We All Need This Question


Hi there — for fun today, here’s a gorgeous screen shot of the talented Marilyn Monroe from a film I don’t recognise.


Doesn’t she look like a woman who is owning her day?

This photo makes me think so many things:

  1. Why do we judge beautiful women?

  2. What stops us from being a little “extra”? I mean, the nails, the bling-y jewels, that sash, the colours…everything Marilyn is wearing says, “MORE can be GOOD!” I forget this all too often, and sometimes devolve into a colourless life.

  3. Is it time to add a little spice to our day?

But more than these questions, the photo of Marilyn makes me think this:

Let Go Of?.jpg


Same old habits.

Forgetting that I can choose a little bling, a little bright lipstick, a fun song while I’m walking.

Am I ready to let go of the way I’ve always been?

What — exactly — am I ready to let go of?

What are you ready to let go of?

(This question makes my brain buzz with possibility!)

Ohhhhh, wish you were here at my kitchen table because I’d love love love to hear your answers! Tell me, is there one thing YOU’RE ready to let go of?

Love Catherine x