love our age

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The solution to pretty much everything.

Hello, friends all around the world! How are you?

It’s been a whirlwind week for me, so this weekend I plan to rest. I started a new short-term, full time project in the city, so I’m busy learning, learning, learning before I can use my expertise to help a major corporation.

Have you been in this position lately…where you have to learn someone else’s system before you can share your ideas?

It’s a bit scary, frustrating and humbling…all at once.

It’s so easy to want to rush in and change things.

But. But!

It’s always a good idea to press pause.



Whether it’s me, hoping to add value and improve a situation at work, or my colleagues, rolling out a system that, to them, seems natural, or maybe all of us on the planet, when we disagree with each other—none of us can see what we don’t see.

Until we listen.

I snapped a photo of this illustration above of a waratah, an Australian native flower. I’m not sure of the creator—this image was on a wall in a shopping mall in Sydney—but isn’t it gorgeous?

It made me think of a favourite quote, which I also can’t find the source for…but I love it.

That’s the solution to pretty much everything, isn’t it?

Pause. Listen. Sow a seed of love.

That’s my work for next week and beyond. I hope it resonates with you in your life, too.

Happy weekend, everyone — I hope you find a way to get some rest, pause as much as you can, and sow your own seeds of love.

Catherine x

PS. The fun stuff!