rest, please take one. If you have people around you who will help, ask them. Resting is about ourselves but it’s also about the people who love us.

Even if I don’t know you in person, I am absolutely certain that this is true: it’s critical to take a break when it’s time.

We need you here, shining.

We need you here, feeling good and being free.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!