
An old-fashioned favourite...

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Well, hello!

So many of you asked for this little recipe from the 80s so here we go today. Yes, there’s ham, grated cheddar, butter and flour, eggs and jalapenos. What more could you ask for?

Ready? Set up your hand mixer! Preheat your oven to 200C (400 F).

  • 1 cup water

  • 1/3 cup butter

  • I cup plain flour

  • 4 eggs

  • 1 1/2 cups grated cheddar

  • 1 cup finely chopped ham or crisp bacon

  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard

  • 10 finely chopped jalapenos (optional)

In a saucepan, combine water and butter and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in flour.

You are supposed to drop in eggs one at a time and beat FOREVER until your arm is sore but NO. Grab a hand mixer, crack those eggs in one after another and mix the whole thing using the mixer. It works just the same. I pause to think of all those cooks in the 1980s beating things forever with a wooden spoon.

Someone should have told them to rebel. :)

Add in the ham (or bacon), mustard, cheese and jalapenos. Mix it all together with the hand mixer.

I use a piping bag to drop on a cookie sheet (with baking paper). You can also use a spoon.

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Bake for 15-20 minutes. Serve warm. You can also freeze them and reheat in a 200C oven for 5 minutes.

My husband loves these. I’m 50-50. :)

Happy Thanksgiving if you’re in America. Happy Friday here in Australia. Happy Thursday everywhere else.

I hope you and yours are safe, that you’re feeling well and doing okay.

Love Catherine x


  • Today I’m whipping off to IKEA with a girlfriend to buy wrapping paper. Did you know IKEA and Costco have the best Christmas wrapping paper ever? Love this one and this one.

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Nutcrackers are marching, tree's going up!

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And I’m giving you a wave this morning. How’s your weekend going?

Like so many other people, I decided this year that Christmas was going to start early and stay for a long time. If a virus can do it, Christmas can, too — so there.

And that brings me to a principle I wrote about in The 10 Minute Fix. When life hands me something rotten, I respond with a tiny, good thing I can control.

Covid. Early Christmas.

We’re going all out around here this holiday season—not with the expense, but with the joy. I’m hauling out every decoration we own and re-appreciating it. I’m planning to make my husband’s favourite 1980s appetiser for tree decorating this afternoon: Ham & Cheese Puffs. (Even that name makes me laugh because it’s so 80s). Here they are — what do you think?

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My friends, I’ve collected nutcrackers for 25 years and there’s a special reason why. It’s because my life was in the toilet.

I had literally imploded everything in my world through a combination of stupidity, passion, a thoroughly broken heart, a cowardly man and my own immaturity. And pride. And love.

True story.

But I had a girlfriend who appeared to be a lot like Olivia Newton John at the beginning of Grease—kind of perfect and shiny. I was more like Olivia at the end, or at least that’s how it all appeared to the world about the two of us.

Anyway, this beautiful friend collected nutcrackers.

I felt like if I could somehow emulate some part of her life, I could be a shiny Olivia Newton John too. I’m laughing at my young self, but honestly…I bought a nutcracker.

Fast forward a few years.

Life gave me some lucky breaks after all that misery. I married an officer and a gentleman, immigrated to Australia from Canada, had two beautiful kids…and collected a lot more nutcrackers.

Then I just started to like them. I loved how our little boys loved them, too.

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Every year when we bring them out we make each other happy.

The skateboarding teens who slept over last night walked into the living room at 11pm after feasting on nachos and collectively said wow.

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Now I’m heading way down memory lane, but the lesson for myself is this.

I’m proud of how far I’ve come.

I don’t hate my past and I’m not ashamed of it. I love the young woman who made all those big mistakes. She wore her heart on her sleeve, and was a champion for trying, failing, trying, learning. She held her head up and kept working at a job when every man around her fell apart like a baby. She did the only thing you can ever do—she kept going.

My sweet Olivia Newton John friend (the nutcracker inspirer!) is still a friend, 30 years later.

