love our age

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Can you get romantic?

Hello, friends around the world…I’m dropping by to send you a weekly dose of positivity and happiness!

Today, here’s a question: do you need a little “leading lady” energy?

If you’re feeling off or a tiny bit blah, could it be because it’s time to shift focus away from all the worries and concerns, and into a perspective of WOW?

I know that sounds simplistic, and yes, life is hard, but can you take a moment to bring your Leading Lady out for a stroll? NYT Bestselling author Gregg Braden wrote this, and it struck me.

It is so easy to forget that our life is ours.

That we are driving our attitude.

That in every second — in the commute, in the cup of coffee, in the conversation — we have a choice:

  • mundane or fun

  • worried or hopeful

  • bitter or sweet

As you know, my family’s gone through a difficult time, but also — the sun still shines, the morning dawns, we have today to enjoy or dismiss as if it’s nothing.


It was a key word in my first novel for young adults, and I’m thinking of it again this morning. Today I choose sweet (not bitter). I choose Leading Lady energy. I hope you join me in getting out there and having some fun.

I hope something WONDERFUL happens to you today.

Love, Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!