Get Into Your Comfort Zone

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This past week, we stayed in Fairlight — a gorgeous suburb of Sydney — and we enjoyed this view from the loft master bedroom.

Lucky, right?

And yet, everything felt a bit off. It was tricky to get our son to high school, the kitchen wasn’t great so we ordered pizza, then Thai and made way too many sandwiches. The internet was spotty and it was tough getting to work in the city.

I tried to relax and enjoy the time away while our timber floors were being sanded but truly, I just longed for home.

And I had to laugh at myself — because I am always jumping up and down and encouraging everyone to step OUT of their comfort zones! I tell this to myself all the time.

All the magic happens outside our comfort zones! That’s where we grow and learn. And we feel happier when we’re growing, even if it’s challenging.

But…I was unproductive.

So here’s the funny thing:

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As much as my brain loves new things — and as happy as I am when I’m learning — sometimes our comfort zones are fantastic.

We can be productive, feel safe, and get things done.

So today — take a little time to think about where you’re at. Do you need more comfort? Or are you ready to grow?

For me right now it’s comfort. I’ll be at home in my trackies, drinking coffee, writing tons, watching the rain.

I am so grateful.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Love Catherine x