And my beautiful family has our own nutcrackers.

We’re doing okay. I’m doing okay. I’ve learned so much and come so far.

And as for you and yours, I hope you’re okay, too. I hope you can do the little fix from my book: if life is crappy right now, lob something really good back at it. It can be a tiny thing—anything you have control over—to make yourself feel a little better. And please, keep going.

Whew! Time to make breakfast for all those teens.

Happy Sunday, and I really truly am sending all of you love.

Catherine x


  • Thanks for listening! I feel like we’ve had coffee together this morning at my kitchen table. Oh, look…where there are TWO MORE nutcrackers! Ha!

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...and we made magic at home!

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Today is our 23rd wedding anniversary…and last night, we made magic at home.

One son was hiking with a 25kg pack and the other was at the skate park with his crew, good teens that we feed and let sleepover on the regular who have their own labelled toothbrushes here. (Teen tip: love their friends. Really love them. It’s so important!) We knew we’d be in for evening pick-ups, so we decided to make a magical anniversary celebration at home.

And it was beautiful.

I asked my husband to hang the lights. It took 15 minutes of us grumbling at each other as we untangled them but … WORTH IT.

And because I’d rather cook for us than sit in a restaurant, I made his favourite (simple) meal.

  • A cheese platter (first, not last…I know, I know, but this is what we like.) Burrata and the most delicious aged cheddar from Harris Farm.

  • Crab cakes! They’re my husband’s favourite and so very easy to make. Let me know if you want the recipe? Takes 10 minutes and two tins of crab meat. I crazy-poured that sauce on the side by mistake but they still look delicious.

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Then I panfried two pieces of trout, which we like better than salmon, and roasted asparagus in olive oil for ten minutes in a hot oven. We ate two (whoops!) Lindt chocolate bars for dessert with fresh blueberries.

In between, we talked about important things, and eventually I got cold so I slid on fuzzy pyjama bottoms with my dress.

And that is what you can do when you make magic at home.

Oh, my friends, we’ve been lucky to weather it all so far. And though you might be imagining ease and glamour and beauty and fun — that is not the real story. It’s just what you’re seeing in the photo of this magical night.

There’s been love, and effort, fights and forgiveness, trying again, years of talking, give, take and struggle, money issues, unemployment, health scares and huge fear and worries about all of it.

We’re all the same in our hearts. Life is 50-50 for everyone. Me and you.

But if you have a chance to make a magical night at home, I urge you to give it a try. If you’re COVID-struggling right now, it’s beautiful and inexpensive. You can use what you have to make what you love. Light a hundred tea lights on your table — make a simple meal you enjoy.

And if you’re doing well right now, a magical night at home can be so much fun! Just try it for FUN. Surprise someone: a partner, a friend. Start in a dress and end up wearing your PJ bottoms underneath when it gets cold, and talk until the stars come out.

Life is for living.

Let’s all remember that, no matter where we are on the road to home.

Love, Catherine x

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This Is True...

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A little story for you this morning, before we jump in the car and whiz to the beach to celebrate our son turning 20!

Over the years I’ve come to know my cousin-by- marriage, Adele. Her beautiful bracelet is in this photo, above. She’s game for adventure and upbeat, spontaneous, fun and she laughs all the time. She’s also smart as a whip.

And her life looks charmed from the outside — as does mine, and maybe yours does, too. And really if we have clean water and fresh air, we are all privileged and blessed.

But there are things, right?

The things we don’t share.

Because here’s the truth: nobody rides for free.

Nobody. Whether we are healthy, with job security and loads of dough or alone and unwell with a bad diagnosis…we’re all in this same boat.


Nobody rides for free (even if it looks like we do).

I wrote it on a sticky note to remind myself that we are ALL in this together, and no matter where we’re at, there are mountains to climb. Rejection, sadness, worries, relationships that aren’t close or are close-to-broken, health scares, loss of a beautiful activity we loved, fear.

