Your little reminder to do this.

Hi everyone, and hello to all the new people! I’m dropping in with your weekly inspiration. Thanks for all the messages, comments and emails—you’re the best, truly.

You know how life is both up and down — the silver heels and the worn slippers?

Well I’ve been feeling a bit flat and disoriented so far this year, and when that happens to me, I follow down the track of comfort eating (hello, chocolate!) and too much rumination (hello, 3am!). I no longer have a little furry pal to keep me company when I’m up in the middle of the night, and one thing has sort of led to another.

Maybe you feel the same? A little flat?

Or maybe your year has been amazing…and if so, that’s so good. I love the peak of the waves of life, and really hate the troughs. But for me, so far 2023 has been a trough.

That’s why I’m sharing a little reminder for us all:

You know what I mean:

  • Book the check-up

  • Restock the fridge with some healthier options

  • Do a free mediation (I love the one below…)

  • Lotion up your legs and feet before you go to bed at night, and when you get up in the morning

  • Go outside with the purpose of noticing something beautiful

  • Practice some wild gratitude

I’m calling it quits on the sadness and blah.

I’m asking, “How can you take care of yourself here, Catherine?”

I hope if you’re reading this today, you ask yourself if you need to take a little better care of you, too. Notice the good things, eat something green, take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, close your eyes and breathe, remember that you contribute something beautiful to this world.

Happy Sunday. The weekend is always the perfect time to begin.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • Even if you can’t be in Sydney, would you like to support these young musicians and their charity concert? Bossa Nova, Tango and Spanish music played by Seraphim Strings…my son’s the cellist. You can get tickets here. Saturday 1 April from 6-7pm—perfect before dinner! The venue is very close to Town Hall station. Even if you can’t be with us, every cent of your $30 purchase will go to charity. Thank you. ❤️

  • The most beautiful, free meditation by Canadian Sarah Blondin. 13 mins.

  • Do you know about Be My Eyes app, where you can “see” for blind people? Here’s how it works.

  • My silver shoes. My fuzzy slippers. (I know someone’s going to ask!)