Farewell for a while...

Hello, friends!

This view is from Sydney’s beautiful Shangrila Hotel in the Blu Bar on Level 36. I recommend going before the sun sets —such a spectacular experience. Fun tip: family groups can take underage people and be seated on the right side of the venue before 6pm to watch Sydney become a fairyland.

Today I’m saying farewell to you, my family and our beautiful city for a month while I head to Canada to celebrate my mother’s 90th birthday. I’ll be taking a break from everything (including sending you notes on the weekend) until August. If you’re on summer holidays or school holidays here in Australia, I hope you’re having a relaxing time.

Just wanted to leave you with two bits of encouragement!

  1. We’re only half-way through 2022. If things haven’t gone to plan, we still have six months to take ACTION and do what we promised ourselves we’d do. It’s not too late. (It’s never too late to start!)

  2. How to take action? This reminder from the founder of @newhappyco — I love Stephanie’s work! You can find her here.

Thank you for being here on the journey with me! I plan to rest, rest, rest and come back refreshed and filled with new ideas. Then we keep going…

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff…