The 10 Minute Fix

🌹 Is everything coming up roses?

Hi friends and hello new friends — so happy you found me. So many new faces this week! I’m Catherine Greer, author, Canadian-Aussie, lover of beaches and baking. Now that you’re here, you’ll get a little shot of inspiration in your inbox every Sunday.

Let’s go!

Last month, we visited Canberra to pick up the world’s sweetest puppy and we stopped for tea and cake at a gorgeous cafe and bakery called Via Dolce Pasticceria.

The rose crockery!

The Italian vibe!

The walls of cakes!

The entire cafe was filled with joy. Of course it was—because how could you not enjoy the absolute miracle of being alive in a place that looks like this?

The tiny cafe had decor that sings, “Get in here, girls, and celebrate something!”

And so we did.

I’m a big believer in scanning for the joy…and the reason is not because my life has been easy.

Honestly, I haven’t swanned around with everything working out for me. And I’m guessing neither have you.

Is EVERYTHING coming up roses?

Does everything always work, and all at the same time?


We’re wise enough to know that there’s rarely a time when all the worries float away, and every little thing is great. Life is such a mix of joy and pain, with loads of privileges (hot water, living in safety, people to love) and so much hurt and disappointment.

That’s why, when things are rough, I believe in asking this question—I wrote about it in my best-loved book, The 10 Minute Fix.

(Whoops — Evie just ate that sticky note! And yep, I still read and re-read my own book because I need all these reminders, too.)

How is this working in my favour?

We can ask this of the good and the bad, and we always, always, always have the option to look for what’s working and take tiny steps forward.

I hope something unexpected and fun comes your way today. (And yes, I hope that for you, almost everything’s coming up roses).

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

How's the Real You doing?

Hi friends, and hello to all the new people this week! It’s so good to have you here. I’m Catherine Greer, author and mother of two young adult sons, baker and optimist living in Sydney, Australia. You’ve signed up for my Sunday newsletter and I’m so happy to pass along a few good ideas if I can.

Today — let’s talk about the real me and the real you.

Not the Work You, or the Parent You, or the friend or partner…but the joyful part of you that’s authentic and not an identity you’ve created over time to fulfil a role you play in your life.

What does she love to do?

How does she like to have fun?

Can you do a little of that today?

Not what’s good for you or what you’re supposed to be doing, but what you love…

Kitchen dancing, taking a walk, the perfect cup of tea in a favourite tea cup, a square of chocolate. Crunching through leaves in your autumn backyard. A solo shopping trip. Sleeping in. Getting up early. A lemon drop, slowly savoured. Replaying your favourite memory. Cleaning something and feeling virtuous. Putting your feet up.

Whatever it is, promise you’ll do one thing for her today — the person that is the authentic core of you.

The joyful you.

Getting closer to our authentic selves can be surprisingly quick to do.

  1. Consider what you (truly) love. Choose one small, simple thing.

  2. Do that now.

  3. Savour the feeling of being true to yourself.

Let me give you an example: for me, joy is always as close as my ear buds and iPhone. I put on a favourite song and have a kitchen dance all on my own. It always brings me back to myself—the little eight year old girl at my first family wedding, where I spent the whole night on the dance floor and didn’t want to sit down because I didn’t want to miss out.

I’m guessing you already know quite a few things that bring you joy, and I hope you can do some of them today. Remember that who you are—the authentic you—also needs a little TLC. It’s easy to forget about that woman in all our rushing around and doing.

Because this is true:

Happy Sunday! I hope something amazing happens to you today.

Love Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • This season’s pink boots are a little brighter and taller, but gorgeous.

  • Do you know Wendell Berry’s gorgeous poem, “The Peace of Wild Things” from 2018? My favourite lines: I come into the peace of wild things / who do not tax their lives with forethought / of grief…

  • I’ve made this flourless, decadent chocolate cake for my friend Jenny’s birthday.

  • A song to make you dance, especially if you’re a 66 baby like I am.

