Is it cookie time?

Hi friends. Eight days until Christmas, and here we are — running around, still working, trying to get everything ready to go for the holidays. On top of that, my family has been taking turns getting sick with a summer cold, so chills and headache seem to be going around Sydney.

Are you busy / tired / rushing too?

As a quick way to help out this morning, I thought I’d share my easy Raspberry White Chocolate Shortbread cookies. I made a huge batch yesterday, and they’re always a hit.

Raspberry White Chocolate Shortbread Cookies

  • 1 cup softened butter

  • 2/3 cup white sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract

  • 2 cups + 2 tablespoons flour

  • raspberry jam

  • white chocolate melts

Cream butter and sugar, beat in extract, and gradually add flour and mix into a soft dough. Roll into 1 inch balls, make a thumbprint and fill with jam. Bake at 180 C / 350 F for 12 minutes. Cool and drizzle with melted white chocolate. (I use a ziplock bag with the corner cut off — easy!)

Totally delicious!

I hope you have a relaxing weekend, and if you have a long list, that everything gets crossed off just as you planned.

Love Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

7 Tips for Holiday Magic

Hi everyone! I hope this weekend has given you a breather to rest and regroup before the holiday fever sets in. To give you a little support, I thought I’d share my 2023 list to bring some magic to the people I love this holiday season.

Ready? Let’s go!

  1. Be Fun to Live With. Whether you’re the matriarch of a huge family or a guest, or even celebrating a lovely peaceful holiday at home for one, I always remind myself of this simple truth: the fun has to start with us. For me, this means I need to drop unrealistic expectations of other people, RELAX, choose to see the joy and good intentions, and bring my own good cheer.

  2. Be Where Your Feet Are. Enjoy the lights. Sit by the tree. Take a walk in the snow, or the sunshine. Mark the season by noticing it.

  3. Always, Always, Always Give Warm Hellos and Goodbyes. Whether it’s people you love or just people in the world, being warm is everything.

  4. Less Netflix. More Connection. Dig out that board game — this year I’ve bought Tenzi to try (fast & easy). I’ve also set up a puzzle (a tip: map puzzles are fun for everyone to do, and way easier). We like to buy our family one active “Santa present” that’s something fun we can play together in the back garden.

  5. Start or Continue a Holiday Tradition. This is a little harder, but I go all in. It could be as simple as a cookie drop off for friends, bringing a box of chocolates to open and share during a coffee date or — if you’re more high octane at the holidays, like I am — some fun family traditions. We still do Christmas Camp Out (matching Christmas pjs), Christmas Ninjas (ring and run cookies for people we love on Christmas Eve), a baking day, the pickle present.

  6. Rest. Ask for help if you need it. Delegate and hand out the tasks. Exhausted women are not fun to be around (and we all know they are not fun to BE, either.) I remind myself of this every year: the person who needs to take care of you is YOU, Catherine.

  7. Reflect. Make yourself a hot or cold drink and think about your year. Did you have a warm home, people to love, water from a tap, a choice of shoes, fruit? Are you here, despite the worries and the unexpected way things are turning out? Me too. And I’m grateful.

I wish you were here having coffee with me, sharing your best holiday tips! Just know that I’m over here in rainy Sydney, hoping you have a peaceful, relaxing day. Take good care of yourself this week!

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

This is happening lately...

Hi friends! A quick intro for the new people: I’m Catherine Greer, lover of shoes, kitchen dancing, finding joy, making Sunday desserts and writing books. Thanks for joining me for a little weekly inspiration. You’ll hear from me every Sunday morning in Australia (Saturday night overseas). If you need a reminder of what I look like, I’m a silver-sister, here on Instagram but I haven’t posted in ages…

I had a realisation this week and it really shook me, so I’m sharing it with you.

Maybe it will help?

Here’s the story: as well as writing books, I also work in Australia’s finance world as a copywriter and communications specialist. This means I write all the things — books and blogs (adult novels, picture books, young adult novels) and also executive speeches, business articles, presentations, advertisements and more.

I was struggling with a presentation — trying to make it look good, trying to find the right words — and suddenly the simple solution just came to me.

The problem with how I approach things is that I plow ahead, diligently, doing MORE of the same thing until I get the results I want.

