Get Happier

When was the last time you did this?

Hello, friends. I have an inspiring story for you…

Last night, I was asked to do something I NEVER would have done without being asked.

A young friend of the family who is without a mum in her life asked me if I’d go to her very first sports match where she was competing. She wanted to feel like she had a full family there, and be like the other girls.

And it was boxing.

You guys know me (and I probably know you, too). I’m guessing very few of us have ever been to a boxing match—but of course I went to support her. I sat in the front row, and hid my face in my hands, and screamed with everyone else, and watched this intriguing sport that I thought was all bloody and demented like the Rocky III movie, but was actually beautifully skilled athletes dancing, throwing combination punches, and showing the most amazing sportsmanship.

And I understood why this teenager needed to build herself a family.

Other boxers had cousins and grandparents and siblings carrying them from the ring hoisted high on shoulders when they won.

She had just a few of us: a ragtag ‘family’ she gathered together.

She was the underdog—and then she won.

Apart from the fact that the match was amazing—a sport, not too aggressive, with lots of headgear, and proper rules, and caring coaches—that spotlit room holding an audience of hundreds was filled with love.

I never would have gone.

So here’s my question for us today:

When was the last time you electrified yourself seeing something for the very first time?

For me, it had been ages. I couldn’t even remember when.

But there’s so much to learn about ourselves and the world. Doing something new gives us energy and perspective and growth.

If you get a chance—if someone asks you to step outside your routine—please say yes. Go do the unexpected. Watch what happens.

Even a tiny change (a shirt you thought wasn’t you, a different grocery store, music you don’t listen to) might surprise and delight you. And if you’re lucky, it might actually change you.

Growth is so good for us. Doing the unexpected is the quickest way to feel like we’re truly living.

Enjoy your weekend. I hope something wonderful comes your way.

Love Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

From Adelaide, with ❤️

Hello, friends. Just dropping into your weekend from Adelaide, South Australia—land of beautiful buildings, fabulous food, and lovely wineries. So many amazing spots to eat and dream and walk and explore!

The night skyline is gorgeous. How can you not be in love with a city like this?

My husband’s travelling with me, so we’ve had an amazing chance to reconnect.

Whatever your plans are for this weekend—celebrating mothers, doing jobs around the house, spending a little time building your dreams—I hope you have a chance to relax and remember that you count, too.

Put yourself on the list.

Put your feet up.

Spend a little time doing something you enjoy.

(And if you ever get the chance, put Adelaide on your travel bucket list…such an optimistic, lovely old university town, filled with beauty).

See you next week, when I have a little more time!

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

Do you do this often enough?

Hi everyone, and Happy Sunday!

Today, I have a question…how often do you genuinely appreciate yourself? Not others, not your good fortune or blessings, but just you, for who you are?

I was driving home from the fruit and veg market yesterday morning when I had a surprising thought. This was it: “I’m good at making ordinary things feel like a special occasion. I’m good at doing a lot with a little.”

Let me give you an example or two:

  • If I know my son who loves watermelon is coming home from an overseas trip, I pick up the best, juiciest watermelon and drop off a freshly-sliced plate of it at his desk while he’s catching up on an essay.

  • If I feel a bit worried while I’m working from home, I’ll wear sparkly shoes at my desk…because they’re fun to look at and they cheer me up.

  • If one of my family members is out at night, I turn on the porch lights, put on some beautiful music and light a candle so that “home” smells nice when they return.

Anyway, while I was driving and thinking these things, I had a little moment where I appreciated myself. I appreciated that I often seek joy. I appreciated that I know how to do a lot with a little. Quietly, in the privacy of my own car, I took a moment and appreciated myself for how hard I try.

I’m 100% certain there are so many quirky, lovely things you do—and are—too!

So again, here’s a question for you:

When was the last time you appreciated yourself?

The you of you—the amazing, irreplaceable, unique you—when was the last time you appreciated that person?

Maybe it’s your grit.

Maybe it’s your way of loving.

Maybe it’s your talent, or your style, or your beautiful way of listening to people when they talk to you. Maybe it’s your skill at leading (or following), at singing (or knowing when to wait for someone else to speak) or being the one to be fun at a party. Maybe it’s something else entirely…

Whatever those things are for you—please take a sec this morning and appreciate yourself.

I used to love the advertising slogan from the Virginia Slims cigarette ads (of all things!!) in the 1970s — I thought it was so glamorous and true. I must’ve been all of about seven years old, but it struck a chord in me. It felt so…empowering.

Do you remember it?

Hey, you. You!

You’ve also come a long way, baby.

Today’s a great time to appreciate yourself, and all you bring to make this place a little more beautiful.

Enjoy your weekend!

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

  • Remember my son’s concert? Composer and violinist Alexander Lau’s gorgeous piece, The Narcissist Trap, is now on Spotify. Listen and follow here. 🎻 Alex is such a huge talent!

  • Favourite light pink nail polish.

  • A science hack that works when you’ve lost your car!

  • Still missing our beautiful shih tzu, Holly. But then I saw this, and remembered it’s so true. (It also applies to pets, right? Right.)

The solution to pretty much everything.

Hello, friends all around the world! How are you?

It’s been a whirlwind week for me, so this weekend I plan to rest. I started a new short-term, full time project in the city, so I’m busy learning, learning, learning before I can use my expertise to help a major corporation.

Have you been in this position lately…where you have to learn someone else’s system before you can share your ideas?

It’s a bit scary, frustrating and humbling…all at once.

It’s so easy to want to rush in and change things.

But. But!

It’s always a good idea to press pause.



Whether it’s me, hoping to add value and improve a situation at work, or my colleagues, rolling out a system that, to them, seems natural, or maybe all of us on the planet, when we disagree with each other—none of us can see what we don’t see.

Until we listen.

I snapped a photo of this illustration above of a waratah, an Australian native flower. I’m not sure of the creator—this image was on a wall in a shopping mall in Sydney—but isn’t it gorgeous?

It made me think of a favourite quote, which I also can’t find the source for…but I love it.

That’s the solution to pretty much everything, isn’t it?

Pause. Listen. Sow a seed of love.

That’s my work for next week and beyond. I hope it resonates with you in your life, too.

Happy weekend, everyone — I hope you find a way to get some rest, pause as much as you can, and sow your own seeds of love.

Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

Look for these moments...

Hi everyone — and hello to the new people this week. ❤️ I’m Catherine, author and Sydney-sider, and I’m here to drop a little positive inspiration into your inbox every weekend!

This week, I’ve been thinking about happiness and the easiest way to feel better now.

Here’s what I do:

A few evenings ago, we took a night train home and passed by Luna Park—stars in the dark, lights on the water. Isn’t the photo pretty? That was a micro-moment of happiness for me.

Then last night, we attended a massive 500-person dance party, and there was this moment when our dance teacher sort of shepherded all of us in her class together—like little ducks—and helped us out with a dance in our own corner of this enormous hall. As I watched her take care of us, I got absolutely tear-y. It was a micro-moment of intense happiness because…when was the last time that YOU, as an adult, felt that someone (not family, not a partner) was taking care of you?

We need to find the micro-moment of happiness.

Rather than relying on the big wins, the huge happiness, those rare times when every single thing falls into place, the micro-moments of happiness are always around us—if we pay attention and look for them.

Quick—right now, while you’re reading—is there something near you that gives you a tiny jolt of perfect happiness?

For me, it’s hot coffee, my favourite pink mug, fuzzy slippers, a household of sleeping family.

The little things are always available to bring us joy.

Love Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • This made me laugh until I snorted. Can you relate?

  • Do you ever have a day when you want to pull on gorgeous black trousers that also feel “kind” to your body and look great? Hard to tell from the photos, but these wide-leg, super comfy black pants are lovely. Size down, my friends. (They may be long if you’re under 170 cm / 5’7”).