  • New friends — my best loved book, The 10 Minute Fix, is here in Canada, in America, in the UK, in Germany and in Australia. I’m busy writing a sequel. If you love to write, there’s a beautiful 6x9 inch The 10 Minute Fix Journal too, and every page is different, with over 200 writing prompts. You can get your journal here in America, in Canada, in the UK and in Australia.

This Was So Embarrassing!

Hi friends!

Oh man, I am such a lunatic sometimes. If you know me in real life, you know I love to dress up and have fun. I buy a few pieces here and there (faux fun rings, for example) that cheer me up. Well, a couple of weeks ago, I decided I need some flare “leather” pants.

I ordered a great pair online…and was so excited to open the package. They were perfect! High waist, nice flare, perfect size.

Then I turned them over to reveal CUT OUT BUTT CHEEKS.

I am 55.

Honestly, I laughed until tears streamed down my face.

“I guess you won’t be wearing those,” my husband said when he came into the room to see why I was cackling.

Uh, nope. No, I will not. Even though I believe all of us should LOVE OUR AGE and wear what makes us feel good, those pants—shall we say?—were just not me.

Yes, the tag promised “Fit for you” but even so…

However, it did give me some time to think about what we wear, and what our clothes say about us.

  • Little kids adore seeing pretty dresses. When our boys were tiny, they were delighted by mum-in-a-dress. Try it—it’s such an easy way to make people smile.

  • If a friend comes over for lunch, I enjoy dressing up to show that I appreciate her visit.

  • Whenever we have a quick “family celebration”—you read about this in The 10 Minute Fix—I always change into a fun outfit, earrings, perfume, fun shoes. If you’re at home, heels are easy and fine to wear and you can slip them off in a minute.

I dress for me, to lift my mood.

I dress to give other people a lift sometimes.

It’s something to think about: can your clothes cheer you up (and cheer up other people)?

We’re so lucky to have these options, aren’t we? We might as well use them.

Enjoy your weekend!

Love Catherine xx


  • You guys, this shoe stretcher for tight shoes is so good. What a game-changer!

  • Definitely not linking to those butt-cheek-less pants but if you really really want some, haha, email me. I will tell you about my favourite new $12 shoes above. Aussies, you can order online here. They fit medium - wide, which is great as so few shoes do! The treads are very rubbery and non-slip.

  • Why do I link to affordable (not expensive) treats? So many of you have mentioned you’ve had tough times with jobs and businesses during Covid. I’m thinking of you and hope I’m helpful!

  • Also…I hope this note made you laugh and didn’t offend! I wasn’t trying to be cheeky ;-)

What Kind of Body Do You Want?

Hi everyone! Isn’t this the greatest dress tag you’ve ever seen? I couldn’t resist holding it up to my crinkly lines and freckles / age spots and snapping a photo because it’s true about me.

“PERFECT IS BORING. The slight crinkles in my “fabric” are a natural characteristic. Love me longer by following my care instructions.”

This year, I decided to love my body. Here’s what that means to me.

1.Embracing ALL of me: my past decisions, my current habits…then sitting with those habits and asking, “Which no longer serve me?”

2. Taking myself for big, long walks.

3. Accepting what is. Wow, I cause myself angst and pain when I struggle against reality. Remember this Byron Katie quote from The 10 Minute Fix?

4. Asking a really basic question: I’m treating my own body this way, but is this how I would help someone else? Here’s a favourite page from Small Steps Are Perfect.

5. Using gratitude. Whatever is happening in my world or yours, whatever the state of our health, we are here now. There are steps we can take to feel better. We have some agency over our own decisions. And there’s a new day tomorrow. And tomorrow.

What kind of body do you want?

How do you take care of yourself?

For me, the answer is this: give my body love and attention. Treat it like I’d treat another person I’m responsible for.

Happy Sunday! Enjoy your weekend.

Love Catherine x


A Simple Way To Feel Happier

Happy Sunday! A warm welcome to all the new people this week. I’m Catherine Greer, Sydney-sider, beach walker, compulsive baker….and author of some best-loved books, including the upbeat and encouraging The 10 Minute Fix and Small Steps are Perfect.

