
Do you do this often enough?

Hi everyone, and Happy Sunday!

Today, I have a question…how often do you genuinely appreciate yourself? Not others, not your good fortune or blessings, but just you, for who you are?

I was driving home from the fruit and veg market yesterday morning when I had a surprising thought. This was it: “I’m good at making ordinary things feel like a special occasion. I’m good at doing a lot with a little.”

Let me give you an example or two:

  • If I know my son who loves watermelon is coming home from an overseas trip, I pick up the best, juiciest watermelon and drop off a freshly-sliced plate of it at his desk while he’s catching up on an essay.

  • If I feel a bit worried while I’m working from home, I’ll wear sparkly shoes at my desk…because they’re fun to look at and they cheer me up.

  • If one of my family members is out at night, I turn on the porch lights, put on some beautiful music and light a candle so that “home” smells nice when they return.

Anyway, while I was driving and thinking these things, I had a little moment where I appreciated myself. I appreciated that I often seek joy. I appreciated that I know how to do a lot with a little. Quietly, in the privacy of my own car, I took a moment and appreciated myself for how hard I try.

I’m 100% certain there are so many quirky, lovely things you do—and are—too!

So again, here’s a question for you:

When was the last time you appreciated yourself?

The you of you—the amazing, irreplaceable, unique you—when was the last time you appreciated that person?

Maybe it’s your grit.

Maybe it’s your way of loving.

Maybe it’s your talent, or your style, or your beautiful way of listening to people when they talk to you. Maybe it’s your skill at leading (or following), at singing (or knowing when to wait for someone else to speak) or being the one to be fun at a party. Maybe it’s something else entirely…

Whatever those things are for you—please take a sec this morning and appreciate yourself.

I used to love the advertising slogan from the Virginia Slims cigarette ads (of all things!!) in the 1970s — I thought it was so glamorous and true. I must’ve been all of about seven years old, but it struck a chord in me. It felt so…empowering.

Do you remember it?

Hey, you. You!

You’ve also come a long way, baby.

Today’s a great time to appreciate yourself, and all you bring to make this place a little more beautiful.

Enjoy your weekend!

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

  • Remember my son’s concert? Composer and violinist Alexander Lau’s gorgeous piece, The Narcissist Trap, is now on Spotify. Listen and follow here. 🎻 Alex is such a huge talent!

  • Favourite light pink nail polish.

  • A science hack that works when you’ve lost your car!

  • Still missing our beautiful shih tzu, Holly. But then I saw this, and remembered it’s so true. (It also applies to pets, right? Right.)