  • Cello. Always gorgeous. I listened to hours of Bach while my son was learning to play.

  • My sister (I’ve written about her in two of my books!) calls these moments “holy moments” of divine inspiration. If you’re a person of faith, you might enjoy this book about it.

  • Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver: a novel about the opioid crisis in America, and a riff on Dickens’ David Copperfield. It’s graphic (language and content warning) but such an interesting book.

  • A song from our dance party—a groovier Elton John smash-up of four hits. Cold Heart remix is here, and the Aussie dance teacher’s routine is here.

A few thoughts for a lovely long weekend...

Hi everyone!

It’s a lovely, long Easter weekend, and I hope you’re enjoying it. It’s been a whirlwind around here!

First up, I thought I might share the delicious recipe I found for cinnamon buns.

Take a look at these…yum! I made them on Friday and they were gone by Saturday morning. Then I started another batch this morning. I’ve linked the recipe for you below.

Next, a little encouragement if you’re facing a tricky time just now.

People can be both blind and unkind, especially when they think they’re simply sharing “the truth”. If that’s happened to you recently, a little hope and happiness is coming your way…from me to you. When things feel hard, I love this note to self:

Finally, a reminder: take a little time to rest and reset this weekend. You deserve it! I hope you have fun loving all the people you’ve been given to love.

Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

Happy Sunday!

Hello, friends. It’s a gorgeous morning in Sydney, figs are in season (hooray!), we’ve slept in with daylight savings and a soft rain is falling.

I read such an interesting article this week about gratitude. Hillel Einhorn, a famous psychologist, once got a fortune cookie that said, “Don’t think about all the things you want that you don’t have. Think about all the things you DON’T HAVE that you DON’T WANT.”

That list is long, and it’s a list of gratitude. For example, here’s what I don’t have (that I don’t want):

  • illness (I’m healthy)

  • trying to find a place to live in a rental crisis environment (we have a home)

  • an unwell and suffering pet (our pup passed away suddenly—tough on us, but also a blessing not to suffer)

This is the 2x2 Happiness Matrix by David Epstein to visually explain the concept.

Luckily, we DON’T HAVE so much of what we DON’T want. That thought makes me grateful that my life is so very good.

Here’s to enjoying a wonderful weekend. We have the chance to rest, and to love all the people we’ve been given to love.

Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • Seraphim Strings’ Charity Concert was last night and it was gorgeous! Thank you for supporting our son and his friends. With your help, they raised $2,000 for charity. Loved seeing Sydney blog fans there, and I’m so grateful many of you bought and donated tickets from afar. You’re the best. Venue is gorgeous, built in 1883, and reasonably-priced. Booking info here.

  • Have you ever made your own butter? I was raised on farm-fresh, homemade butter! Here’s an easy way to do it at home with one ingredient. Plus salt.

  • Trays of figs are in season at Harris Farm.

  • Black studded boots — so cute in person and nearly sold out. I love mine.

Your little reminder to do this.

Hi everyone, and hello to all the new people! I’m dropping in with your weekly inspiration. Thanks for all the messages, comments and emails—you’re the best, truly.

You know how life is both up and down — the silver heels and the worn slippers?

Well I’ve been feeling a bit flat and disoriented so far this year, and when that happens to me, I follow down the track of comfort eating (hello, chocolate!) and too much rumination (hello, 3am!). I no longer have a little furry pal to keep me company when I’m up in the middle of the night, and one thing has sort of led to another.

Maybe you feel the same? A little flat?

Or maybe your year has been amazing…and if so, that’s so good. I love the peak of the waves of life, and really hate the troughs. But for me, so far 2023 has been a trough.

That’s why I’m sharing a little reminder for us all:

You know what I mean:

  • Book the check-up

  • Restock the fridge with some healthier options

  • Do a free mediation (I love the one below…)

  • Lotion up your legs and feet before you go to bed at night, and when you get up in the morning

  • Go outside with the purpose of noticing something beautiful

  • Practice some wild gratitude

I’m calling it quits on the sadness and blah.