New Year, same me—and I’ve been thinking about how to get on with things without so much worry.

Acceptance is the key, right? Be where our feet are, accept what is, and move forward.

So I’ve been thinking about the things in my life that are finite, and the activities that are infinite.

Certain tasks are infinite games (they’ll go on forever): healthy eating, working out, managing our own thoughts. This can be so irritating to admit!!

We have to do them FOREVER, on repeat. There’s no end to the game.

  • We’ll always have to manage our thoughts (which love to run away from us and be negative, right?)

  • We don’t get a break from taking care of our own health. (I sometimes pretend to take a break, but the consequences follow me regardless. Hello, Christmas goodies that I’m still carrying around with me! You were worth it, but it’s time to slow down now…)

I will never “arrive” with health or fitness or keeping my thoughts on track. Neither will you. Infinite games, my friends, so we might as well acknowledge them, do them, and (in my case anyway! Argh!) stop complaining about it.

Making peace with our infinite games makes life easier.

Have a beautiful week wherever you are! I hope you stay safe, rest when you need to, and find some small joys today.

Love Catherine x


  • It’s summer in Sydney, and I’ve loved wearing this dress — perfect to throw on at the beach or pool. Pockets! Heavier fabric. Long, loose and elegant.

  • James P. Carse wrote a philosophical book called Finite and Infinite Games and Simon Sinek built on James’ ideas in a business / leadership book called The Infinite Game. I haven’t read either yet, but just applied to idea to my own life. What’s infinite and finite in yours?

Tricking You?

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Hello, new friends! Welcome to Love Our Age…I’m Catherine Greer and you’re here probably because you just read The 10 Minute Fix. I’m leading with a selfie today so you can see me! I’m always signing up for blogs and then not really knowing who’s writing to me :) So here I am, Catherine, standing in my study in Sydney mid-way through a big writing day.

I drink a lot of coffee, my friends. :)

Hi to everyone, all of you who I know and love, and new people from around the world and in my city.

I’m so glad you’re here! I have something really juicy to share today — an idea I read a couple of weeks ago that truly changed me. (You can find Mel Robbins at

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I had to unpack this and ask myself if it’s true.

Yes, thinking about writing sometimes does make me feel like I’ve been writing — even when I haven’t put a word down on a page. Thinking about solutions in dealing with a teen really does make me think I’ve done something to improve our relationship…but I haven’t actually DONE ANYTHING at all.

I’m not suggesting that it’s not helpful to think.

I’m agreeing that my thinking and even deciding often tricks me into believing I’ve already done the thing and moved closer to my goal when I haven’t.

Do you do this? Think and plan and then somehow get tricked into believing that you’ve acted on your plan?

Most of life is about the doing.

Moving closer to our goals? Doing.

Getting healthier? Doing.

Writing a book? Doing.

Changing jobs? Doing.

Starting a business? Doing.

Improving a relationship? Doing. Acting.

I’m so excited about this idea. Here’s why: because now that I see it, I can change it. I can think and plan—of course—but also make sure that I act.

Enjoy your beautiful weekend! I’ll be here today helping a teen with a ton of assessments (not just worrying about him) AND doing some writing on my new book. Can’t wait for you to read it! If you enjoyed The 10 Minute Fix, you’ll love this one…

Love, Catherine x


  • I overbought a ton of pears…wondering if I can make a pear pie for Sunday dinner? Does that sound terrible to you? Maybe mix it with apple? Here’s my apple pie recipe from my author website and blog. I am a serial baker—haha!

  • It’s the book birthday of The 10 Minute Fix! That little book has been sneaking its way into women’s hearts around the world for exactly one year. If you want to celebrate with me and gift a copy to a friend, you can get it here in America, and here in Canada, and here in the UK and here in Australia. I love that this small book is helping women feel a little better about everyday life. To me, that’s everything. xo

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The Year of (Blank...)

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Hello my friends, and hello everyone new this week!

