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A Pause is Also Rest

Hello, friends. Are you ready for some Sunday inspiration? I’m here with a beautiful sunset photo of Luna Park in Sydney…you can read about the history below. I don’t know about you, but when I need a little rest, I try to look at my surroundings with fresh eyes.

A pause is also a rest.

A pause and noticing lets me fall in love with my life again.

I used to believe that it took a holiday or a new experience to let go and relax, but now I know all it takes is noticing what’s right in front of me.

I breathe in and look for something beautiful.

Sometimes I capture it with my phone, and other times I don’t. But it gives me peace and a feeling of wellbeing to know that wherever I am, I can seek out and find something worth looking at and appreciating.

It’s such a simple trick, but I hope you try it. Even now, look out and up—what’s around you that is beautiful?

A pause is also rest.

I hope you have a relaxing Sunday. I’m off to play pit crew for my family…they’re in the Tough Mudder today, which is a race that will have them all covered with mud and water and obstacles and hard, hard, hard. I’ll be the one with the bag of towels and hoodies at the finish line. ♥️

Love, Catherine x

P.S. The Fun Stuff!