A Tip To Relax Now...

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This weekend has felt a little scary to me. I had a conversation with a friend about her community’s response to COVID in her country and it worried me.

Some days I feel okay — my world honestly hasn’t changed that much, or not enough to complain. And some days I feel worried for other people, especially for those who can’t care for themselves.

Worst of all is when I think about the people who choose not to take care of themselves or others, and actually risk spreading this illness through recklessness. That’s when my thoughts spiral down.

I feel better when I’m productive, but every now and then during this crazy pandemic I’ve just sort of stopped — shut down.

So today I’m sharing a thought from Claire, a personal friend who is also an amazing coach and RTT practitioner (hypnotherapy) here in Sydney. You can find Claire at Authentic Empowerment. She does online coaching and hypnotherapy worldwide via zoom for everything from anxiety and depression to quitting smoking to trauma recovery. If you’d like to work with Claire, she’s a wonderful human.

Claire said this in an Instagram video post:

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For now, while things are tough, sometimes it’s a good idea to give ourselves a break. You can watch Claire talk about lowering the bar here.

Yes, we’re comfort eating.

Yes, we’re less productive.

Yes, we’re worried or scared or overly emotional or out of work or struggling.

This means it’s time to lower the bar, and do what we can.

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.

Love Catherine x