So much is happening just now here in Sydney:

  • Darn! There’s a Covid cluster in the Northern Beaches, so for us that means a teen who can’t skate and can’t have his mates over…that’s where they all live.

  • I stepped on a tiny piece of glass this week and have to hobble to the doctor to get it dug out of my foot — youch.

  • And Christmas is nearly here….hooray!

Honestly, I can’t wait for next week when our little family of four is ready to settle in for Christmas movies, treats, card games and general fun.

At the same time, I’ve been thinking about 2021 and I was inspired by Rebel Wilson when she talked about her Year of Health in 2020.

I think I’m going to have a Year Of Cheering Myself On.

I need to write more books, and I want to get better at taking really good care of myself. I need to be my own best cheerleader. That’s my plan for 2021.

What about you?

(If you want to share, I’d love to hear about your plan for 2021. Inspire me…for you, what is it The Year of?)

Love Catherine x


  • Some Christmas fun — I got this top and my sons say I look a bit like Snow White but it’s super cute in person.

  • I made peanut butter balls last week (my husband’s Christmas favourite…they’re kind of like Reese’s peanut butter cups). I found a delicious recipe here.

  • If you need some sweet gifts for girlfriends, everyone is loving The 10 Minute Fix. Here in Canada, and here in Australia.

Simple gifts from the heart.


A new friend came over a few weeks ago to pick up her teen after a sleepover, and this is what she brought: a fragrant bunch of rosemary tied with brown string.

I ran a vase of water, placed the rosemary on the kitchen table. Every time I walked by, I bent down to inhale her kindness, her garden.

It was a special gift.

This year, I’m trying to remember the little things, the simple things.

  • Sharing leaves from my kaffir lime tree for other people’s curries.

  • Gifting extra copies of my latest book to a women’s shelter to add to their holiday packs.

  • Making chicken noodle soup for a son recovering from surgery…even when I know he might prefer a chicken burger and chips.

Simple gifts from the heart are ours to give any time.

They don’t cost a lot but they feel like gold. This holiday season, I’m going to try to give more good cheer, more thoughtfulness, more hope, more change. For some new-but-not-yet-friends, I’m going to give a little piece of me…

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If you have a second to think about it today, consider what you have in your hands and home that you might want to give from the heart.

Some of you paint (I know you do). Some of you bake beautifully. Some of you organise and teach classes. These are all beautiful gifts to share — a voucher for your online course, a gift card, a wrapped cake, a herb bouquet.

We’ve got this holiday season. We can do it simply, with so much love.

Enjoy your Friday. I hope you have a relaxing weekend, with lots of time to sip hot drinks and dream.

Love Catherine x


I have two fabulous friends with two businesses I’d love to share today. Both women are vibrant, talented and so much fun to be around. Ready to meet them? (These are friends, not #ads…women who I know you’ll love. I wish all of us here at Love Our Age could sit down and have a big, noisy morning tea together. I know you’d like each other!)

  • Jules Van Mil at Style For Life has fabulous and practical styling tips for women. Her latest online class, The Secrets of Casual Elegance, happens on Nov 28 (Canada & America) and Nov 29 (Australia). Jules is in Australia.


Hello, I'm ageing. (And I'm okay)

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Happy Halloween if you celebrate. We did a lot for two little munchkins who came to our door last night, but it was fun. Oh Corona, will you just give it a rest?? I think we’re all ready to be finished with you.

But today, drinking coffee in my pjs, I’m thinking about my face.

Can we talk about how I’m looking older? Can I tell you about my choices (which may be different from yours…and that’s okay.)

For me, all the delicious hormones of youth are gone now, and I’m not replacing them. I’m not botoxing. My hair is grey. My skin is a little thinner.

But my heart — my heart is beautiful.

And I’m guessing yours is, too.

Here’s the thing: do you care that my face is getting older? Do you mind that I have a huge teacher-frown-wrinkle on my forehead that shows I’ve listened and concentrated most of my life? Does it bother you that my skin isn’t snapping back to it, that I have age freckles, that all my parts that used to live up north are sliding a little southward?

No, you don’t. I’m sure you don’t.