And I made a coffee that morning and thought of the famous words that are usually misattributed to Einstein (but probably came from an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting — see link below): “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

So I made a promise that I would spend the week like this:

It sounds so simple.

My results were amazing.

I don’t know how long my comfortable brain has had me stuck in so many areas of my life, but now I’m changing it up. From the simple to the complex, I’m over here trying EVERYTHING differently.

  • The type of dishcloths I use get so smelly when the boys just leave them wet in the sink. Now: sponges.

  • My morning routine: it has always been slow chair time with hot coffee. Now: I want to be the one to walk the dog in the fresh morning air.

  • Eyeliner: watch a YouTube video.

  • Gift wrapping: try another way for bulky packages - link below and it’s fabulous.

Every single thing I’ve done differently has worked so much better.

I wonder if it will do the same for you?

Sending you good vibes and all the blessings this weekend. Next week, I promise we’ll race towards the holidays togather.

Stay tuned for favourite recipes, lots of baking and more!

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

Let's take a break...

Hello friends! Hello to the new people — and a quick intro so you know who’s writing to you. I’m Catherine Greer…from Sydney (via Saskatchewan, Canada 🇨🇦), mid-lifer, author, serial baker, mum to Evie the cute shih tzu and two adults sons. I believe in celebrating everything, Sunday dessert and dancing in the kitchen whenever I remember.

I’m also…a little tired.

Are you?

As we run up to the last 29 days before Christmas, have you been juggling all the things? Me too.

In the midst of that, our family is in the throws of change. I can feel it coming, and sometimes I want it to happen but other times I don’t.

So I’ve learned to ask a question lately that’s been helping. Here it is:

That question — “I wonder what will happen next?” — has helped me remember that change is life. It can bring fresh air, joy, hard work, a shake-up, a refocus and the next stage.

If life is getting extra life-y for you, too, try this today: make a tea or coffee, put your feet up and rest.

I hope something unexpected and lovely happens to you (and to me, and to all of us. Remember…we’re here, and we’re in this together! 🩷)

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

I’m pretty good at bringing the holiday joy, and it involves a little pre-planning. Here are my top tips so far:

  • This year, I bought this very quick game for all ages — fast paced, easy to pull out, over in a flash, fun. I bought this set but should’ve ordered the set for six. Or you could just make your own for the same price by grabbing this set for 10 people. What’s better than all the friends or family sitting around playing a game? Not much. 🩷

  • Wish I’d started this tradition when my kids were young. I’m going to try it now anyway, to see if it sticks. I love it with my whole heart!

  • I want to learn this for Christmas - today when I rest, I’m going to give it a whirl.

  • If you want your own HAPPY THANK YOU MORE PLEASE t-shirt from The 10 Minute Fix, you can get yours here. I love mine.

Lovely surprises for you today...

Hello, friends!

This week, I’m ready to burst in with an idea that truly helps me. But first…if you haven’t been asked lately — how are you? How are you feeling in your body? How are you navigating your run up to the holidays? Are things stable and normal or a little off-kilter in your world?

Today we’re tree trimming (so early, I know) but we have sons and girlfriends here before someone heads off overseas for a uni (university) study trip, and this weekend was our window to share the family traditions. I’ve got a dinner planned with the Nutella Christmas Tree pastry for dessert — recipe below — and the Christmas lounging pjs are wrapped and ready for a Christmas movie night after dinner.

So…that’s me, starting to celebrate Christmas.

It makes me think of how much I love the holidays, and here’s the secret: I love to create joy.

This year, more than ever, when the news is terrible and life has honestly been unsettled for us, I want to drive up in the Fun Bus and create a beautiful holiday with all the people I’ve been given to love.

I want to fiddle with baking the treats my family loves.

I want to find and wear the matching pjs.

I want to pick up sweet and small gifts for girlfriends, and wrap them with care.

I want to celebrate — to throw some good back into this world, to make some dinners and play some games and laugh with people and breathe it all in.

The older I grow, the more I know that our lives are always changing. What we have is now, today, and the micro-moments of happiness we create.

No one has ever come to my door and handed me some happiness. I wish! Some days, when things are hard and extra “life-y” I wish this were the case…but I do believe we can open our own door, and hand some happiness back.

My plan in the lead-up to Christmas this year is to take every opportunity to hand out joy. And to sit back in a chair with my feet up and my cup of hot coffee, and marvel at all the amazing things we have:

  • People to love.

