Posture check in...

Cat Greer black dress.jpg

Hi everyone. Checking in with a favourite topic that is so easy to ignore…

How’s your posture going?

Mine’s been pretty terrible for years — I have forward head thrust — so I’ve been working on it and I’m really pleased to tell you that it’s getting better.

As a writer, I spend way too much time hunched over a computer (while crossing my legs under my desk, which makes my posture even worse). Couple that with poor upper body strength and being in boarding school from age fifteen without my mother around to say, “Stand up straight!” and there you have it: less than stellar posture.

That was me. But there’s hope.

I learned this year that exercises and upper body weights really do work if you actually do one thing. TRY. Like if you go out to your garage for the weight workout and you literally pick up heavier weights than are comfy to pick up, and then you work until your face is red and you look all horrible and you sweat and you wish the whole time that you were eating chocolate and reading a really good novel…

Go figure.

That method works better.

Just so you believe me…here I am, really trying at weights. Those are six kilos each, my friends, and they are heavy. I am about to lift them over my head while listening to hits from the ‘80s.


Anyway, today I’d love to share my latest posture exercise with you in case you want to work on your upper back and neck (and possibly forward head thrust) too.

Ready? You need a pillow case and I know you’ve got one.

Here’s the exercise set on Instagram from Dr Caleb Burgess, a Physical Therapist and Strength Coach.

This one feels ahhhhh-mazing…the good kind of sore and tingly as you activate muscles that normally don’t get much of a workout.

Dr Burgess’ Banded T Pull that follows his pillowcase exercise is also great, and I basically do this anytime—without the band. The instagram link will show you all four exercises if you swipe through. I haven’t tried the one with the ball, but all the others are easy and feel so good, even without the gym equipment.

You’re welcome!

I’m often a quick fix kinda girl, and I love these easy exercises because I can do them with a real pillowcase, band and gym equipment or just by pretending to use those things.

Mostly I pretend. Voila. Instant posture training, right where we are.

Enjoy your Sunday, and please know I’m sending lots of good vibes your way.

Love Catherine x


  • Another winner for forward head thrust from Dr Burgess is here.

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