I’m asking, “How can you take care of yourself here, Catherine?”

I hope if you’re reading this today, you ask yourself if you need to take a little better care of you, too. Notice the good things, eat something green, take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, close your eyes and breathe, remember that you contribute something beautiful to this world.

Happy Sunday. The weekend is always the perfect time to begin.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • Even if you can’t be in Sydney, would you like to support these young musicians and their charity concert? Bossa Nova, Tango and Spanish music played by Seraphim Strings…my son’s the cellist. You can get tickets here. Saturday 1 April from 6-7pm—perfect before dinner! The venue is very close to Town Hall station. Even if you can’t be with us, every cent of your $30 purchase will go to charity. Thank you. ❤️

  • The most beautiful, free meditation by Canadian Sarah Blondin. 13 mins.

  • Do you know about Be My Eyes app, where you can “see” for blind people? Here’s how it works.

  • My silver shoes. My fuzzy slippers. (I know someone’s going to ask!)

For absolutely everbody...

Hi friends! Thanks for joining me — today I’m up and writing from sunny Sydney. I’m pretty excited about a new development: later today, we’re going to try an in-studio yoga class to see how it goes. I only ever took a class once, and literally could not wait to get outta there, but I was younger and so impatient! Then I did a class or two online — see the link below — with beautiful Adrienne. But today I’m going to give it a whirl in person.

I love trying new things. For me, it’s the best way to get out of a funk. We’ve been so, so sad about losing our beautiful best friend last month, and what seems to help is shaking up my own routine and learning new things.

If unexpected death of a loved one has taught me anything, it’s this: you never know the burden other people are carrying.

Have the best weekend, and take the time to love all the people you’ve been given to love.

Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • For better balance: try brushing your teeth standing on one leg at a time. (I always forget to do this. I need a sticky note on my bathroom mirror!)

  • For endlessly hungry teens at my table: quick and easy cheesy garlic bread from Nagi at Recipe Tin Eats. I don’t have her cookbook yet, but I need it! What a gorgeous Aussie!

  • For cleaner floors — I’ve never tried a Dyson, but I absolutely love my new stick vacuum. I grabbed it on sale, and it is worth every penny.

  • For free, lovely yoga — try Yoga with Adriene.

  • For beauty’s sake: remember Sonnet 116? “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds…”

Being Fun

Hi everyone. Yesterday my husband and I took a drive to our favourite beach, and on the way stopped for a delicious brekkie at Kiama, a seaside town.

As I looked across the road, I saw these teens living life to the full. A sunny Saturday, an airbrushed tattoo, why not?

It made me think about how often I’m fun.

It also made me think about how often the people I love are fun.

Because here’s the truth:

Your life may be a lot different to mine, but we’re all pretty serious around here: we’re focused and goals-oriented and the appointments for teeth cleaning are booked. We run after our dreams and we’re responsible.

But are we fun?

Maybe not as often as we could be.

So here’s the challenge for me (and maybe for you): this weekend, I want to bring some FUN to the table. Being fun takes a little planning, a switch in attitude, and a playfulness that it’s so easy to lose in our busy lives.

  • Do something unexpected. (Choose one: bake a cake when it’s no one’s birthday. Put on a pretty dress for dinner. Wear the flashy earrings. Put on a tablecloth, dig out the good china. Visit a different town or suburb and take a walk.)

  • Let yourself have fun. (We’re so serious—but what’s fun for us? Play music you loved in high school. Sing along? Watch a comedy routine on Youtube and let yourself laugh?)

  • Delight someone you love, unexpectedly. (It might be as easy as their favourite chocolate bar set beside the chair they always use. It might be a beautiful text to a friend. It might be a big, huge, unforgettable gesture—send them a book in the mail, a present, a pot of flowers at their door, a trip, a duplicate of something they’ve seen you wear and you know they love).