  • Hearts to warm.

  • Lights and sparkle and magic (and summer for us…and maybe you’ve got falling snow)

I hope you join me in feeling really good — in learning to feel even better — as we go ahead like all women do, and make the magic this season.


Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • Remember the pup who hangs out on the trolley at my local flower shop? There are TWO. I don’t know why this delights me so much…but think about puppies riding on flower trolleys, setting out the flowers every morning. Life is delightful, right?

  • The Nutella Christmas tree recipe - so easy and cute.

  • Hot tip: I was browsing in September, and found Christmas pjs at a huge, huge discount. I got sets of these for $15 and the quality is amazing. Who knew you could buy family pjs so early? I’ve put a reminder in my calendar for next year.

  • A perfect little girlfriend gift: these small cross-body bags. Honestly, the caramel one looks like it’s from Zshoosh for $150 but it’s Kmart and $10.

  • (A quick and respectful note on sharing budget-friendly options: over the years, I’ve had so many lovely emails from readers who, especially since Covid times, have lots of creativity and love to share, but not so much money. That’s why I try to be balanced here, and share what works for everyone. Hugs, hugs, hugs to you all. I hope today is flooded with opportunities for you and your families, and so much joy. 🩷🩷🩷)

  • Had to share - our picture book, Violin & Cello, was featured on Playschool last week. So sweet to be part of this Aussie iconic television show.

Two Things I've Heard Lately

Hello, friends and new friends! Every now and then I like to share a photo of myself to remind you who’s up early and writing to you every Sunday morning! It’s Jacaranda season in Australia! The world around us is bursting into purple.

A quick intro — I’m Catherine Greer, author of two picture books , Jacaranda Snow (wow, huge sale on this today in Australia!!) and Violin & Cello, plus other books for women, like The 10 Minute Fix and Small Steps are Perfect. This year I signed a book deal for my first adult novel…a dream come true!

Ready for the two things I’ve heard recently?

The first is a poem by Miller Williams, and it’s brilliant.

The second is a lovely nod to all our friends and the people we love, by poet and handlettering artist, Lori Heteen. You can follow Lori here.

I know the news is worse than terrible, but one thing will always be true: we’re in this together, and there’s still beauty and joy if we look for it.

If today you’re feeling fabulous or a little off-key, I hope something wonderful happens to you.

Thank you for reading, and I’m wishing you a beautiful weekend filled with texts and calls and cups of coffee with all the people you’ve been given to love.

Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • Voilin & Cello will be featured on Playschool this Thursday! For all my Canadian and American friends, that’s like Australia’s Sesame Street, Mr Rogers and Mr Dressup. So cute!

  • Reporting back on the quick bread from last weekend: a total failure. Can someone please send me a bread recipe that works?? Just hit reply to this email!

  • Reporting back on the skims-dupe bra…so great! Run, don’t walk, ladies. So comfortable! Probably best if you’re a C cup or under.

  • Tonight I’m trying the Moroccan Chicken with Chickpeas from Recipe Tin Eats. I’ll let you know if we love it.

Let's rest a while...

Hello, friends. Happy weekend!

In Sydney, we have a beautiful soft rain, and my plan today is to rest a while.

I’m thinking of all of you — the women who make things happen. You’re heartbeat of a home, you’re the ones who will make sure friends are loved, people are listened to, and there’s coffee or tea ready to be made for anyone who might drop by.

You put the flowers on the table.

You find a way to offer love.

You’re already thinking about Christmas.

So today, for you, I have this reminder: take a moment to rest. Rest and trust that everything will get done a little faster if you stop and find some peace.

Sending you so much love from my rainy home to yours.

Catherine xx

P.S. The fun stuff!

Wow, this question is soooo good!

Hi friends…and all the new people this week! A quick intro…I’m Catherine Greer, owner of this sweet new pup, Evie, wife and mum living in Sydney, author of several books and the upcoming Bittersweet Bakery Cafe — yay, my first novel for adults!

Every Sunday, I share a happiness tip or some encouragement for us. This week, the news continues to be 💔, so I’m showing up with a little joy.

Lately I’ve been dealing with a lot…which leaves me sleepless and worried, which leads me to putting off tasks that normally aren’t that hard. But sometimes the hard tasks feel like the last straw when you’re under stress, and that’s me just now.

Life rolls in waves and troughs—we all know this—but when the troughs come, it can be hard to activate and do anything extra.

I’ve been procrastinating on a couple of things.

But here’s the truth — doing the extra thing is never that hard once I start it. It’s the dreading and leaving it that makes the whole task feel like a junk room in a hoarder’s house. Gah!

Last week I read the best question.


Thinking about what’s unlocked on the other side <of the not-fun activity!> has truly, truly helped.

I’m trying to remember that on the other side of the hard thing is something I’m doing for me.

Hope this helps you, too, as you enjoy this beautiful weekend…and love all the people you’ve been given to love.

Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

Two cosy things.

Hi friends,

Dropping into your inbox this morning before the rush begins around here — we’re celebrating the 18th birthday of my son’s girlfriend — yay for adulthood, finishing school and possibility! Before a beautiful dinner, we’re hosting a relaxing day around the pool.

Sydney’s going to be a balmy 30 C, and I can’t wait for a day filled with young adults laughing. It feels like just the thing we need more of in the world right now.

Before I head off to make the Cardamom Tres Leches cake (delicious, you should try it!), I wanted to give you two cosy things.


  1. Use the good <insert yours here ♥️♥️). For me today that’s the good crystals candlesticks and lovely tapers. The Latina birthday girl’s favourite colour is red. For you, it might be tea in the bone china cup and saucer, or showering with the heavenly cake of soap you got as a gift. Would you consider using one of your special things today? You’ll get a little thrill of cosy joy.

  2. Keep moving forward. Change always happens, so get your sneakers on, and keep your eyes wide open. (This one’s for me more than for you — are you listening to yourself, Catherine??) Remember to KEEP MOVING. I love this beautiful quote from American poet and author Maggie Smith, who wrote the book by the same name.

No matter what we want, life always has many endings…but that does bring beginnings. And of course there will be the next adventure…so we might as well be ready for change.

If your weekend is peaceful, I’m so glad. And if you need a little lift, I hope you’re appreciated by all the people you’ve been given to love.

Happy Sunday!

Love Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!

Finding Glimmers

Hi friends,

For reasons you know all too well, the world is heavy right now. So if you’re feeling the weight of all of that, sit down a second with me.

The world holds everything. This beautiful cake and war. Sunlight and atrocities. Pain and success.

Today my wish for you is this: that if you’re able to choose, you choose to find some joy.

Deb Dana, a psychotherapist, came up with the term glimmers. By this, she means those micro-moments of joy (the opposite of triggers).

Everyone’s glimmers are different, but it might be things like:

  • The smell of cut grass

  • Setting a slice of pretty cake in front of someone you love

  • The opening chords of your favourite song

  • Cuddling a dog

  • Humming while gardening

She argues that it’s important to notice glimmers and allow ourselves to feel those tiny moments of joy.

Do you know your glimmers?

Can you call them up when you need a lift?

That’s my plan today.

Sending love around the world, starting with each of you. I hope something beautiful happens to you today — something unexpected, joyful and lovely.

Love Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

Something Fun I Noticed Lately

Hi everyone, and happy Sunday from chilly Sydney. (You’ve signed up for a weekly fun newsletter from Catherine Greer…author and Aussie-Canadian.) The Canadian part means that today I’m cooking a beautiful family dinner for Canadian Thanksgiving, complete with a huge turkey and pumpkin pie. 🇨🇦 Here’s a secret: steamed Aussie Kent pumpkin makes a better pie than Canadian pumpkins.

When I zipped up to my local shops for pumpkin, I saw this florist shop dog having a little rest on the owner’s flower cart.

That pup made me think of this:

How often do we not even notice what’s already there, right in front of us?

For example:

  • Beneath the clutter of our homes, there’s a beautiful clean space waiting to emerge…if we take the time to organise.

  • With a little nightly lotion from our bathroom cabinets, our legs and feet are so much healthier.

  • Freshly washing and styling our hair looks fantastic and makes us feel better.

  • Oh, the kitchen junk drawer! Where we store our wrapping paper. Our shoes. The coat closet. And on and on…

The common denominator is not buying something new or doing something huge, it’s using what we have and noticing what needs doing.

And it’s the little things, right?

