faux flowers

I'm Working On This...

Holly Peaceful.jpg

Hey, Happy Sunday. Welcome to you if you’re new…there are so many of you this week! I’m guessing you’ve signed up for my weekly emails after reading The 10 Minute Fix. I’m honestly happy you’re here and I hope I can offer something that uplifts and inspires you today.

Right now this is my Sunday morning view: a rearranged lounge room after the Christmas tree was put away, and I always feel like moving furniture gives me a fresh new start.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about all of us around the world — Covid, Covid, go away — and I’m trying to find any kind of silver lining. For me, it’s this: I’m learning to make the most of my home.

Here’s the disclaimer: we are so very lucky here in Australia, and I wish I could have you ALL over for coffee and cinnamon buns right now because our Covid situation is really good, our government has been wise, it’s summer and we are better than just okay. I watch the news and I know it’s easier for us, way easier.

And yet, the gift of Covid is this: we are all noticing our own homes. Covid has made me think about all the things I can do for free, with just a little effort, to make our nest a whole lot nicer.

  • Change the sheets more often.

  • Put away what’s on my countertop in the bathroom and kitchen.

  • Sweep the tiles at the front door and wipe the door down, so it’s clean.

  • Faux flowers when I can’t have real…I know, I know, am I an old lady now? But these lilies above are so realistic. I’ll link below.

  • A cup of tea at night in a china cup I love.

Yes, the simple things. Little fixes to make our homes more “home” and prettier, or more functional, or just feel like a nicer space to be.

Truth is, we can choose to do this, right? Truth also is…it doesn’t even necessarily take longer, or make more work for us. Because here’s the thing: we can spend time wishing life were different, or we can spend that time making the best of it.

I read something this week that stopped me in my tracks. When that happens, I know I’ve found a lesson I need to learn.

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Peace. It’s elusive right now during crazy Covid times, but it’s there, waiting for us.

I hope you enjoy your weekend around your home, and I’m thinking of you, spread around this world…sprinkled in Canada and Australia, America and England, India and Germany, and on and on.

Love Catherine x


  • Those lilies are here, and they’re super convincing in real life. You can order online.

  • Tip for faux flowers: I have three different bunches, and I only keep them on display a short while. Then I store them in a vase in a tall cupboard so I never get tired of them. And of course, when I can, it’s so lovely to buy fresh.

  • Also this little tip: any green thing from outside, or any wintery branch, can look pretty and it’s free for us to enjoy. All we need to do is take time and notice, and bring the outside in.

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