It’s so important to remember that having fun is always about BEING FUN. Usually, it take a little effort—and this weekend, I’m ready to bring it. I hope you are, too.

Have a beautiful Sunday, everyone. See you next week!

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • One of my sons needs this: how to reliably stop hiccups, with Andrew Huberman from Stanford University.

  • This activity for toddlers. Keep them busy!

  • I’ve heard so much about this candle-warmer: scented candles last so much longer, with no open flame.

  • These amazing young musicians are selling tickets for their charity concert — are you able to come? Bossa Nova, Tango and Spanish music played by Seraphim Strings…my son’s the cellist. You can get tickets here. Saturday 1 April from 6-7pm—perfect before dinner! The venue is very close to Town Hall station.❤️

A useful tip for you ❤️

Hi everyone, and hello to the new people who’ve joined us. I’m Catherine…author and writer of weekly inspiration for women around the world. Thank you for being here.

And thank you for all your messages from last week about my sad news. Hearts are healing, of course, and our routines are changing, but I want you to know that I lingered over every single email from all of you, and they were so, so healing.

Today, I want to share something I’ve talked about before—a tip that always works for me. And it’s Latin, so that means it’s extra-cool and memorable.

It may be something you’d like to try.

For me, as soon as bad news hits, I’m out the front door and walking. I’ve always been this way as long as I can remember: a walker and a thinker. There’s something about the walking that seems to resolve the pain, and help with confusion and sadness.

Life will roll on with good news and bad for all of us; no one magically has a perfect life. That’s why I like to have an immediate fallback when things go wrong.

I take a deep breath.

I put on my shoes.

I get outside and walk. And walk. And walk.

Solvitur ambulando. It is solved by walking…or if not solved, exactly, at least the movement of my feet feel like I’m heading into my future, trying to sort out my next steps.

It’s a good first response: when life bowls you over with a wave of bad news you weren’t expecting, remember that walking gives you a healthy way to move forward, even if it doesn’t change what’s happened.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone. Hug your friends, yourself, your kids and your beloved pets. This beautiful life of ours is so, so temporary.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

I love this idea.

Hello, friends — and hello to all the new people joining us this week! (I’m Catherine Greer, an author living in beautiful Sydney, and you’ve signed up for my weekly newsletter for a little inspiration and FUN.)

Let’s get to it.

This week I’ve been thinking about two ideas that collided. Ready?

  1. Negative thoughts are addictive. This came via a neuroscientist, and I forgot to save the link to the article for you — so sorry! — but the gist was this: our brains LOVE negative thinking because we believe it will keep us safe. Optimism is frightening because it has no “warning” and though pessimism feels terrible, it also feels like it will protect us from danger. It feels wise to be pessimistic.

  2. It’s safe to ask this question.

If your mind is stuck on a worry loop today — and your worry and pessimism feels like it’s keeping you safe — remember that your brain is just doing its job: trying to protect you.

But it’s okay to ask a different question.

Deep breath.

What if it works out?

I hope this helps you like it helps me—just a little reminder that life can ALSO be “gorgeous, fabulous, beautiful” and it’s safe to expect good things.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone. Thanks for being here. I appreciate you!

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff.

Tearing Down and Rebuilding

Hi everyone (and hello to the new people here). This week I’ve been thinking about renewing relationships and connecting with the people we love. Our family recently took Canadian cousins on a whirlwind tour of Sydney’s CBD, and I snapped this photo of my beloved Queen Victoria Building.

I love beautiful buildings, and QVB is incredible: built in 1898 and designed by a 28 year old architect, it was essentially a make-work project in the middle of a recession so the government could employ out-of-work craftsmen. Take a peek inside…

The QVB is a survivor. Built for a purpose, and reinventing itself over and over—even saved a couple of times from being torn down—the Queen Victoria Building still stands. As of 2010, it was preserved as a historical site.