Lately I’ve been trying to take better care of myself, and that also means tidying up and refining. If you’ve been in my home (and ohhhh, I wish you could all come over for coffee and cake!), you’ll know I’m tidy. But lately I have this urge to take better care.

  • Use what I have.

  • Spend a moment at night to lotion up.

  • During the day, pause to organise something.

Getting in control of the outer clutter really does give us some instant calm. That’s my aim for the moment, and it feels fantastic.

Enjoy your Sunday. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my fellow-Canadians.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

  • If you know, you know — once the HSC study is done today, I’ll set our Thanksgiving table, place settings staged above! If your teens are sitting the HSC exams this week, good luck! Birds of paradise are from my garden.

  • I’ve been using this simple facial moisturiser and it’s fantastic.

  • Aussies, another gorgeous pair of linen pants are here, but size down. White, black and a cute light green, and so affordable.

  • I’ve been wanting to make fresh mozzarella forever. Looks so easy! We already have everything we need.


Hi friends…and hello to the new people this week. I’m Catherine Greer, author and copywriter, baker of beautiful Sunday desserts, mum of two adult sons, wife and little dog lover living in Sydney. I’m so glad you’re here. 💖 You’ll get a little newsletter from me every weekend…and I keep my promise about this.

Today I’ve been thinking about icebergs. I’m up early, and the household is still asleep…and I’ve been thinking that every single person is this photo above.

I am.

You are.

The people you love are.

The people you barely know are.

And mostly it makes me feel a little lost and sad, but also compassionate. So much is under the water. There are so many things we hold alone.

Our icebergs are why we need a little more kindness in the world.

I’ve written a few nonfiction books on happiness hints and tips. I’m working on another one right now (stay tuned), but so far, The 10 Minute Fix is my favourite.

If your iceberg is especially heavy today, I hope you remember this: you can start over. We all can.

Here’s what I do on the hard days:

  • I chuck some good back in the world.

  • I listen to this song, below. It reminds me that I can choose to hope, no matter what.

If today feels fabulous, have a listen. And if today feels hard, also listen.

Wishing you so much relaxation and peace this weekend. Here in Australia, we’ll be swimming, and for you it might be fall. Wherever you are, I hope something surprising and beautiful happens to you today.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

Best Sunday Dessert!

Hi my friends! It’s Catherine Greer — for the new people this week, author and Canadian-Aussie living in Sydney. And you should know this: I believe in Sunday dessert.

For some reason I don’t quite understand, making dessert for the people you love shows them that you see them. It signals that this day is a celebration. A cake becomes a little pause in all the busy-ness of life, like a ledge on a mountain climb. We all get to the same place, and we take a moment, and we appreciate the beauty of life and choice.

We choose to have a mini-celebration.

This cake is simple. So simple! It’s also Mexican and delicious and made quickly in a 9x13 pan. It features my favourite spice, Cardamom, so if you love that better-than-cinnamon flavour, you’ll love this. (Note: it’s not a dry cake: it’s literally a milk-infused cake…but not too rich, and not too sweet.)

Cardamom Tres Leches Cake

Preheat oven to 170 C (fan forced) / 325 F. In a mixing bowl, mix with a whisk:

  • 4 teaspoons cardamom (ground, not pods)

  • 200 ml olive oil

  • 1 cup white sugar

  • 3/4 cup almond flour

  • 1 tablespoon vanilla

  • 1 3/4 cups milk (any type)

  • 1 1/2 + 3 tablespoons of plain flour

  • 4 teaspoons of baking powder

  • 3/4 tsp salt

Pour into a 9x13 pan (in Australia, I’ve used a lamington pan).

Bake at 170 C (fan forced) or 325 F in a preheated oven for 30 minutes plus, depending on your oven. (I know, you’ll have to check. I just baked until firm. For my oven, that was 30 minutes. Don’t stress too much, as you’re covering this with milk, so it won’t ever be dry.)

Make the Leche in a microwave safe bowl:

  • 1 tin sweetened condensed milk (395 grams)

  • 1 cup milk (any type)

Use a fork to poke holes all over the cooled cake, and pour the Leche over the cake.

Refrigerate for two hours minimum. Then cover with this delicious whipped cream.

