solvitur ambulando

A useful tip for you ❤️

Hi everyone, and hello to the new people who’ve joined us. I’m Catherine…author and writer of weekly inspiration for women around the world. Thank you for being here.

And thank you for all your messages from last week about my sad news. Hearts are healing, of course, and our routines are changing, but I want you to know that I lingered over every single email from all of you, and they were so, so healing.

Today, I want to share something I’ve talked about before—a tip that always works for me. And it’s Latin, so that means it’s extra-cool and memorable.

It may be something you’d like to try.

For me, as soon as bad news hits, I’m out the front door and walking. I’ve always been this way as long as I can remember: a walker and a thinker. There’s something about the walking that seems to resolve the pain, and help with confusion and sadness.

Life will roll on with good news and bad for all of us; no one magically has a perfect life. That’s why I like to have an immediate fallback when things go wrong.

I take a deep breath.

I put on my shoes.

I get outside and walk. And walk. And walk.

Solvitur ambulando. It is solved by walking…or if not solved, exactly, at least the movement of my feet feel like I’m heading into my future, trying to sort out my next steps.

It’s a good first response: when life bowls you over with a wave of bad news you weren’t expecting, remember that walking gives you a healthy way to move forward, even if it doesn’t change what’s happened.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone. Hug your friends, yourself, your kids and your beloved pets. This beautiful life of ours is so, so temporary.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!