Hooray for Strawberries!


Welcome to the weekend!

In Australia, we have one month of winter left, but strawberries are heading into season so it’s definitely time to dip them in chocolate. Right? Right!

Everybody makes this “recipe” but it’s easy to have a less-than-perfect result. Here are my 5 tips for perfect strawberries:

  1. Wash and dry the strawberries well. Make sure they’re completely dry, right up to the leaves (which you gently pull upward). Chocolate won’t stick to damp berries.

  2. Don’t cheat and use your microwave! Heat the chocolate in a double boiler. Just bring an inch of water to simmer in a pot, and place a bowl on top. Toss in the chocolate. Make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water.

  3. Add oil. Break up one block of baking chocolate (or chocolate chips). Add to the bowl. Then add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil — this is what gives the beautiful sheen. Stir until melted.

  4. WAIT. Don’t dip too early. Let the chocolate cool and thicken a little before you start dipping. This may take 10-15 minutes. Line a tray with baking paper for the dipped strawberries. If the chocolate is cool, it won’t pool as much at the base of the berry.

  5. Cool at room temperature, then pop in the fridge. Leave the dipped berries to cool for at least 5 minutes on the bench top. Then put them in the fridge to harden. The chocolate won’t crack off the berry when you take a bite.

Tip #5 is the most important!

So easy and so delicious. Enjoy…

Love Catherine x

PS. Cuter than Olivia Newton John and just as Aussie! 

Grace 3.jpg
  • Today, I want you to meet my little neighbour Grace. She’s four, smart as a whip, bubbly, beautiful — and her family is never ever going to give up on finding a cure for Grace’s ADCY5-familial Dyskinesia. It’s a very rare disorder that affects Grace’s ability to move and speak…but inside and outside, Grace is fully, beautifully FOUR. So funny and sweet. So smart.

  • Grace’s mama, Emma, is a trained nurse and a tireless self-motivated (unofficial) researcher and advocate for this rare disorder. Grace’s nan, Jenny, is my very very dear friend.

  • We can help with wheelchairs! It’s time for Grace to be wheeling around on her own and I’d love us to help. Grace’s wheelchair fundraiser is here. Please can you click through and make a donation? ($345 is raised out of a $67,500 target.)