I’m sure you love my wisdom and my friendship, my recipes and my cheerleading, my insistence that you can age and have fun, be yourself, grow older with grace and focus and energy.

Here’s what I think: I think it’s still worthwhile and important to scrub up and look lovely at every age. I’m all for pretty and FUN and enjoying our lives because, truly, we are all so lucky—despite the ‘hard’ that we all have.

But worrying about all the surface of me that I cannot control is not what I want to do.

I want to spend my last half loving my age. However many more years I get, I want to be comfortable and SHINE LIKE I AM.

If you guys have read The 10 Minute Fix you know that I like the work of Mel Robbins, an American coach, lawyer and speaker. She wrote this and I wanted to share (you can find her at

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She’s right.

In my life, I feel proud of who I’ve become…and the people who matter to me really don’t mind one bit that I’m looking older. (If you’re one of the many beautiful strangers here who haven’t had coffee with me at my kitchen table — do you mind that I’m well and truly 54, and very unlike Nicole Kidman’s 53? Didn’t think so.)

Oh, yes, sometimes there’s this little voice in my head that says I have to convince people that I’ve still “got it” whatever IT is. But the truth talks a lot louder than that.

Truth is: we are here right now. We’re lucky for every day that adds a fine line to our faces. And I’m not going to spend one single moment worrying about whether this age, my age, is less beautiful than the last.

Let’s live it up, and love our age together…whatever that looks like for me and for you.

Catherine x


  • Hello to all the new people this week! You’re so welcome here in my little corner of the internet.

  • Like my sunnies?? Oh you guys, I’m starting to feel like a micro-influencer when I tell you where I got this and that…and honestly no one has asked me about them but I think they’re cute. Now I’m laughing at myself!! If you want to know, I bought them at H&M for $12 (current season). Similar here on amazon.

3 Minutes for Neck Relief...

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Hello, everyone! Happy Friday in Australia :)

Welcome to all the new people here at the Love Our Age blog. If you found me via my new book, The 10 Minute Fix, I’m excited to have you here. I hope you’re enjoying the book so far. I got a beautiful message from a reader this week about Chapter 64: “Let People Remember You.”

That chapter reminded me of how much I used love and wear yellow, too! It also made me think of Mum, how she loved the colour blue, roast chicken, the constellation “Orion’s Belt,” apple crisp...the list could go on and on.
— Melanie in Canada

How amazing is it that one tiny book can help us remember the people we love?

If you’re new, you need to know that I blog twice a week, Friday and Sunday mornings in Australia, with goodies that are fun and worthwhile. So…on to today.

How’s your posture going? Mine is pretty terrible.

It’s been another busy writing and teaching week for me, with a lot of time in front of my laptop… Ouch! My upper back and neck are feeling stiff. So I did a little search last night and my favourite teacher online is Adriene, who has an incredible YouTube channel called Yoga With Adriene. She’s lovely…take a look!

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This is one of her older videos and I absolutely love it.

Here’s why:

  • You’ll get neck relief in under 3 minutes.

  • Anyone can do this (you could probably do it now sitting in your office chair)

  • The video is charming and whimsical — that flowered headband! It’s just…nice somehow.

  • The music is sweet and old fashioned, so different from what daily life is dishing up at the moment.

Click here to watch or on the image below. I hope you find it useful!

Enjoy your Friday,

Love Catherine x


  • Lately I’ve been cheering myself up with (silly, right?) nail polish! I had light blue nails this week and now I’ve changed to black. Hello, Halloween. Not an #ad, but you can find cute, inexpensive nail polish in Australia here. My favourite is this brand, Sally Hansen Insta-Dry. Go on, reach for a little Instant Happiness! Why not?

Lucky Me


So the coffee machine broke yesterday — it literally catapulted my coffee mug off the machine, threw it on the kitchen floor, sprayed coffee everywhere and broke my favourite mug. How?? I dunno, but it did.

Thanks, Nespresso!

But still I think: Lucky me.

