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An Easy Life Hack

Hello, everyone! Welcome, new people…

How are you? How has life been this week? I’m double vaxxed, and was pretty sick from my second Pfizer but I slept for 13 hours last night and now I feel ready to take on the world and get moving.

I hope you’re finding a few new ways to nurture yourself this weekend. For me, this always works:

  • Making a special weekend dessert. Strawberries are in season—hooray—so for us it’s Strawberry Shortcake.

  • From The 10 Minute Fix, asking, “How is this working in my favour?”

  • Doing a gratitude inventory every night when I climb into bed. The soft blankets, the safety, these are my touchpoint to list all the things in my life I’m grateful for.

But today I want to share such a good Life Hack that I learned this week. Are you ready? It’s a total game-changer and it’s so simple. I heard it on a podcast and thought, wow.

That’s it. Just allow other people to be completely wrong about you.

  • The family member who still thinks you’re the same person you were when you were 16 years old now that you’re 55? Deep breath. Let her be wrong about you.

  • The person who criticises your parenting, your home or your life choices? Deep breath. Let her be wrong about you.

  • The manager who doesn’t get how hard you’re working? Deep breath. Let him be wrong about you.

We’re not for everyone. I know this is true. But what I’ve learned is that we can just let people be wrong about us sometimes, and not have to argue it away, or defend ourselves, or even make it a big deal.

Sometimes people are wrong about us.

And that’s okay.

Hope you enjoy this beautiful weekend! I know there’s a lot going on in the world and in our lives, so let’s treat ourselves a little better today and find joy where we can.

Love Catherine x


  • Need a little comfort & joy? YAY, exciting book news for you next weekend…

  • Strawberry Shortcake, such a treat. I make mine as a cake (not individual muffins), in a 20cm round pan. Here’s a recipe similar to mine. Honestly, I don’t think gluten free flour would be very good... Perfect for afternoon tea during the height of strawberry season. It takes 20 minutes. Easy!

  • Reaching out to anyone impacted by lockdown, illness, or the terribly sad events in Afghanistan. I’m so sorry if things are hard right now. Try to take a gentle walk in the sun today if you can. I know it seems simple, but walking always helps.