Whipped Cream topping:

  • 2 cups heavy cream

  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar

  • 1/4 cup chopped pistachios for garnish (you could use walnuts, or not add nuts at all)

Every person in my family LOVED THIS CAKE. Think: similar to a carrot cake, but so much better.

If you give it a try, let me know what you think. ❤️ Enjoy your weekend…I hope you find a little something to celebrate, whatever might be happening in your world.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

  • Dancers — the gold cowboy boots are on sale for way over 50% off, with an extra $20 off if you use the code SALEXOX.

  • I’m trying to resurrect an orchid this way!

  • The best Lululemon dupes…love these joggers.

  • 🤣 My fake influencer photo above — I should’ve tried smiling, but look at little Evie sleeping!! 🇦🇺 Aussies: you know how sometimes in summer you want to wear long pants, but they have to be super thin and comfy because it’s so hot? These casual cargoes are fabulous. Wide-legged but tailored, zip front with belt loops but comfy elastic back waistband, thin enough to be great in the heat (wear nude undies for the white!), multiple colours. I’m 5’7” (170 cm tall) and the length is perfect. I bought white and khaki.

Here's some quick courage for us all.

Hello from beautiful, sunny Sydney!

Yesterday I attended an event at the Museum of Contemporary Art, and this is the view from the outside deck: our beloved Opera House, iconic and forever beautiful. In fact, the opening of my new novel takes place on the steps of the Sydney Opera House at dawn.

People asked me yesterday, what does it take to write a book? And I started to answer this:

  • Love and patience.

  • Self-belief.

  • A willingness to keep at it, day after day, whether things are going well or not.

  • Thick skin. An acknowlegement that you’ll put your voice into the world and be told it’s “Wonderful!” and “Terrible!” over and over and over.

But this is what you’re already doing now. Writing a book or any big project takes the qualities you’re also using in your own life when you love people.

Your family, for example, takes love and patience, self-belief that you’re doing a good job, and a willingness to keep at it when you’re not. It takes guts to love your people, and courage to keep loving when things aren’t perfect.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately because we all have dreams that feel hard.

You do. I do.

But here’s what I believe: loving anyone or anything is hard — but it’s also worth it. And you’re already doing it.


If you have a dream in this third act of your life (improve family relationships, make or do something new, find like-minded friends, be willing to make a change), the key is always love.

Be kind to yourself.

Turn your “I shoulds” into more curious and loving “I coulds.”

And have a go, my friend. See where that takes you.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!

  • Can we talk about this book? If you’re in your third act, it’s amazing. I started reading it and immediately got my husband to buy his own copy so we could discuss. WOW. It’s about legacy, career transitions, living with purpose and planning our lives post-50.

  • Cardamom Tres Leches cake. I love cardamom — my favourite spice. This looks divine.

  • A Latina friend showed me the best, easy concealer for under-eye circles. Love this one. Comes in five colours, so you’ll have to give it a try in store to get the right shade for you.

  • The prettiest vegetarian zucchini pie for a girlfriend lunch. Wow.

  • Cute new sneakers for summer — with skirts and dresses. I love these! So comfy and great for wide feet.

A few fun things.

Hi friends around the world! For the new people this week, here I am with Evie, who’s a gorgeous five months old now, and ready for a major groom. It’s always good to see who is writing to you…and I’m Catherine Greer, Canadian-Australian living in Sydney, author and mum of adult sons lover of little dogs, white sand beaches, baking and all things beautiful.

Let’s start with a question: if no one has asked you yet today, how are you doing?

Really. How are you?

If you’re feeling a little tired and worn out, I want to remind you of this: it’s time to rest.

Today’s the day to put your feet up, take a gentle walk, make yourself a cup of tea, or ask someone you love to check in on you.

Ask for help.

Give yourself a breather.

We all do so much: we rush and we love, we plan and we care for others. It’s easy to forget that we need to rest.

Here’s to a quiet Sunday — with a little time for you to do the things you love.

Be well, take care of yourself and take a break if you can.

Love Catherine x

P.S. A few fun things!

  • Looking for beauty? This is just gorgeous.

  • The science that explains how to quickly deal with stress or anxiety. Dr. Huberman is a researcher at Stanford University, and he knows what he’s talking about.

  • Cute and comfy soft pink flare jeans. (For my budget-conscious readers 💖) I know there’s only ONE 1-STAR review for these, but honestly, they’re soft and thick, truly stretchy, and the fit is fabulous…mid-waist, not too high and not low. You can order online.

