I love this question for the holidays...

Hi everyone, and hello if you’re new or haven’t seen me in a while. A quick intro — I’m Catherine Greer, author of a bunch of books (The 10 Minute Fix and Small Steps are Perfect are best-loved). I live in Sydney with my Canadian husband and two young adults sons.

Last night we went to a fabulous party with a lot of fun people and dancing…and all I snapped was this car selfie.

Do you mind if I tell you a quick little story about my dress?

A couple of weeks before the party, a friend who was also invited leaned in and said, “I’m going sparkly.”

Well, that was enough encouragement for me. I said, “I’m going sparkly, too.”

She showed up looking gorgeous, so sparkly and twirly and fun in red. So did many others. The dance floor made me think of my favourite question, the question that truly is the heartbeat of my life.

It’s confronting, though — at least for me. Here it is:

Sometimes I am worried-tired-cranky-self-focused and not that much fun.

Sometimes I want the WORLD to be fun (good things to happen, people to make my life fun) and I forget that BEING fun is more important than HAVING fun.

But mostly I try to remember that fun begins with me.

I want to do more of this during the holidays. I’m going to try out some new, fun traditions because so many of my existing traditions—Christmas Camp Out, Christmas Ninjas—are traditions I created when our boys were little, and now they’re grown young adults and need some fresh holiday fun.

So I decided I’m going to be the CFO of the family, a beautiful idea from Mel Robbins, podcaster and American author.

CFO = Chief Fun Officer.

I’m going to drive up in the metaphorical “fun bus.”

I’m going to plan a few things to bring the fun.

Next week, I’ll share some of my ideas…you’re so welcome to borrow them if anything resonates. And in the meantime, I hope you bring some fun into your weekend…

Thanks for being here. I appreciate that you are!

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • Oh my goodness, the beauty of my beloved Canada—you have to see this.

  • If you were at the party with me and you asked — here are my pink boots and very affordable dress. Feel free to get your own. I wouldn’t mind at all…

  • For all the new people today…my books, written with so much love. If you need a girlfriend gift, women often get multiple copies and my books post as a letter for around $4.50 postage. The 10 Minute Fix is on sale now in Australia for $12.

  • Ohhhhh, frost flowers. Absolute magic — have you ever seen one?

  • Email me if you have any fun Christmas traditions!