Italian Almond Biscuits

Those Gluten-free Italian Almond Biscuits!


Ahhhh, ricciarelli!

These gluten free, easy-to-make almond biscuits are unbelievable. Last Sunday I promised you the recipe, so here goes. If you’ve got vegans in your home, then you’ll need to find a replacement for the egg white.


  • 300 grams (3 cups) almond meal

  • 250 grams (1 cup, heaping) icing sugar

  • 2 egg whites

  • zest of one lemon — important!


Mix all ingredients together. The dough will be sticky. Form into chunky rectangles and roll in icing sugar. Bake at 180C (or 350F) for around 10-12 minutes.


So quick, so easy, truly delicious.

Enjoy your Sunday, my friends. And hello to all the new people here this week! (You’re receiving this email newsletter because you found me via my book, The 10 Minute Fix! I’m Catherine Greer…author, baker, mum, wife, lover of little dogs, soul sister.)

Love, Catherine x


  • Do you need a little chuckle? I laughed until I cried at the reviews for this handbag. Seriously worth reading. Here’s a sample below…you’ll cry-laugh, too. (It’s sold out, my friends. Truly.)

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