Here’s what it makes me think about my own life, and possibly yours: we’re built for purpose, but that purpose keeps changing.

I’m in the middle of changing from a mother of teens to a mother of men. In fact, I’m behind…and wow, there’s pain in that. After a few sleepless nights, I realised this week that I need to catch myself up to my current reality.

Maybe you do, too.

Is there something in your life (a role you play, a relationship you have, a skill that used to work) that’s just no longer working?

The biggest challenge I’ve faced lately is that we need to allow each other the space to change.

We need to allow ourselves the space to change.

When the old “fit” no longer works, or feels off, the best thing to do is this:

Allow, allow, allow, allow.

In our relationships, it’s okay for us to feel behind, or out of synch.

We may be wrong about people (especially as they change).

Other people may be wrong about us (because we’re changing, or even because they never really understood us to begin with).

With every iteration of ourselves, with every new year and new set of experiences, the way things worked before may not work in the same way now. And that’s life, right? It’s a cliche because it’s true: the only certainty is change.

Allow, allow, allow. Have the courage to try something new. Reinvent your way of thinking. Test it out. Keep discovering what might work better now…and keep on walking.

I’m wishing you a weekend full of rest and unexpected happiness.

Love Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

Simple tips to make your home a little nicer

Hi everyone. 2023 is off to a racing start around here — so today I’m sharing random ways I like to zshoosh up my home a little.

If we think of our personal spaces as a nest we create, we usually have the two resources we need to make them a little lovelier:

  • A tiny touch of creativity

  • A dollop of care and attention

Our homes are so important.

The ancient poet Rumi reminds us of this truth about ourselves and our homes:

No matter how simple or grand, our homes often impact how well we feel.

We are all imperfect, with imperfect nests, but there are small ways to make ourselves a little happier at home…

  1. Remember that real people live here. This means your home doesn’t need to feel like a magazine…it needs to feel like YOU. But does it reflect what you love? For me, that’s books, too many family photos, poetry, cozy blankets, a garage gym.

  2. Turn on lights for the people you love (and you!). If I know someone’s coming home at dusk or dropping by during the day, I race to the front door and turn on the hall lights, light a scented candle, and put on some peaceful music. I’ve always done this, especially for our sons coming home from school or work. I don’t know if it matters to anyone, but it matters to me; I want people to walk in and feel welcomed with light, warmth, peace, music. Not a dark entryway.

  3. Use The 10 Minute Fix—the main idea from my best-loved book. So many tiny, irritating jobs can be done in just 10 minutes. It’s true. Set your timer and organise a drawer. Sweep your entryway. Tidy a cupboard. Do the thing you’ve been avoiding. Show your home a little love.

  4. Say thank you. We have a place to call home when so many people on the planet have fear and distress.

  5. Invite someone in. Nobody expects perfection. All we ever want is love.

Enjoy your weekend! I hope you find some time today to feather your nest to make it more uniquely yours.

Catherine x

PS. The Fun Stuff!

  • Did you know you can reflex roses? See the lovely roses above, a gorgeous gift from my friend Claire at New Year’s Eve? The arrangement was huge, and a week later it needed some TLC. The older roses look beautiful when they’re reflexed. It’s so easy to do!

  • Do you need a knife sharpener in your kitchen? I use a simple one, and look—it’s not fancy and who knows it this is the “proper” way to do things BUT when I can’t cut a tomato, I’m so irritated. I pull out this one for two secs and bam. My knife is always sharp.

  • Have you separated your plastic lids from the containers? I store my lids like this attached to the inside of my cupboard door with a 3M hook or try a holder for the cupboard.

I find this quick tip helpful...

Happy Sunday, and hello!

For all the new people this week, I’m Catherine Greer, author, mother of young adult sons and wife living in beautiful Sydney, Australia. I love to capture photos of tiny, usual things — little moments of beauty like this rainy carpark with cloudy skies.

