
How Beautiful is Melbourne?

Hello, friends (and hi to all the new people this week)! I’m Catherine Greer, author and copywriter, lover of hot coffee in the morning, books that make me laugh, and long in-person chats with girlfriends…especially when the chats involve cake.

This week I travelled to Melbourne for work, and it’s a beautiful city. Cold in the winter—for us in Australia, cold is somewhere around 5-10 degrees C—but oh, so lovely.

The cafes!

The hot coffee!

The bookshops!

The people!

My trip made me think of a superpower we can all have, no matter where we live or what we do. We can choose to love things.

It’s true: I like to love things. It makes me so much happier than criticising something.

And the best news? We can choose to like most things.

  • Business trips that start at 4am and finish at 9pm two days later? I can choose to love Melbourne.

  • A sink full of dishes that somebody left in the kitchen? I can choose to love that I have a kitchen, hot running water, time to wash up (and the ability to stand and wash up).

  • Exercise that needs to be done? I can choose to love that I’m well enough to have exercise on my To Do List.

I was up and heading to the airport at 4:45am this week. And you know what I kept telling myself? I LOVE AIRPORTS. PEOPLE ARE SO EXCITED AT AIRPORTS. I decided to choose to love it.

Yes, I know it’s all a bit irritating….and I’m not telling anyone to just smileeeeeee and get on with it when things are truly terrible. But I do find that criticising always makes me feel worse. Loving things makes me feel better. And choosing to love something? That’s a superpower all of us have.

Enjoy your Sunday. I hope you can give this idea a whirl today and see how it goes for you.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!