  • Every woman should read the absolutely true and GORGEOUS poem by Elizabeth Bishop, “One Art.” You’ll know what she means. You’ll understand it, I promise.

One idea to make today sweeter

Hi friends! I hope you’re well…but if you’re feeling a little meh about life at the moment, I have something fun to share.

Last weekend, we stayed at our favourite beach in the world, and I snapped this photo above of our two sons and their current girlfriends. I love this photo because it’s a life lesson and a universal truth.

These beautiful kids of ours are chalk and cheese. Can you see it?

On the left, our eldest: the serious, studious couple — soon to be management consultant and investment banker — inspecting some kind of sea urchin.

On the right, the youngest: the ‘Life is a beer commercial’ couple — one studying Exercise and Sport Science at uni, the other a promising female boxer.

All of us are so wildly unique.

Two boys from the same parents, same beach, same day, same moment in time…but so very different.

It’s an old idea, but crucial to remember:

No one can do the job of being you but you.

The little quirks, the way you see the world, your special knack for sharing someone’s sorrow or joy, the best thing about you (and the worst) — that’s all you. And your perspective is so needed in the world.

I don’t know how you feel, but I get so, so tired by the exhausting TaDa! of everyone’s sparkly internet lives…the beautiful photos, the relentless sharing of all the perfect things and perfect days.

I wish we could pause and strip away all the curated sharing, open our front doors and invite each other in.

Life is so, so good, we’d say…we have all this: running water, safety, food on the table, sometimes pain but sometimes joy.

And life is also hard, we’d remind each other: worries about families and self and all the secrets we rarely share.

But we’re here, with a chance to be wholly ourselves, completely unique, fabulous and flawed…and this is one life is ours.

It’s wild and precious, just like Mary Oliver so famously wrote. And we’re the only ones who can be ourselves. So on we go, loving all the people we’ve been given to love.

I hope you enjoy your beautiful Sunday.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • It’s Father’s Day in Australia: we’re barbecuing a whole salmon and making Mussels Cocotte, an easy recipe from Burgoo, in Vancouver. (The link will take you back to my author website, to a post written a few years ago…) I’ve changed a lot!

  • Eyeliner is hard for me to figure out, but these two make it so much easier: LOVE this one in Striking Navy and this one, too.

  • Oh, re-read this poem by Mary Oliver if you ever feel alone or blue. It starts with this: “You do not have to be good” and ends with the famous line, “What will you do with your one wild and precious life?”

Surprise! I signed a book deal.🪁

Hi friends, and hello to my new friends from around the world this week. I’m Catherine Greer, author, serial baker of lovely treats, Aussie-Canadian mum and wife, lover of books and making things beautiful.

Just now, just this morning on holiday at my favourite place in the world, I signed a book deal.

My new novel is for women just like us. The working title is BITTERSWEET BAKERY CAFE…and it’s a funny, big-hearted story about all the things I love.

  • Beautiful Australian beaches — the book is set at a fictional Hyams Beach in New South Wales.

  • Baking.

  • DIY renos on a shoestring.

  • Starting a business in the middle of your life.

  • Imperfect people who believe they’ve failed (but find, after all, that they haven’t).

  • And a midlife woman who definitely ISN’T invisible…and learns to love all the people she’s been given to love.

When you read BITTERSWEET BAKERY CAFE — and oh! Oh! I can’t wait for you to read this book — I hope you see the world through my eyes, and remember that you can start now, where you are, to find joy in everyday things.

This morning, after YEARS of hard work, fears, doubt, disappointment, reading a zillion books by other amazing writers and working and believing in myself even when I was far past the logical point of doing so…I’m going to give you a book I love with all my heart.

I hope you love it, too. It’s coming out in 2025 and I’ll keep you posted along the way.

Thank you, thank you for sharing my happiness with me today.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

One little phrase that changes everything

Hi friends. I snapped the pretty photo above at twilight in wintery Sydney. Yesterday my husband and I took a train into the city for a gorgeous cello concert at City Recital Hall, then walked through the streets and had a cocktail together at a cosy bar.

It’s not something we do often — usually the weekends are full of grass-cutting and errands, helping teens study for exams, getting through the piles of laundry, shopping and cooking.