Today let’s talk about worry.

We all do it, right?

Whenever I feel worried, overwhelmed, tired, dispirited — I whisper some words, written more than six hundred years ago.

They were written by Julian of Norwich (1343-1416). It’s important for women to know about Julian (sometimes called Juliana) because she was the author of the earliest known English language writings by a woman.

Isn’t it incredible that a woman was allowed to write at that time?

Isn’t it amazing that her writing survived and can still reach us today?

The repetition (called anaphora, in case you love writing and language like I do!) is what makes Julian’s words so beautiful and memorable.

Whispering “all shall be well” is so much more helpful than diving into worry or fear. If you’re keen, try it now and see how you feel…but use the anaphora, okay?

Say it like Julian wrote it — three times.

It’s simple, but it works.

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.

(Not some, but all. All manner of things…kids and work and finances and health and life and death and sorrow and joy and uncertainty and pain…)

In the end, all of it shall be well.

Wishing you a beautiful Sunday filled with unexpected, tiny joys.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

Focus on the sweet

Hello, friends, and welcome to all the new people this week!

I’m Catherine Greer, living in Sydney, writer and mother of two young adult sons (one on the verge of graduating from high school…yay!), wife of a guy who loves to read as much as I do, baker of cakes and macarons, lover of little dogs, and expert at celebrating everything. Honestly, if any little good thing happens to you, call me: I’ll be there to cheer you on.

It’s finally feeling like summer in Australia, and though the weather’s been heating up, I’ve been tired and worried.

If you’ve been struggling a little like I have, here’s a quick tip for BOTH of us today.

Let’s look for some joy. Here’s how:

The sweetness is always there. (So are the flaws.)

Today I choose to focus on the sweet.

Happy Sunday, everyone. In case you haven’t been told today, remember three important things:

  • You’re probably doing a better job than you think you are.

  • You have a beautiful heart.

  • Today is all yours to enjoy and savour. How? By searching for the sweet.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

Have a gentle Sunday...

Hi friends. Thank you for all the beautiful emails this past week after my sad news. I appreciate you all, even though I didn’t have the emotional energy to respond and be present for my family. Thank you for your virtual (((hugs))) and thoughtfulness, flowers and cards. It meant the world to me.

For your Sunday, here’s something I read worth sharing. It’s a reminder from Dr Caroline Leaf on our desire to control the future.

That last line struck me as true: you need to trust your future self to handle future problems.

That’s why, right now, we can relax. Our future self will handle future problems. And also—perhaps even more importantly—that’s why we need to take our shot, and do the thing that scares us.

  • Make the call.

  • Send out the book proposal.

  • Reach out to a potential new friend (new partner?)

  • Sign up for the class.

  • Step outside the comfort zone that your mind has built for yourself, where you are safe, and the same, and you’re trying so hard to control your security.

It’s a cliche because it’s true: all the magic and growth happens outside our comfort zone.

Your future self will take care of you, no matter what happens: if you’re rejected, if you feel embarrassed or ashamed…and even if, like my beautiful sister and her family, you experience loss that seems too devastating to face.

Your future self will be wiser, stronger, and there for you.

I hope you have a beautiful Sunday.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • For sisters everywhere: this made me laugh so much, and I needed it.

  • I told you I’d report back on these shoes. The verdict? I love them for summer. They’re a bit narrow, so I used my shoe stretcher and it worked so well. Why are they good? Because they’re flats that look like wedges. You could walk for days…

  • But I also love these stacked wedge sandals available in Australia—brilliant for wide feet—and so, so comfortable. The photos don’t do them justice. Affordable, not leather, but so comfortable and cute.

  • If you want a fun middle grade novel for a Christmas present, my English writer-friend Susie Bower just released her third book and it’s fabulous. Find it here — also pictured with our beautiful Violin & Cello on sale today for $19.99. (If you could rate and review, that really helps authors!)

Well, she's a bit much...

