Happy Sunday!
Hello to all the new people this week. I thought it was time for a photo of me and Evie — I had a chance to do a new author photo shoot. And look at how cute Evie is! She’s coming up to her second birthday in April. She’s the best little girl.
Quickly, I’d like to share a behind-the-scenes update, and then I have a special bit of inspiration for you, too.
Last week I asked for your help (and that was hard to do!). I’m launching The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe into the world on Tuesday, and so many of you showed up with beautiful support!
Book clubs: 5 so far! Yay! Three in Australia, one in Canada, and one in America. (Thank you, Jules, Claire, Marg, Wendy and Victoria 🩷 )
Preorders — links below and thank you, thank you!
Sharing on social media: yayyyy, LOVE IT!
Word of mouth: chatting is what I do best, hahahaha! Thanks for sharing in your chats, too!
Sister / cousin / friend / daughter love: I can feel the women gathering beside me to keep me running. Makes me tear-y just writing that.
Requesting at your library: thank you for letting me know Tara and Sophie and Rachel! (If you have a library card anywhere, you can “Request to add to the collection” on the website or in the library.)
You are THE BEST. Thank you!! Next steps: please keep on sharing. (I’ve got a busy month of book launch party, a few events, and LOTS of work deadlines that are pretty heavy, not gonna lie. But on we go!)
Now…on to you and your world.
I saw a piece of art by Emily McDowell that I loved and have to share. Isn’t this an amazing reminder?
Original factory settings are LOVE and JOY and FUN.
For all of us.
Can you remember being a child and being so absorbed in something that you didn’t want to stop doing it? LOVE and JOY and FUN.
That’s where we begin, and we can still access that side of ourselves now.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately on my commute into the city, and I’ve been considering how to feel good in my body right where I am. More on that in April, when I get The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe out into the world and standing on its own strong legs.
But for now, there’s this: let’s remember our Original Factory Settings, no matter what the world brings. They’re still in us, and available today.
Love Catherine xx
P.S. The Fun Stuff! (And The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe)
If you want to read for joy, about a woman who fixes up a run-down apartment with endless views of the sea, and creates a life for herself with grit and resilience and what she’s got in her own two hands…this is the book for you! The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe is fun, easy, inspiring and big-hearted.
Canadians! The Bittersweet Bakery Cafe is now $9.99 on Kindle! And in paperback, too.
Australia - BigW is a great price, and right now Amazon.au is so fabulous as well! It’s 50% off.
Last night I made Recipe Tin Eats Mexican Stuffed Capsicum / Peppers and wow. Game-changer. See them in my Instagram stories. So good!
Manly Writer’s Festival — come along on 28 March at 12:40pm. Love to see you!