yellow jacket

So Much Depends Upon a Yellow Raincoat

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Hey, it’s RAINING in Sydney!

This is such great news. We need rain so badly, and also this: it gives me a chance to wear my yellow raincoat.

Do you have one piece of clothing that makes everyone happy?

For me, it’s my yellow jacket. I guarantee you that when I wear it, perfectly respectable business people rushing around the city will stop and smile at me. Everyone says hello.

Happens every time.

There’s something about certain pieces of clothing that we love. This yellow raincoat is from Ann Taylor and it’s probably 20 years old. But every time I put it on — instant happiness for me and everyone I meet! These are the items to keep and cherish and wear over and over.

Clothes communicate so much. Sometimes they’re for us, and sometimes they’re for others. (Remember, mums…putting on a pretty dress and having your kids say the loveliest things?)

We can dress any way we like, of course, but I think this: dressing well can be a gift for other people.

Today on my way to the office, I plan to make everyone smile.

Love, Catherine x

ps. And for you, here’s the original William Carlos William poem:

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