How are you?


In case you haven’t been asked, I’m asking.

How are you?

You may be feeling like I am: overwhelmed, sickened, sad.

But also this—I have hope. I believe people can choose to be decent and learn. We can offer grace to each other.

We can support with our money, our focused listening, our words, our silence, and our care. There is so much we can do: seek out businesses to buy from in America (here is a fantastic list of women business owners and their lovely products on Instagram via @younghouselove—go to the Make Change button), get curious, buy books, question our assumptions, talk to our kids and grow. March. Ponder. Listen. Donate. Think deeply. Change.

We can be kind, right now, right this second, to the person in front of us.

That’s how we begin.

Thinking of you today. I hope you are okay.

Love, Catherine x

ps. Please notice that the world is still a beautiful place. The moon rises, the oceans swell and surge, the trees are lace at twilight. We can change together.