love our age

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I Learned This From Hockey...

As a kid, I watched my older brother play — and to be honest, I wasn’t much interested in the game. But recently I read an old quote of Wayne Gretsky’s, and it applies to everything we’re trying that’s new.

What is it about new things that brings out our fears?

Not good enough, or talented enough. Not experienced enough. Don’t have the skills and don’t know how to do it. It’s probably not worth it in the long run. I don’t want to look stupid…

And then I saw Wayne’s old quote.

There’s no quicker route to failure than failing to try.

What’s my mantra now?

Make honest things (not perfect things).


Because what if it’s fun? And what if you make something wonderful?

Let’s love our age,

Catherine x

Image source — hockey legend, Wayne Gretsky