love our age

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Hi, friends. It’s the weekend and I’m doing crazy stuff…as in, I’m stretching out of my shell.

I don’t know if you feel the same, but I’m sooooo tired of the current reality — Covid, illness, making do around the world, waiting for a solution, all of that.

I’m not psychologically stuck — still moving forward — but I do feel like Life might be handing us a big black bunker and asking us to step inside, and today I’m saying NO, THANK YOU. Nope. I’m choosing some better thoughts.

I’m getting risky in my own mind. I’m deciding that it’s time to act on some things, to make a move forward, to step OUT creatively.

Maybe I’m doing it in reaction to all the physical Covid restrictions (which we follow around here). My brain, my mind, my thoughts want to get a whole lot bigger.

And YOU? How are you? Really, how are you, in case nobody has asked you today? How are your thoughts and do you need a little wake up call to turn your incredible brain toward something new?

I do.

This is my favourite line from American poet, Amy David.

Yes, I do.

I want to go make some mistakes. For me, it’s the only way I grow.

If you want to grow bigger and make some mistakes too, I’m over here cheering for you. I hope you enjoy your weekend, and find a way to stretch a little.

Love Catherine x


  • I’m trying to do something new and fun (for me) — will let you know how it goes if it goes!

  • Welcome to all the new people this week. I appreciate you!

  • Anyone up for making the most delicious salad on the planet? It’s my Fresh Corn & Quinoa Salad and it’s so healthy you won’t regret it.