Lucky me that I have coffee, that I have a kitchen, that I have a timber floor, a mop to clean up. That I’m flexible enough to bend down and pick up broken glass, that I have a gorgeous dog I had to yell at to keep her out of the kitchen and out of harm’s way with her little paws.

That I have a husband who walked in and said, “WHAT THE—!!!” and a teenage son who rolled his eyes and said, “Mum, what did you DO????”

And by the way, did I tell you that a year ago I dropped a cup of coffee out of the microwave, and coffee shot upwards for 9 FEET and sprayed all over our kitchen ceiling and I had to get it repainted?

But…I’m lucky.

Even though there is the other story I could tell—the one that involves fear and lack and worry and pain and struggle—ultimately I choose over and over to say this: Lucky me.

What’s the old saying? That if all of us put our troubles on a platter and had the chance to take home someone else’s, we would all choose our own?

For me, that’s true.

Nothing here in Sydney is perfect or stress free.

Nothing is as lovely or glitzy or easy or CUTE as it seems in my photos or anyone’s on the internet. Mine or yours. And I know this is true.

Today I cleaned up the kitchen before I realised I should’ve snapped a picture of all my broken mess to show you my reality, and all my many, many mistakes…But since I forgot to do that, I’m showing you the picture I took of me with my book yesterday.

I am so very proud of The 10 Minute Fix. I hope you read it and enjoyed it. And if you have — can I ask you a favour? Would you please gift a copy to someone you love? (Buy it here in America, and here in Canada, and here in the UK and here in Australia.)

Thank you for supporting authors and cheering me on. (What you may not know is that books don’t make much money for authors — most full time authors earn under $11,000 a year from their books so…it’s about something else! It’s about love, not money.) I wrote this book because I wanted to encourage women. Today I read this review: “I wish I could buy this book for all the overwhelmed women of the world.”

(If you need encouragement and a complimentary copy just for you because times are super tough, let me know. And if you can share a copy with another woman, please do!)

Enjoy your Friday — and watch out for your own killer coffee machine!

Love Catherine x

PS. Here’s how women are sharing The 10 Minute Fix. (It posts as a letter for easy gift giving…)

  • Heather shared 6 copies with her book club. Thank you.

  • Leanne introduced it to her staff, and 10 people ordered a book. Thank you.

  • Jen and 5 other girlfriends received it as a gift on a girls’ weekend away. Thank you.

  • Sharon gave books to all her daughters. Thank you.

  • Jules mailed copies around the world to her friends in Australia, England and Canada. Thank you.

  • My sister Dar (“it’s time to drop that bag of rocks!”…you’ll read about her in the book) got 10 to give to her friends and family. Thank you. This is how we help each other, one virtual hug at a time.

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Martha Beck's Secret to Life

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Hello there!

In case the world feels a little crazy to you right now, I thought I’d share a quote I heard this week and absolutely loved.

If there’s a secret to life, it’s this:
Find people you like, and do stuff with them.
— Martha Beck, bestselling author and speaker

Simple and absolutely true.

Have you found your “people you like”? For me, 100% it’s my own family. I love (but also really really like) my sons. The older one is precise and analytical — a reader, a thinker, a talker, a breaker of chains. I can’t wait to see what he’ll offer the world. The younger one is warm and street smart — a reader of people, a creator, a builder, the one who draws together a circle of friends. He’s the glue everyone needs. And my partner is my truest friend — so smart, with wisdom to make the long shots I can’t even see, a foundation and a bridge for hundreds of people at work (and for us, too).

The family I chose and made …those are “my people.” It’s a little insular, but there’s nothing I love more than spending time with them. If you read my new book, you’ll know my favourite time of day is twilight. This photo captures one of my favourite memories with my people — dusk at Hyams Beach, three kilometres of deserted white sand, just us, laughing and running. There was a good dinner ahead of us, spaghetti bolognese cooked by me, a family movie night, beds to snuggle into, warm baths, clean sheets. This little trio — husband, son, son — is my greatest joy.

Today I’m thinking of Martha Beck’s secret to life.

Choose your people. Choose well. And do stuff with them. That really is the secret.

