How's This For Yellow?

Yellow sweater.jpg

Today is Mother’s Day in Australia…and it can be both beautiful and hard, for all the reasons we don’t often share.

So let’s take a detour today to include everyone. I’m showing you this gorgeous yellow sweater because it’s almost winter here in Australia and maybe you want one? Maybe you need a lift? (A reader asked me why I share ‘affordable’ items I love and it’s because some of you have emailed me to say you’re finding life a little challenging and an expensive sweater isn’t going to help…but a cheerful one just might. So that’s my why :) — inclusion, fun, love for all of us!)

Isn’t it soft and pretty? And if you’re overseas and fully into Spring, hallelujah! You deserve it after your long Covid winter.

Wherever this note finds you, celebrating spring or fall, or all the people who mother others—and remembering mums and children who have passed on—I’m thinking of you. Life is complicated and emotions can run so very deep. In the lead-up to Mother’s Day, I read some lovely words this week written by Dr. Hillary McBride about what we share and what we keep inside.


I hope you’re doing okay today, celebrating lives well-lived and all the ways people can care for one another, or just quietly giving yourself the biggest, warmest hug.

Wishing you sunshine and soft yellow jumpers, people to love and beauty to enjoy.

Love, Catherine x

