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If You Need To Feel A Little Better...

Happy Fourth and Canada Day to my overseas friends.

I had this idea last night at midnight…do you ever aggressively schedule in REST for yourself?

I’m terrible at it!

But then I watched an Instagram post from an amazing speaker, and she mentioned that after a big speaking event, when she’s wiped out and emotionally spent from giving so much of herself, she plans an immediate rest.

I thought of it as an ‘aggressive rest’! She schedules time for herself to recharge after giving so much. Fourth of July and Canada Day for many of you has meant celebrations and all the big emotions that go along with caring for the people you love.

Do you rest when you’ve been with a lot of people? Or rest after a big event?

In The 10 Minute Fix, I write a lot about getting activated and finding the courage to try new things. I also write about self-acceptance and rest.

Here are the big takeaways from early readers of my new book (yay!):

  • The 10 Minute Fix makes me feel better about myself.”

  • “I read the whole book, but now I’m going to re-read one chapter a day, and really think about it.”

  • “Makes me feel like I can do it, too.”

  • “Love The 10 Minute Fix so much. It makes me look for the gift in the problems. Catherine, your light shines through.”

Thank you to everyone — I’ve even had several people tell me you’ve ordered copies for friends and family! This makes me feel like it’s ALL worth it! It helps authors so much when you buy a book, or write a review on amazon. On Sunday here on the blog, I’m doing a giveaway for people who have lost jobs, or need a little lift, or just need some encouragement. You’ll be able to nominate friends, too, and I’ll choose some winners and make sure they get a copy.

For now, if you’d like a copy for yourself & someone you love, here are the links.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend. Summer for many of you, winter for us! Brrrrr!

Love Catherine x

PS. Selfie taken a couple of years ago when I was last in Canada. As you know, I’m a lucky hybrid: Canadian Aussie. Stay well out there. Thinking of you all and so appreciative of your love and support.