
Hi friends…and hello to the new people this week. I’m Catherine Greer, author and copywriter, baker of beautiful Sunday desserts, mum of two adult sons, wife and little dog lover living in Sydney. I’m so glad you’re here. 💖 You’ll get a little newsletter from me every weekend…and I keep my promise about this.

Today I’ve been thinking about icebergs. I’m up early, and the household is still asleep…and I’ve been thinking that every single person is this photo above.

I am.

You are.

The people you love are.

The people you barely know are.

And mostly it makes me feel a little lost and sad, but also compassionate. So much is under the water. There are so many things we hold alone.

Our icebergs are why we need a little more kindness in the world.

I’ve written a few nonfiction books on happiness hints and tips. I’m working on another one right now (stay tuned), but so far, The 10 Minute Fix is my favourite.

If your iceberg is especially heavy today, I hope you remember this: you can start over. We all can.

Here’s what I do on the hard days:

  • I chuck some good back in the world.

  • I listen to this song, below. It reminds me that I can choose to hope, no matter what.

If today feels fabulous, have a listen. And if today feels hard, also listen.

Wishing you so much relaxation and peace this weekend. Here in Australia, we’ll be swimming, and for you it might be fall. Wherever you are, I hope something surprising and beautiful happens to you today.

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!