But this is true, too: we can always choose to listen to each other, and give what we have to give: our time, our love, our resources, our gluten-free chocolate brownies

Let’s do this, my friends — let’s be here for each other on this wild and beautiful ride.

Let’s assume zero about each other. Let’s remember, nobody rides for free.

Love Catherine x


  • Thank you, Adele, for gifting me this beautiful faux pearl bracelet (above). She literally TOOK IT OFF HER ARM and handed it to me when I admired it. I’m trying to be a person like that!

  • And our eldest son at 1 and 3. Now he’s a man and so like his Dad. Love that look on my husband’s face…and me, at 34. I feel smarter but also somehow just the same….

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Easy Scalloped Potatoes For Sunday

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Hello, everyone. Fires in our beloved Pacific Northwest and the west coast, the anniversary of September 11, masks everywhere…I’m so sorry all of this is happening.

I’m a helper and from our home here in Australia, what I can give you is this: the best, easiest classic recipe for scalloped potatoes.

A few weeks ago I bought a mandolin, my first ever (because I was always too afraid a kid would slice his finger) and wow, it’s a game changer for slicing potatoes.

Don’t bother peeling — just wash the potatoes, slice, slice a white onion thinly and you’re set.

The secret?

A loooooong cooking time to ensure the potatoes are tender. Start with 40 mins at 350F / 180C but keep checking with a knife. Also: cream. That’s another secret!

  • 5 potatoes, thinly sliced. (Peel if you prefer, but I never do.)

  • 1 onion, sliced

  • 1.5 cups of heavy cream whisked together with 2 teaspoons chicken stock powder

  • 1 cup grated cheddar

  • Salt to taste

Heat the oven to 180C / 350F.

  • Oil a baking dish and layer with potato, then some onion rings, potato and on it goes. Finish with potato on top.

  • Pour over the cream mixture.

  • Sprinkle with cheese.

  • Bake for 40 minutes plus. Check for tender potatoes.

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Some things in life really are easy.

Good thing, too, especially when life is handing us some challenges in 2020.

I hope you love these — I don’t make them often, but when I do my husband has seconds (or maybe even thirds).

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Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

Love, Catherine x


  • I’ve been working quite a lot in the corporate world lately, and can’t wait to get back to some writing soon…I have a great concept for my first novel for adults and I’m super excited to test the idea with you!

  • Next week, I’ll be blogging from my favourite beach in the world — yay! We’re celebrating our first son turning 20 with a weekend getaway. People always say the years fly by, but for me…I was there for every second and they didn’t fly. The years waltzed or jitterbugged: from the worn out knees on my jeans to endless endless endless batches of cookies, washing all those school uniforms, Sunday dinners, rowing driving before 5am, all of it. A long and beautiful family waltz…and I’m grateful!

Seriously Good Coleslaw (not kidding)

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My friends: you need this coleslaw recipe.

You need it even if you don’t like coleslaw. Trust me on this!


Fresh lime juice (or lemon, but lime is better), cilantro, a tiny bit of honey, jalapenos, good quality mayo and a whole lotta love.

This is PERFECT with fish tacos — I’ll share those another time. But the coleslaw is everything good. It’s hard to take a pretty picture of coleslaw, but this is the finished product and it’s WONDERFUL.

Please give it a go!


Seriously Good Coleslaw

  • 1/2 head purple cabbage (yes, you need this. Please don’t use prepackaged shredded cabbage)

  • 1 bunch fresh cilantro, washed and chopped

  • 1 small red onion, minced

For the dressing, combine with a whisk:

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise

  • 4 Tablespoons lime or lemon juice (lime is BEST and fresh is BEST)

  • 2 Tablespoons honey

  • 4 minced jalapenos (pickled ones in a jar)

The rest is easy!

  • Grate the purple cabbage in a bowl. Yes, yes, yes, you have to buy the head / half-head and grate it, guys. If you cheat and shred it or use the prepackaged shredded cabbage mixture it’s just NOT GOOD. I warned you, and you’ll see…it doesn’t taste great. Just don’t, okay?? Get the grater out. It’s not that hard.

  • Mix in the chopped cilantro and minced red onion.

  • Pour on the dressing and mix through the cabbage.

Maybe it doesn’t sound or look sensational, but honestly this Coleslaw is fabulous with fish tacos, any kind of roasted meat or chicken, great in a taco, fantastic on its own as a salad.

HAPPY FRIDAY! I know things are tricky out there in so many ways, so here I am with a quick selfie hug from my study to say…bring your wow, not theirs to Friday.

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Your wow, not theirs.
— Merilyn Beretta

Love this idea! I’m older AND lovelier, more fun, more myself. I hope you are, too.

Let’s LOVE our age,

Catherine x


  • To everyone one of you who showed your love & support by buying copies of the The 10 Minute Fix for your sisters and mothers and friends….I want to thank you with my whole heart!

  • It makes a sweet gift, and so easy to post as a letter — it’s slim enough! Available in Canada, America, the UK, and Australia at Beachside Bookshop and online at Booktopia or Amazon Australia.

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I'm changing. Here's how.

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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about COVID and all the changes it’s brought. In our house it means that two of us now work from home. We’ve always cooked our meals and rarely ever do take-away, so that hasn’t changed. And we love our own company, so we don’t feel too isolated.

But there’s this: I don’t want to shop anymore.

Do you?

In Sydney, shops are open but people are cautious. I’m sorry that retailers are having a hard time, here and around the world. I wonder if all of us are feeling grateful for what we do have, unwilling to venture out, and focused on more important things.

I’ve never been a shopper as entertainment since I’ve been married and a mum. There are so many other pursuits I want to do with my time, and all of them involve learning. Being in the mall isn’t fun for me.

That makes me think of a tiny, important message in The 10 Minute Fix: do you know what YOU find fun?

It’s Friday and we’re all heading into the weekend. Can you be intentional about adding a little of your kind of fun into your weekend?

Like last week, I’m really tempted to do this again:

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Celebrating life always feels fun to me!

Gathering my family and putting on some music, tea, sparkling water or drinks, a special plate of food and good conversation — that’s my fun. Can you plan to do some of yours?

Walking. Sitting down at the piano. Grabbing your ukulele. Kitchen dancing. Waking up to see the sunrise. Preparing an old favourite family recipe. Zooming a relative from far away. Beach walk or sending a card in the post to a friend. Using the good dishes for afternoon tea. Fun earrings!

No matter what, we are so lucky.

Enjoy your weekend!

Love Catherine x

PS. Recipe is here if you missed it (more hints and tips than ‘recipe’ but worth a read if you want perfect strawberries). And little Grace…our cute Aussie 4 year old who needs a wheelchair, we’re helping her get there! Check out Grace’s page here. Thank you!

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Fleur de Sel Caramels

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Hello! Today, my friends, I’m spilling all my best secrets on my blog, starting with this: absolutely to-die-for Fleur de Sel Caramels — salted caramels!

A tiny bit fiddly, and you need to make them with love, but ooooo la la, they make a beautiful gift. I hear this a lot: “Will you make your Fleur de Sel Caramels as my birthday present?”

Let’s get started!

You’ll need a trip to the shops to get these key tools:

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You’ll also need butter and heavy cream and white sugar. You can substitute any salt (I sometimes use pink Himalayan) but sea salt flakes make it special, and a box will make many, many batches of caramels.

Trust me: these are worth it! Recipe below…

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And here’s the pep talk: you will NEVER REGRET learning to make these caramels and everyone loves them. So special for a holiday or as a gift, or if you want someone to adore you!

Also — you have to take the pan off the heat at 248 degrees F on the candy thermometer or the caramels will be too hard / overcooked or too soft / unset. So yes, you need one.

Some things are a little hard, right?

But hard things are usually WORTH IT.