But as we were walking those city streets, I remembered to say (not just think) something important and true.

It’s the one phrase we can say more often to all the people we love: friends and family, and partners, too.

If you have a friend you treasure, take the time to say “I’m so glad you’re mine.”

If you have kids, watch their hearts swell when you say, “I’m so glad you’re mine.”

For your parents and for partners, it’s an instant point of connection.

“I’m so glad you’re mine” lets our people know that we see them and appreciate them, and it reminds us to be thankful for who we have in our lives—despite all our wrinkles and bumps, and our lack of perfection.

If things are fabulous for you today, I hope you have time to be grateful.

And if things are hard, here’s my favourite page from one of my books:

Happy Sunday, everyone.

Sending you so much love.

Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff…tiny little joys!

Tomato Soup for the Soul 🍅

Hi friends. Thanks for joining me (and if you’re new, I’m Catherine Greer, author and copywriter, lover of Sunday baking, beach walks, good books, and family time. You can find out more about me here.)

Occasionally I share a recipe I love, and today I’m bringing you the best roasted tomato soup.



Perfect if you’re in wintery Australia AND a great way to use your beautiful garden tomatoes if you’re in America, Canada, Europe or the UK. ❤️

Roasted Tomato Soup

  • 1.5 kilos of tomatoes

  • 2 large onions

  • 1 HEAD of garlic, cut in half - you’ll see below that I pre-roasted mine a little to make it softer

  • fresh basil and thyme (if you have it)

  • 1 cup cream or coconut cream

  • 1 cup chicken stock

  • olive oil

  • salt and pepper


  1. Heat oven to 200 F (around 480 F). Drizzle olive oil in a large roasting pan.

  2. Roughly dice tomatoes and onion and place in the pan. (I like to cover the onion with the tomato so it gets a little less charred)

  3. Slice garlic in half and add cut side down. (You can also pre-roast a while if you want to)

  4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

  5. Bake until the tomatoes are sightly charred — for me this takes around 35 minutes. Your oven might be different.

  6. Pull out of the oven and carefully squeeze the garlic out of its skin. Discard skin.

  7. Transfer to a soup pot if you’re using a stick blender (or into your blender).

  8. Add cream and stock and blend.

Serve with:

And remember this: sometimes, when someone has a broken something (a heart, a home, a person in hospital) — or even something shiny and new (a baby, a home, a job), soup always, always soothes the soul.

Enjoy your beautiful weekend.

Thanks for being here every Sunday with me. I love to send you inspiration and all the tiny joys I can think of to make your life a little sweeter.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

Something new...

Hello, my friends. If you’re new, here’s the quick intro: I’m Catherine Greer, author, Canadian and Australian, living in Sydney with my family. Lover of little dogs, Sunday dessert, all things family, and finding ways to see the glass half-full. ❤️ (Pic of me here!)

I don’t know about you, but this week I’ve been craving something new. So I decided, since it’s 20 weeks until Christmas, that I’m going to try one new thing a week.

  • It could be as tiny as a new outfit combo when I shop my closet.

  • A new friend and trying a new brekkie (above…that’s how the Aussies do Avocado toast! Link below).

  • Concert tickets at a new venue.

  • A new route on my morning walk.

New, new, new.

Our brains love what’s familiar, but sometimes we need to throw open the windows and reach for something different. It is so easy to get in a rut where we assume life is going to keep on offering more of the same.

Does this idea sing out to you?

If yes, join me for the second half of this year on your own private journey of doing something—anything—new.

Thinking of you, and hoping three things today:

  • You’re valued and appreciated.

  • You’re feeling well in your body.

  • You’ll take the time to have some fun, and BE fun to live with.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!

  • Cafe! That Aussie avo toast is a work of art. Scared to tell you this and increase the queues, but you can find it at The Walrus cafe in Sydney.

  • Gardening! Growing edible flowers…could this be another ‘something new’ for me? Link to the chart above at Cooks Illustrated.

  • Music! We missed a dance party last night because of family stuff and Higher School Certificate study. But this song is a favourite.

  • Yum! Fresh corn fritters that look so easy to make.

  • Flowers! Try this so cut flowers last longer.

  • And a favour! If you find my Sunday newsletter useful, please put it out into the world — share with a friend. (I’m trying to spread JOY. A podcast with me here.)