Ask me how I know...

Hi there friends and new friends! It’s Catherine Greer, popping into your weekend to say hello. So many new faces this week—welcome. Wish you were here having coffee with me and listening to early morning birdsong in Sydney. ❤️

Would you mind if I tell you a quick story?

I ran into a little girl when I was shopping at Target yesterday. She was sitting in the women’s shoe aisle knee-deep in shoes while she waited for her mother in the cosmetics department beside us. She must’ve been nine years old, and she reminded me so much of little Catherine.

She put on high heels over her socks and clomped around, set them back properly and tried on another pair. I watched her HUG the same gold pair I’m wearing in the photo above.

I couldn’t help myself; I leaned down, and I told her this:

“You know, one day you’re going to be a grown woman who works, and you’ll be able to buy all the shoes you want.”

She looked up at me and grinned. We both went back to trying on our heels.

I felt like I’d reached back into my own childhood and whispered a message to ME.

Isn’t it magic? We can do so many things that we couldn’t when we were girls.

  • Make decisions for ourselves.

  • Love who we love.

  • Love WHAT we love.

  • Sneak away for a little break: put your feet up, look at something beautiful (hoar frost, your Christmas tree, a candle you’ve lit, a pretty cup of tea), spritz on some perfume, eat a little chocolate, listen to your favourite song.

I so badly wanted to buy that little girl the gold shoes…but of course, I couldn’t. She was nine and her mother wouldn’t have approved!

But I did buy them for me: shoes from Target, as a beautiful symbol. We’ve all come such a long, long way. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the control we DO have over our rocky and random lives: that we are grown women, and we can treat ourselves a little.

There are infinite ways to do this, and yes, you can.

Enjoy your Sunday. Love Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • What if you showed up with THIS BRIE as a hostess gift during the holidays? Wow.

  • My cousin, Jean McCarthy, just released a new book based on Recovery and her podcast The Bubble Hour. Beautiful reading whatever you might be recovering from…it’s called Take Good Care.

  • The perfect Christmas “girlfriend gift” and SUCH a great sale price today in Australia — my most popular book, The 10 Minute Fix (just $11 today! wow!) followed by Small Steps Are Perfect. Tooting my own horn, but women often buy multiple copies to gift to friends…it’s a little winner.

  • Of course, the gold shoes from Target. More comfortable than you’d think. Perfect for holiday parties, Aussies!