Raymond Carver

One Simple Celebration Idea

Someone You Love.jpg

Welcome into my sunny kitchen this morning, and hello to all the new people this week! It’s Catherine writing to you (from The 10 Minute Fix). Thank you for being here…every Sunday morning Australia-time I’ll send you a little upbeat note as promised. Thank you for inviting me into your inbox.

It’s Sunday celebration time around here because it’s Father’s Day in Australia…and I know we’re still in lockdown and this means that extended families can’t get together. If this is you, I hope your day is filled with Facetime, a brisk walk, a treat you love and some plans about all the parties we’ll have when our world reopens.

I know the world is so unsettled right now (Covid-Afghanistan-all the news), but we can all bring a little instant joy with this.

  1. Stand there and think about someone you love. (This sign above is in Saskatchewan, Canada!)

  2. Chocolate and strawberries.


Want to know the secret to making the best chocolate dipped strawberries? So easy.

  1. Melt chocolate in a glass bowl set on top of simmering water in a pan on the stove. (yes, it seems to work a little better than the microwave method)

  2. Add 1 tsp vegetable oil for every block of chocolate for that nice sheen.

  3. Wash and DRY the berries thoroughly with a tea towel or paper towel.

  4. Let the melted chocolate cool a little. Then dip and place on baking paper.

  5. Most important tip — DON’T place in the fridge for at least 15 minutes. Then pop the tray in the fridge. This stops the chocolate from cracking.

Strawberries 2.jpg

I hope you find the time today to enjoy your weekend, to rest, to treat yourself and to celebrate the fact that we’re here with a chance to love all the people we’ve been given to love.

Love Catherine x


  • Happy Father’s Day to my guy (see below!). And here’s A Tale of Lockdown Hair. The salons in Sydney have been shut forever, and I have a husband who looks like Santa Claus, an older son who looks like a black-haired Einstein, and a younger one who looks like a wild man emerging from the Colorado wilderness. But I love them so!

  • Fun stuff: it’s a little thing, but I think this is the best clothes shaver I’ve ever found, and all it takes is two AA batteries. Comes with replacement blades. Also considering these cute swimmers for summer…

  • New favourite novel (from 2014?): The Paris Wife … about Hemingway’s first wife, Hadley. Hemingway was a huge part of my education. Really enjoying it, but also sad when I think about the women’s voices that were constantly overlooked throughout history.

  • Favourite Raymond Carver poem: “The Best Time of the Day”. So romantic and true. Short and evocative. To all the Americans, your poets are so incredible.