Sending love and encouragement to you all today, whatever you’re facing or celebrating. I’m truly thinking of you.

Love Catherine x

PS. Need to feel a little (or a lot) better? A 10 Minute Fix update is coming next week! I love this book, and love that it’s floating around the world, helping women feel more like themselves. Available in Canada, America, the UK, and Australia at Beachside Bookshop and online at Booktopia or Amazon Australia.

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The Best Pizza At Home

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Hello, everyone.

Exciting days around here! Lots is happening and I can’t wait to share.

Tonight, we’ll celebrate and make pizza. I’ve had so many requests for my recipe. With two teen boys and multiple skateboarding friends, it’s a huge hit.

When it’s pizza night, I make my dough anytime during the day and leave it to rise. Here’s a pro tip: this pizza is better baked on a simple pizza stone that goes into your cold oven, and then you turn the oven as high as it goes. And it’s best to have a pizza spatula. Assemble your pizza on the spatula to slide onto the hot pizza stone.

‘You’re Always Fun To Be With’ Pizza Night Recipe

  • Turn on your favourite happy music. (For me, that’s jazz!)

  • In a bowl, mix together with a whisk:

    • 4.5 cups plain flour

    • 6 teaspoons dry yeast

    • 2 teaspoons salt

  • Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 1.5 cups warm-but-closer-to-hot water. Mix everything together with your hands a little.

  • Plop the doughy mixture (loose, with flour bits and chunky bits…it doesn’t even look like it’s mixed much at this point) on the bench top.

  • Knead it all together for around five minutes. You’ll wind up with a smooth ball.

  • (While you knead, have a little daydream about your people. I think about my three guys, wishing them all the good things they need, and imagine me being there for them—healthy and fun and ready to listen.)

  • Oil the bowl, pop the dough in, cover with cling wrap and let it sit in a warm place for at least an hour (or as long as you want). Pro tip: I heat up my oven to 150C when I start making dough, then shut it off to cool down. That’s where I put my dough to rise.

  • Punch it down once, let it rise again for a while. Divide into 8 sections. Roll out thinly.

  • Really important: put the pizza stone in a cold oven, turn it as high as it goes, and when super hot, bake pizza for 6 minutes.

Happy pizza night! See you Sunday.

Love, Catherine x

Exciting News!

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I’m walking into this week like a puppy on a mission!

You guys, I have something SO GOOD to share with you on Sunday and I can hardly wait. In the meantime, I’m pulling long days with lots of fun planning — so please open those emails on Sunday morning.

(Did you know — I blog every Friday and Sunday morning at 11am, Sydney time?) This past week, I had a tech problem but other than that, I’m as dependable as they come.

See you Sunday at 11am (that’s Saturday night in North America).

Big news. Cannot wait!

Love Catherine x


Bring Your Own Weather To The Picnic


On Mother’s Day, I’m thinking about my own mum. Here’s she is in her spry late 80s, stepping out at a beautiful barn dance wedding. She’s never too old to give things a whirl.

She enjoys JOY.

Wherever she goes, she brings her own weather to the picnic.

There’s probably not a greater compliment we can pay anyone.

When I think about all the people I am crazy in love with and admire — the friends I choose, the family I love, the family I’m raising — they always share that quality. They decide how the day will be.

Wherever they go, they bring their own good weather.

It’s so important to remember.

Sending you love as you celebrate your own mothers today.

Catherine x


  • Exciting new is coming…please stay tuned!

  • Remember these? Want the recipe? Let me know!

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Back To Basics


Friends, if you’re not an egg person, look away now.

But if you are, do you remember these little gems that graced buffet tables in the 1960s and 70s when I was a kid? If you’re looking for a protein-packed snack for you or your family during lockdown — which feels a lot like “Snackdown” in our house — maybe it’s time to get back to basics.

Devilled eggs are super easy to make. I’m also aware that many families are watching their spending just now, so I hope this simple recipe helps you. You’re on my mind…and in my heart, too.

