Hi friends, and hello to the new people. You’re receiving this email because you signed up for it after reading one of my books or visiting my author’s website. I’m Catherine Greer, writer and mother, Canadian-Australian living in Sydney with my family. I’m happy that you’re here!
This week I have a few updates for you, and I wanted to share a huge lightbullb moment for me. When life is tricky, I often have a tendency to wish things were different.
Have you ever done this?
The problem with doing this is that it actually results in intensifying our suffering. All the woulda shoulda couldas make me feel angry at life (or people, including myself), or hopeless and exhausted and trapped in my own brain.
It’s hard to look for solutions when we’re suffering.
Here’s the trick. Say this to yourself.
No matter what has happened before this moment, we’re here now.
No matter who has done (or not done) something, we’re here now.
No matter what we’re expected to face, we’re here now.
So what’s next?
I hope this little phrase helps you as much as it’s helped me this week. Even now, I’m spending my day writing an article for The Sydney Morning Herald Sunday Life Magazine today to promote my new book…and I’d really rather be doing some serious relaxing. But I’m here now, so what next?
It’s time to begin.
Enjoy your Sunday! I’ll see you next week.
Love Catherine x
P.S. The Fun Stuff!
Aussie Blue Swimmer Crabs in my local fish shop. They’re so beautiful that I snapped a photo! I don’t have the heart to clean or cook them, but here’s how if you want to watch. (If you’re an animal-lover, you may want to skip this one, but if you’re a foodie, you’ll probably love it.)
Here’s what my publisher is saying about my new book, The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe!
Preorders - best price is on Amazon. Even better will be BigW (coming soon - it’s the biggest book retailer in Australia, believe it or not.) If you’re in Canada, America, The UK and elsewhere…stay tuned for info!
Take one moment to read “Invitation” by Mary Oliver. You’ll understand this poem, I promise.