Happy Friday, everyone. I know things are tough out there, so that’s all the more reason to hang on to the people we love. Or this — go and find “your people”. I know they’re out there.

Enjoy your Friday.

Love, Catherine x

PS. It’s time for 31 Crush, and Victoria (the creator) is “the Victoria” in Chapter 2 of my new book, The 10 Minute Fix. She’s a creative dynamo, so lovely and so much fun! You can be coached by Victoria for the month of August — pay what you can — to fall in love with a new activity, habit or pursuit in August. Email Victoria to learn more. I did 31 Crush last year and it was magic!

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Best Raspberry White Chocolate Cookies & Fun Fixes

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Happy Sunday!

These aren’t just ANY jam drops. Nope. These are the best, most delicious cookies I make. Raspberry White Chocolate Shortbread Cookies. Trust me, you need this recipe. So easy.

Cream together in a mixer:

  • 1 cup butter

  • 2/3 cup white sugar

  • 1/2 tsp almond extract

Add 2 cups + 2 tablespoons plain flour. Mix.

Roll into balls and indent with your beautiful thumbprint.

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Add raspberry jam. I use a piping bag to do this. (The trick: warm up the jam a little or stir it well to make sure there are no lumps.)

See? So pretty.

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Bake at 180F / 350 F for around 12 minutes. Cool. Then melt some white chocolate. I use about half a bag of Nestle White Melts. I can’t remember if you have those in Canada or America! Oh man, I’ve been in Australia for 23 years. I’m nearly Half & Half now (but I still sound 100% Canadian).

I pour the melted chocolate in a ziplock bag and snip the end. Then I drizzle over cooled cookies and wow, suddenly everything is elevated to SENSATIONAL. So easy.

Cookies are best when they’re made with love, right? These ones are going to be served to some beautiful women near Cronulla Beach today. We’re doing a tiny, social-distanced book event at Anna’s Shop.

I’m excited to dress up, drive down and share my stories from The 10 Minute Fix.

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Three friends are hosting 10 Minute Fix bookclubs with their crew, and if you’d like to do the same, please invite me on Zoom! I’ll bring the virtual cookies (at least the recipe) and see your faces and hear what you think. You can email me here.

My favourite fix this week is #61:

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(Yep, just like I wrote in the introduction, I need my own book! I still read it at night before bed.)

Enjoy your Sunday. If you’re baking cookies, these are the best.

Love Catherine

PS. Please—if you love it—spread the word about The 10 Minute Fix. It’s helping people feel better, and we all need more of that! Under $20 for so much “feel better now”…worth it. E-book is $9.99.

13 Ways Of Looking At Everything

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Last week, Yvette brought me tulips—and look at them. Don’t you love their sense of independence? Don’t you love how they find their own way?

They fling themselves about as if they don’t know they’re pretty.

Behind the tulips and above my kitchen table, you’ll see the poem I wrote about in The 10 Minute Fix. These four framed stanzas are from Wallace Steven’s “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird,” published over 100 years ago in Harmonium in 1917.

I wrote about stanza II in my book, but my favourite at the moment is stanza XIII, covered by tulips.

It was evening all afternoon.
It was snowing
And it was going to snow.
The blackbird sat in the cedar-limbs.
— Wallace Stevens

If you were here this morning, we’d have a coffee together. We’d sit at this table and I’d offer you something delicious on a china plate. We’d talk like friends do, first about one of us, and then the other. We’d trade stories and remind each other that Covid can’t last forever, that people are basically good, that every day something wonderful happens to someone.

We’d admire the tulips.

You’d make me laugh and I’d make you another coffee. (I’m a lot of things, but hardly ever funny.)

We’d find 13 ways to look at things and together we’d fix up our worlds.

Isn’t friendship everything?

Aren’t we lucky?

Right now, after you finish reading, please text a friend you love. Let’s just do this—tell the women in our worlds that we appreciate them. It’s a 10 Minute Fix I didn’t write about, but should have.

We’re all so busy, flinging this way and that, but the heartbeat of our lives is staying connected.