  • Boil eggs.

  • Cool, then peel.

  • Slice in half. Put yolks in a bowl.

  • Use a hand blender to mix yolks with mayonnaise and mustard, salt and pepper.

  • I add finely chopped red onion and top with a sprig of coriander.

There are so many fancy recipes on the internet, and I’m not claiming mine is the best. I don’t measure anything but just kind of guesstimate the ingredients.

But here’s the best tip for filling.

Use a ziplock bag to pipe filling into the eggs. It’s disposable, easy to use, and gives a perfectly fine result. In fact, I think mine look better than those frilly piped eggs. More appetising and fresh, somehow, and less like they were made seven hours prior.

Just scoop all the filling into a ziplock, clip a wide corner from the bag and fill up those eggs. Don’t bother with a pastry bag and piping ends. Too hard to clean.

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Imperfection is okay! Today I’m inviting you to just give it a whirl…whatever that “it” is.

Happy Friday, everyone.

The weekend is on the way! Hope you and yours are doing okay. I’m thinking of you.

Love, Catherine x


  • Can’t wait to see you again on Sunday with some news I’ve wanted to share! I blog twice a week at Love Our Age. You are welcome to come see what I’ve been up to.

This One Is Personal...

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It’s my birthday weekend.

As an aside, this is what 54 looks like on me. No make-up on yet, and early in the morning! I don’t pole dance like Jennifer Lopez and you wouldn’t want to watch me perform at the Super Bowl halftime show (ha!). I do some basic weights and lots of walking. I appreciate and love all the variations and choices of other women for them. Personally, I choose not to colour my hair or use botox. I like to be on Team Natural and my favourite add-ons are perfume and fun rings.

(You do you! Love it! I’ll do me! Love it!) I find all women’s choices inspiring and intriguing.

But the real point of my photo is this: I am at a cross roads. This is my year to make a simple decision.

Do I go all in and back myself, or not?

Advance with what I love, or retreat?

Can you relate to this? It would be so easy — so natural — to slow down now and live in my world of what has always been.

  • To stay settled into the same career and same routines.

  • To drift into next year.

  • To believe it’s too hard to create something new.

  • To stop learning.

But we have so much life left. We do! Look back at the last five years, from 2015 until now, and think about all you’ve done in those 1,825 days.

In the next five years, we will get 43,800 hours.

Is it time for all of us to get a whole lot louder, and take up more space?

Yes, I have a million voices arguing in my head about my lack of expertise, my imperfect work, my faults (many), my blind spots (also many). Do you have those voices, too?

But I have new things I want to do.

Next weekend I’m going to share a surprise — something new I’ve been working on. I’m really hoping for your support.

I wish you were here to chat about it, and we could all encourage each other to step out into our Great Unknowns.

So there you have it: happy birthday to me.

This year, I’m giving myself the gift of backing myself and being my own best friend. I hope you will, too.

Let’s love our age (together),

Catherine x


  • Beautiful flowers from my mother-in-law and sister-in-law! Pearl necklace from my dear friend and blog reader, Jen. Lovely cake from my stylish friend, Jules. Thank you all for spoiling me rotten this year. I loved every second.

  • A reader asked for my gluten free, no bake brownie recipe. These are so delicious. Cut into tiny squares and enjoy a small sweet treat!

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Happy Easter!

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Yay, holidays!

The world may be a little scary right now, but I’m trying to pause and practise gratitude.

Holidays give me — a compulsive, committed baker — a chance to whip up delicious treats. This year for Easter I decided to make cinnamon buns with cream cheese frosting.

So decadent!

Later we’ll walk the dog and share a meal together. The sun is out here in Sydney, and my eldest son has planned to do most of the cooking. My youngest cleaned up the garage without being asked.

Every one of these things — sunshine, a dog we love, a meal together, family, a safe home with no one unwell, a garage to clean — go on my gratitude list. As a family, we also have the capacity to help out with COVID care for others, and I’m grateful for that.

