Tiny Joys

Hi friends around the world. It’s Catherine Greer writing to you on this beautiful Sunday morning in Australia. The beach photo, above, was taken at Hyams Beach in New South Wales, my favourite place in the world.

I’m up way before six a.m. with a headache and a heart filled with gratitude for all the tiny things.

Maybe it’s me getting older, but with every year I wear like a cozy sweater, I get better at being grateful. Today I’m focusing on all the tiny joys.

Headache pills. It’s amazing we have them.

Hot coffee and my laptop, so I can write to all of you.

A row of teenage shoes beside the back door. (Everyone is safe, loved, accounted for.)

A table laid with care for brunch with friends I haven’t seen in a while.

A new puppy to love, who just got the cutest-ever before and after grooming session. (Poor Evie, she could barely see with all that puppy hair…but we had to wait 12 weeks until her immunisation.)


And here she is after. (A huge joy: that Chu, our groomer, is skilled enough to wield a pair of scissors this close to puppy eyes…so we don’t have to.)

Of course there’s beauty everywhere if we know how to look for it.

Our worlds are full of Tiny Joys.

Here’s the secret to living well: we can always look for the small things while we wait for the big things to slide into place.

I wish I could offer you a coffee and a freshly-baked cinnamon bun this morning, and hear your list of tiny joys.

Be well, enjoy your weekend, and remember to hope for the best.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!