About Last Night and Being Loved...

Catherine Greer The 10 Minute Fix 1.jpg

“I chose these flowers for you,” my new friend told me at dinner last night. “I had them make it up specially. I thought about your personality, and wanted to pick the colours you’d like. The yellow iris. The roses.”

Paulette is a gardener, and thoughtful and Canadian. Even though I’ve only known her a little while, she’s the kind of person you’d call if you found a lump or needed an emergency dog sitter or wanted to float a business idea and get good advice. She’s sensible. Calm. Savvy.

And she’s this: she’s good at making people feel loved.

It’s a skill, like baking or riding horses or gardening.

Of all the things I am and do, I hope I’m like that, too. It matters to me that I make people feel loved and seen. When you read my new book, you’ll find so many 10 Minute Fixes about loving people well.

  • How To Be ‘the one’ For Someone (Chapter 49)

  • Let’s Talk About Kids (Chapter 79)

  • The Best Relationship Advice (Chapter 10)

This week I promised a giveaway — books for people who need a lift. There’s a lot of job loss right now and sickness and struggle.

Here’s what we’re going to do. (THIS IS SO FUN! Yayyyyyy! I love to give!)

If you know someone who might love a beautiful copy of The 10 Minute Fix, enter YOUR details below. I’ll choose a bunch of winners and get books to you…so YOU CAN GIVE The 10 Minute Fix to someone who might need it.

From me, through you, to someone who would love it.

Sounds like a deal, my friends??


Love Catherine x

PS. You’re using my book to show girlfriends and mums and daughters that you love them. I cried when I got an emails like this from Sharon and Jules and Marg and Wendy and Tara this week. Right here, below, THIS IS MY DREAM. You are literally making my dreams come true. I mean that so sincerely. Thank you.

  • “I ordered four copies, one for me and three for my daughters!”

  • “I gave a copy to my two best girlfriends.”

  • “I loved mine, so I bought three more to give away.”

Want your own copy now? It’s $19.99.