A Pet Peeve

Happy Sunday from Australia!

If you’re new to LoveOurAge.com, welcome — it’s Catherine Greer writing to you (author of The 10 Minute Fix and Small Steps are Perfect).

This photo above is my life: beautiful beaches, sun, and also SHARKS. Gahhhhh! Metaphorically, can you relate?

Life is mostly good, with some sharks lurking.

Yesterday, I woke up in a bad mood: worry + fear. I felt sorry for myself, struggled to believe that something good was going to happen, and just generally felt hopeless.

Here’s my pet peeve: moods are like sharks.

My bad moods love to be fed. So do yours.

  • Feeling crummy about progress on your latest book, Catherine? Feed me: put on a cosy pair of trackies and watch Netflix.

  • Feeling worried, Catherine? Feed me: let your mind run around in circles like a toddler with a Sharpie.

  • Concerned about your kid’s study habits, Catherine?: Feed me: complain to your husband about it (instead of supervising your child).

The problem is that when I feed my moods, they increase.

That’s why we have to do the OPPOSITE of what we feel like doing. We all know this is true. But it’s hard.

Here’s my SIMPLE solution.

It’s a Latin phrase that starts to solve almost every problem.


I feel the mood or the feeling (worry, fear, disappointment). Then I go for a walk. That’s it.

Feel the mood (but don’t feed it). Then walk.

Walking unpicks the tangled knot of my troubles. It always has. I’ve used walking this way since I was a little girl. Sad? Walk. Worried? Walk. Fearful? Walk.

You can do this, too: consider taking a walk instead of feeding your moods.

Even if it’s a walk inside your own home, when you’re walking you will ALWAYS feel a little better.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone. Let’s have some fun, rest when we can, and walk if we’re worried.

Love, Catherine x


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