love our age

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Look What I Found!

Hello! Did you miss me??

I had a total computer failure on Sunday and I nearly went bananas. You guys, my laptop IS MY WHOLE WORLD. It’s my nonfiction & fiction writing. It’s my copywriting business. It’s my blogging. And though my sweet husband whipped in with my 10 year old laptop as a backup and all my documents are stored in the cloud, I’ve spent the week watching that beachball go round and round while everything was so s-l-o-w.

Panic stations!

But yesterday, the Apple Store called and my repair was free (even thought it should have been $997) and it’s the third day of Spring and it’s going to be 28 degrees today so I’m back, baby.

Happy, regular old me!

And on my way to the parking garage at 6pm, I found a shop still open at the mall and discovered the lovely leopard print sheer blouse above for a very cool $10.

Cute, right? I popped a camisole underneath and opened the three top buttons.

I hope you’re doing well today. I really value being consistent and I missed ‘chatting’ with you all on Sunday. In fact, I was thinking…how fun would it be to zoom sometime, for whomever can make it?

Would you like to meet each other virtually?

The only thing that’s stopping me is this absolutely STUPID fear that I will be the only person who turns up to my zoom party.

Stay tuned…maybe I’ll get brave and send out an invite. We could all perk each other up and cheer each other on.

Enjoy your day,

Catherine x


  • If you want to have your own black leopard print sheer blouse like mine, go for it! Link is here and they deliver. Wait…it also comes in Forest green! Size up, you guys. The cut is a little on the small size.

  • Hey…if you have a sister or a friend who might like to join us here on Love Our Age, please forward this email. xo.