If You Need A Break From The News...

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So much is happening and people are hurting and I’m not sure how to encourage anyone this week… but, like you, I’m sending thoughts around the world to Beirut and Covid-struggling nations, and also here to our own island home of Australia.

Let’s take a deep breath. I truly hope things improve soon. If you need a little break from the news, please read on for something fun…

Here’s a tiny break for you!

Can we focus for a moment on something silly and girly? I’ve decided to drop in here at Love Our Age and talk about an extremely FUN experiment I tried this week.

It’s about hair.

It seems like everyone I follow on the internet is trying this weird big brush / blowdryer, and everyone is saying the same thing:

“It looks like I’ve been to a salon.”

That was enough enticement for me to try it out. I ordered mine here in Australia, but if I were in Canada I probably would have purchased the Revlon one. (We don’t get the same level of choice Down Under.)

Here’s my honest review: “It looks like I’ve been to a salon.”

It’s a little bit cumbersome and my wrist got tired—plus it was awkward as anything to take a photo for you while drying my own hair—BUT I found it easier to use than a blow dryer plus round brush.

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The result? For hair with longer layers (maybe 4 inches plus?), or hair to your chin or longer, this blowdryer brush is a DEFINITE YES.

I love it.

I have no idea why, but it magically looks like I just spent $65 getting a fresh blow-out at a salon. Highly recommend.

If you try it, let me know what you think. (My hair is fine and super silky now that it’s grey instead of coloured, so I’m not sure if you’ll get the same result. Yours may even be nicer! I would say for the price, it’s totally worth it.)

One thing — the brush dryer is huge. Look at it in relation to my hand. I think it looks even bigger in real life. Mine has three speeds: low, medium or high. I used medium and it took about 10 minutes. Ha! Another 10 Minute Fix!

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Hope this is fun for you to try!

I’m just over here in my corner of the world doing what I can to make people feel as good as possible, given the circumstances. Take care of yourselves out there.

Love Catherine x

PS. So funny! Tonight my husband said, “Did you go to the hair salon today??” Nope. Here’s where you can find it online:

And if you’re looking for free, beautiful books, please check out this giveaway…so easy to enter! My cousin and I are giving away books this weekend. Hurry, enter before Sunday!

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