Happy Sunday, my friends (and all the new friends this week!) I’m Catherine, up early in the rain writing to you while my family sleeps in. I’ve lit the candles and made hot coffee. So far, the day has been beautiful, and this week should be fun. I’m celebrating 25 years of marriage to this guy on Tuesday. A bit about my family: we have an 18 year old sitting his final exams for high school next week (gahh!) and heading to uni in February, and a 22 year old finishing up his Law-Commerce double degree. We live in Sydney, and the photo above was taken at my favourite beach in the world, Hyams Beach in New South Wales.

Here’s what I want to share this weekend—for you, if you’ve ever had someone roll their eyes and call you a “bit much.”

We need you to be as much of yourself as you want to be.

Your contribution to the world—your brand of JOY—is why you’re here. I love these words from Lindsay Rush:

Aren’t we so lucky to have YOU?

Yes. Yes, we are.

Enjoy your Sunday. I hope you have a brilliant one.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

Remember This For Later...

Hi everyone. Jasmine’s out in Sydney, and the world smells like perfume. It’s a beautiful day to feel like everything’s just fine, but sometimes…life hands us a challenge we weren’t expecting.

For me…my internet friend in California is fighting a terrible, swift, unexpected cancer.

We’re up to our eyeballs in helping our son study for his year twelve exams.

Other things — hard things — we all have them, don’t we? (Just insert your hard things here, my friend, the things we don’t share…that sadness that feels like a cobra around your heart.)

If today you are worried or sad, if someone has hurt you or worse, I have this to offer. I love the work of The New Happy Co!

Remember that thoughts are temporary.

Treat yourself and your thoughts with kindness.

Look at YOURSELF with compassion.


Consider the last time your hands helped, your words comforted, your face lit up, and you loved the people you’ve been given to love.

Your life, your contribution and mine, our gifts…they matter. Our thoughts are temporary, but our service to other people can live on in ways we don’t even know. Our place in the world matters, however huge and famous and flashy, however quiet and unknown.

Happy Sunday, everyone. Enjoy your beautiful day.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

But should you?

Hi everyone, and hello new people this week! Just a quick photo of me to remind you who is sending you this weekly Love Our Age newsletter. I’m Catherine, writer, mother of two young adult sons, wife, and Aussie-Canadian living in Sydney.

Twilight is my favourite time of day…as you can see from this snapshot outside our home. There’s something so lovely about turning the lights on where you live and looking inside your nest. You notice all the warmth there, the chaos and the love.

The people and things you treasure, the safety and warmth you create…

As women, we do so much. I often think we’re the beating heart of our families, our group of friends.

Why, then, is it easy to overlook all the good in us, to zero in on the ways we should be improving?

All the external messages (media, celebrities) and even the internal messages (our own minds) tell us we should be faster, better organised, more patient, better at self-care.

We should be more confident, energetic, and work harder.

We should rest! We should know how to take care of ourselves! And at the same time, we should make sure we’re loving all the people we’ve been given to love.

But here are two important, introspective questions.

Who are we when we stop performing?

Who are we when we stop ‘shoulding’ all over ourselves?

We’re valuable. We matter. What we love matters, too. So does rest, which we all deserve.

That’s all — and it’s enough to remember on this beautiful weekend in September.

I hope you have a relaxing Sunday.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • It’s Spring in Australia, and Fall in the northern hemisphere. Time to reread my favourite poem by G.M. Hopkins. Remember? “Margaret, are you grieving / Over Goldengrove unleaving?”

  • Favourite mascara (people keep asking me…this one looks so natural!).

  • Twilight in Iceland — the sky!

  • I write books! You might have read my nonfiction for women (The 10 Minute Fix and Small Steps are Perfect.) Violin & Cello is my new picture book with illustrator Joanna Bartel (busy with a new baby!) and Alex Lau, composer (busy at uni!). Out now in Australia in bookshops and at Amazon and Booktopia. Pre-order in Canada, America and here in the UK.