Enjoy your Friday and stay safe out there.

I’m thinking of you.

Love Catherine x

PS. If you’d love to pick up a beautiful book of poetry, try The Ember Ever There. The author, Jean McCarthy, is my beautiful cousin and friend. You can find it here in Canada, in America and in Australia.

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Ta Da! The Winners are...

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It’s winter school holidays in Australia, and we had a little beach break this weekend.

Walking these three kilometres of pure white sand with my parka on made me yearn for a beach home. I don’t know about you, but as every year passes for me, I’m looking for more simplicity in the little things. Nature. A drive to a beach for the day. Fresh air!

Oh, I would love to live near this beach! But…it wouldn’t be easy.

Or would it?

Are some changes far easier to make than we think?

I love this question and I’m learning to ask it more:

What would this look like if it were easy?
— Tim Ferriss
  • What if book sales were easy?

  • What if talking with my teen was easy?

  • What if finding a partner was easy?

  • What if getting healthier was easy?

  • What if buying a beach house was easy?

My mind always jumps straight to this will be hard. But…what if it was easy? How would that look?

If we open up to the possibility and ask our minds the question, it gives our brains a chance to come up with some solutions.

Try it about your biggest challenge right now. Ask yourself, “What if <insert here> was easy?”

It makes you feel different, doesn’t it? It makes me think there’s a chance for a victory, and also helps me see a bunch of good ideas I haven’t seen before.

Before I head off into my Sunday, full of house cleaning, gardening and dog walks, I have a 10 Minute Fix Book Giveaway to announce!

I love giving! For everyone who entered to win a copy of The 10 Minute Fix for yourself or a friend who needs a boost, here are the 5 winners. (I’ve emailed you asking for your postal address!)

  • Jennifer

  • Leah

  • Heather

  • Carolyn

  • Laura

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Love Catherine

PS. LOVE hearing your feedback on my new book! Got this message this week: “I love Fix #90—you are not for everyone. Literally walked out of my bedroom and talked about it with my teenage daughter. It’s the lesson I wish I’d learned at 16. It would have saved me so much grief.”

Okay, book sales! (“What if book sales were easy, Catherine???”) Available online or in select Aussie bookshops:

There's Something I Have To Tell You...

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My friends, while the world was reeling, I waited quietly, with respect. I’ve bought books and products from Americans, cried, reached out, donated. I made the decision to hold back from telling anyone about my news, because I believed the world needed to focus on others, not me. My new book quietly hit the shelves on 31 May.

Today, I’d love to tell you all about it.

When the big things feel broken, sometimes it feels wonderful to focus on the little things.

Here it is, from me to you.

The 10 Minute Fix: 100 simple ways to feel better now (Balmoral Press) — at,,,, Booktopia and Bookdepository and in select Aussie bookshops.

So let me tell you about The 10 Minute Fix!

I’m pretty sure you’ll LOVE it. I write about 100 simple ideas to feel better RIGHT NOW. You’ll get lists! Easy reminders! And it’s like a mini-workbook, too, with space to jot down your thoughts.

Advance readers are saying beautiful things (bless them!):

  • “It’s made me feel better about myself.”

  • “Completely compelling…I couldn’t put it down.”

  • “So pretty! It’s a beautiful book.”

  • “A high-vibe book.”

  • “Makes me feel like I can do it, too.”

  • “So many books have just one idea. This book has 100 ideas. All realistic and do-able.”

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I hope you’ll want to share a copy with your mom, your friend and your sister. (You might even want to leave a page open for your partner or your kid!)

Okay, today — please show me you’re here to cheer me on. This is my book where I cheer for you!

From my heart and home to yours, please enjoy my new book, The 10 Minute Fix!

Love Catherine x

PS. Next week I’ll do giveaways if you’ve lost your job, or want a copy and things are tough, or want to nominate a friend. RRP is $19.99.

Thank you for your support. If you can, I hope you order a copy to keep and one to give away to someone you love. (Yes, your mom or your daughter will love this little helpful book…promise!)