All the Fun Stuff

Hi friends. It’s been a whirlwind week…or maybe a tornado week would be a better description. That’s why I am so excited for the weekend. It’s time for some Deliberate Fun.

It’s easy to sit back and hope that fun will happen to me, but usually I find the best way to have a good time and experience peace and joy is to BE the good time, and BE the peace and joy.

Today, I’ll use a few simple tricks that I know will bring happiness right into our home:

  • I’ll pop a gorgeous, bright tablecloth on the kitchen table.

  • I’ll make a delicious Sunday dessert.

  • I’ll learn something new — today it’s so simple: homemade mozzarella.

  • I’ll stop for an afternoon at-home coffee with someone I love.

  • I’ll go for a walk in the fallen autumn leaves in our suburb.

  • And I’ll notice every single thing we DO have.

I found a little quote a long time ago, and I loved it and kept it. (Apologies — not sure of the source.)

I hope your Sunday is filled with all the joy you can bring to it.

I hope you and your loved ones are well and safe.

I hope you have a house full of love: sunlight and friends, fresh air and new mornings, work and joy, people who need you and know you.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. More of the Fun Stuff!