Checklist for a Fun Sunday


Hi everyone, and welcome new people. It’s time for Sunday Funday around here…despite lockdown and feeling a little crummy from my vaccine on Thursday.

Here’s a checklist to make your weekend fun:

  1. Afternoon tea: this is always a good idea. Fresh scones, cream and jam, put on the coffee or the tea. Perfect even if you’re on your own. Aussies have the most fun lemonade (7-Up) scone recipe.

  2. Kitchen dance: by yourself with your earbuds in, or crank up the tunes. I loved rediscovering David Bowie this week… “Turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes…”

  3. Make a dessert with Sunday dinner. These Lemon Pudding Cakes look amazing.

  4. Go for a walk in the starry evening. Learn the story behind Van Gogh’s Starry Night.

  5. Remember your favourite story as a kid: I loved The Little Red Caboose and “The Twelve Dancing Princesses.” Which stories have stayed with you your whole life? Remember them now for an instant happiness hit.

  6. Polish your nails? See how often you take pleasure in noticing your hands. I love this Essie Lovie Dovie nail varnish! What a fun colour.

  7. If you can, treat yourself to a little something-something. You know what you love: flowers, down time to relax, a delicious treat. Here in Australian winter, I’ve been cutting camellias to enjoy!

  8. Give someone a compliment. Grab your phone, send a text now…3,2,1 go!

  9. Remember your feet! Lotion, give yourself a foot massage, do some foot stretches. Our feet hold us all day long and need a little TLC and respect.

Enjoy your weekend, wherever you are.

We’re still here, we’ve got some people to love and really, that’s all that matters.

Love Catherine x


  • How are you doing? Really, how are you? (I hope someone asks you in real life today, and takes the time to listen…)