getting unstuck

10 Ways To Get Unstuck

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If you’re curious to read more, I’m guessing you’ve been stuck yourself. You know the feeling, right? It’s an ugly cocktail of confusion / doubt / worry with a big dash of lack of motivation.

For the past couple of months, this was my reality — and I needed to get through to the other side. And I have, just recently.

So if you’re also stuck, these tips might help.

  1. Get dressed up. Putting on something that makes you look and feel good always helps. Always. My first boss told me this: the worse I feel, the better I need to dress. It’s actually good advice. So if you’ve recently gained a little weight (hello, this always happens when I’m stuck!), find something to put on that still feels good and looks good. You may not even realise you haven’t dressed your best for a while.

  2. Figure out what you need to feel more like yourself. For me, this includes drinking LOTS more water, going for walks and getting to bed earlier. It also includes smelling lovely when I get into bed, so that means a nice shower or bath and favourite pjs.

  3. Get an objective opinion from someone you trust. If you’re currently beating yourself up about being stuck, and hating all the confusion about where to go next, tell a person you trust. Admit that you need some wisdom. People are so smart! And generally everyone loves to provide advice.

  4. Remind yourself you’re doing the best you can. Wow, we can be so hard on ourselves.

  5. Start something new. Anything! Drop the heavy thing you’re worried about for today, and do something fun. But make sure it’s actually fun for you. You’d be surprised how many times we think we’re doing something fun, but it’s not really our type of fun. Example: I don’t love to travel. But travel is fun, right?? Except honestly, it’s not fun for me. Buying new books is my kind of fun.

  6. Zig where you used to zag. If you get up early, try sleeping in a little. If you run, try doing a massive walk instead. Get a coffee from a different cafe. Listen to country instead of pop, or jazz instead of classical. Drive a different route.

  7. Be productive in another way. If you’re stuck about a relationship decision or with your career, clean your kitchen drawers. Weed out your closet. Get your hair trimmed. Clean the barbecue.

  8. Ask five whys. Ask yourself why you’re stuck. Then continue with “And why is that?” Do it five times to drill down and get to the heart of what’s happening.

  9. Admit you’re afraid. Being stuck is always about fear. So announce that you’re afraid and tell yourself that you’ll try your best to be brave.

  10. Practice being hopeful. Oh, this is big. Sometimes when I’m stuck, though I know I should be grateful, I really want to whack the person who reminds me to count my blessings. So I try to practice being hopeful instead. Ask yourself this important question:

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And there you have it. My top ten ways to get unstuck.

Sending heaps of good vibes from sunny Australia!

Love Catherine x

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