Wishing you and yours a beautiful weekend, with lots of small things to be thankful for…

Love Catherine x


  • Want the recipe for these Cinnabon copy-cat cinnamon buns with frosting? Let me know!

  • My favourite reader comments from Friday’s post about creating a ‘secret zone’ in your home: on Vancouver Island, Elizabeth and her husband have turned their living room into a temporary gym. Near New York, Colleen is having nightly ‘private’ dance parties with DJ Questlove on YouTube. So many other great ideas, too: kitchen table turned mask-sewing studio, starting a new podcast in a closet-studio :), growing herbs in a cut-open bag of soil on a balcony. Love your ingenuity!! Read about my secret zone here.

Delicious (Healthy-ish) Raw Brownies

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Craving sweets?

I hear you! This has been a crazy time for trying to keep healthy, so I thought I’d share my favourite no bake brownies.

Welcome to my kitchen! If you’re new, you need to know that I’m an author and a baker. My comfort zone is standing at this bench top creating delicious treats for family and friends. I’ve had to stop myself from baking every day during this pandemic.

Yesterday, I caved and made these to share with you. They’re delicious, easy and a little bit healthy (no sugar, but one cup of dates).

Raw Brownie Bites

  • 1 1/2 cups walnuts

  • 1 cup pitted dates

  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

  • pinch of salt

Chop the nuts finely in a food processor. Remove. Chop the dates roughly with a knife — you may want to warm them a little in the microwave to make this easier — and then whiz in a food processor. (I’m not gonna lie…this can be a pain in the backside! Persevere. It’s worth it.)

Combine cocoa, dates, nuts, salt and vanilla together. Mix by hand or in a food processor. You’ll get a sticky ball of delicious mixture.

Wrap in baking paper and refrigerate. Slice. Serve.

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These brownies will be PERFECT when things are back to normal and you invite that gluten-free, dairy-free vegan friend over for lunch.

Also PERFECT during a global pandemic when you want to be a little bit healthy while having a tiny sweet treat.

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Easy. You might have everything in your pantry now…

Enjoy your Sunday. Together, we’ll get through this to the other side.

Catherine x

PS. Hello, new friends. Thanks for joining us! Read more fun posts here!

Mauve, violet, grey...celebrate!

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Today I’m showing you something pretty…just because we can.

I believe with my whole heart that it’s always a good idea to have a ‘celebration dress’ in my closet.

A stylist friend of mine showed me this mauve-violet-grey dress and urged me to get it. Today, it’s on sale in Australia for a ridiculously low price. If I loved Math, I would say it’s something like 75% off full price.

And it is just so pretty: fully lined, crafted from heavy, lovely fabric.

Want to take a look?

Here it is on a model. (Currently I’m drinking coffee in my pjs and writing, so not as easy to photograph it on myself - ha!) But trust me, it looks equally pretty even in a larger size than she’s wearing.

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The colour is beautiful, the neckline isn’t too plunge-y, the fabric is thick enough that it smooths and holds everything together. In short, if you need a fancy, beautifully made dress (no regrets!) this one is it.

You’re welcome!

If you’re ready to celebrate at a moment’s notice, that event will often come along.

Enjoy today…let’s love our age.

Catherine x

Love Our Age: a Manifesto!

A manifesto.jpg

Oh, I could write a book about this!

When I was dreaming up LOVE OUR AGE, I spent nearly 18 months thinking about what it meant to enjoy the last half of my life.

I started with 15 life lessons, and narrowed it down to these — the way I am and the way I want to be.

Let’s Love Our Age ~ a manifesto

  1. Choose happiness.

  2. Be a beginner.

  3. Start today.

  4. Have some fun — and be fun to live with.

  5. Believe in love.

  6. Make honest things (not perfect things).

  7. Live beautifully.

  8. Love our age.

Thank you for following along on this journey…and please let me know if there’s anything you’d add to the list!

Love Catherine x