A Curious Thing Happened.

Hello, my friends. Thank you for letting me share your weekend! I love to drop by with a little bit of joy, and a reminder that we get a whole day in front of us. We’re the oldest and smartest we’ve ever been! We’re the youngest we’re ever going to be again!

It’s a lovely day to have a lovely day, in the words of Ella Fitzgerald…

I had a beautiful getaway last weekend filled with chilly air, delicious food, the laughter of women who have been through a lot and have survived it, a chance to dress up, a fireplace, warm matching slippers and love.

While I was away, a curious thing happened. Our beautiful hostess made some pre-dinner drinks, and when she did, she whipped out these icecubes she’d made for us in advance. Can you see them in the photo?


How fun is that? She could’ve done the usual—ice from the tray or even from her fridge dispenser—but she thought of us in advance and froze ice in the laughter-inducing ice cube trays.

She reminded me of something I’ve written about before, but it’s been a while.

It is so easy to forget about BEING fun.

It’s the first thing that drops off our radar as soon as stress hits, but it’s exactly what we need. I believe that pretty much anything can be done with love—and pretty much anything can be done with fun.

Maybe give that a whirl today and see how you feel?

Add a dollop of fun to your Sunday wherever you can. It’s the best way I know to be magnetic and loving to others.

Thinking of you this morning, and I’m hoping you have a beautiful day.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!